“Here it is, Sully.” Michaela stopped infront of a tall wodden doorway. “Are you sure you want to go to this?” She asked cautiously trying to read his expression.

“Michaela, I already told ya, I wouldn’t go anywhere without ya. Besides, I went to one of these in Boston remember?” Sully put his arms on her shoulders.

She sighed and looked down remembering that time. “How could I ever forget?” She looked up to him with one side of her mouth curved up into a smile.

Sully gave her a smile back and let his hands fall down his side once more. “Good, now come on. I wouldn’t want ta miss out on anythin’!” Sully pulled the large door open and ushered Michaela in before him.

“Can I help you mam?” A man dressed in tails asked politely.

“Yes, I was wondering where we might be able to find the discussion with the medical committee?” Michaela asked.

The man looked at her rather cautiously. He didn’t know why a woman would want to sit in with a bunch of men talking about medicine.

“Yes mam, just down the hall.. room 126.” The man pointed straight down causing both Sully and Michaela to follow his gesture.

“Thank you.” Michaela answered back, before looking to Sully who held his arm out for her to link her arm with his. Together they walked down the hallway and walked into the room.

As soon as the door opened many finely dressed men turned to see who was coming in. When they saw Sully and Michaela come in, many snickered and turned back in their seats. But one man walked up and decided to speak to the couple.

“Ahh, Ms. Quinn.” The man said rather sarcastically.

Michaela looked towards the sound of the voice and her expression turned sour quickly.

“That’s Dr. Quinn, Mr. Cassidy.” Michaela’s blood boiled. How she hated this man who thought that women’s place was in the home.

“Oh yes, I forgot. And Mr. Sully I presume. What leads you to Denver?" Dr. Casidy switched his glare from Michaela to Sully.

Sully could sense Michaela growing angrier by the minute. He was trying with all his might not to punch this man for insulting her,
his wife.

"I'm here with my wife, Dr. Quinn." Sully spat. His blues are glaring.

"Oh, so you finally settled the beast did you? But Dr. Quinn.. isn't your last name Sully?" Dr. Casidy kept gnawing at the subject.

Michaela was going to speak but Sully spoke first.

"I would thank you NOT to call my wife a beast, and as for the last name we made a mutial agreement on that. Now if you excuse us, we would like to listen ta the lecture.

Dr. Cassidy grinned and laughed sarcastically. "Why certainly. I wouldn't want you to miss out on any of this." He stepped out of the way and Sully quickly led Michaela to a seat.

"I can't believe that man, he's the most rude, obnoxious, inco...."

"Michaela.. it doesn't pay to get mad over him. He is not my favorite person, but we can't ruin our honeymoon on account of him." He wispered into her ear.

Michaela blushed and calmed at Sully' voice. "You're right Sully. He doesn't deserve the credit for ruining a honeymoon. He isn't worth it, you're right." Michaela leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

"Now that's the Michaela I know." Sully replied before putting his arm around her shoulders just as the man approached the podium to speak.
Brian awoke to rustling outside. He looked up with his eyes frantically seaching the dark homestead. He looked over to Colleen.

"Colleen." He wispered. "Colleen!" His voice grew louder.

"Oh.. Brian, what is it?" Colleen asked grogglily.

"I hear somethin'." Brian got out of his bed and sat over on her bed.

"Brian, it's nothing. Go back to bed." With that Colleen fell back to sleep. Brian looked at her and sighed. Then he heard it again.

Brian got up and looking back at Colleen, tiptoed towards the door. As quietly as he could he opened the door and shut it slowly behind him. The air outside was crisp and fresh. It was still early, but in the distance you could see a glimpse of the rising sun. Brian squinted to see what had caused the noise. Then he heard again. It was coming from the bush over by the barn. He ran down the steps and cautiously approached the barn.

"Is.. is anyone there?" his voice quivered. Just then a coyote howled and Brian jumped. After a short while, Brian composed himself and walked slower to the bush. As soon as he was only inches from the bush he called again.

"Hello, anyone there?"

Rustling again. Brian jumped back.  Something was in the bush. Finally the source of the noise decided to make its appearence. Brian's heart was beating a mile a minute. His breathing was heavily, but he never once his eye sight off of the rustling bush. The object emerged and Brian stood stunned. There in front of him stood a grayish husky wolf,kind of like wolf. The wolf walked up and licked Brian's hand.

At first Brian was scared but then the thought occured to him. "PUP?" Brian's face lit up? "Pup! You're back!" Brian knelt down and petted pup's fur. "MATTHEW COLLEEN COME HERE!" Brian yelled excitedly before hugging his wolf close.