“Are they all right? Sully? What?” Michaela started to kid but frantically grew even more worried when Sully didn’t answer.

“Oh, Michaela.” Sully finally realized that she was becoming very worried. He wiped the tears in his eyes away with the back of his hand. “No, here.”

He handed the paper in the direction of her. Michaela grabbed it quickly and started to read it with a worried expression on her face.
            To: Sully and Dr. Michaela Quinn
             Denver, CO Denver Hotel

       Dear Ma and Sully
          Love you a lot. Miss you and hope you’re having fun. Grandma Quinn, Aunt Marjorie and Rebecca will be leaving soon.            We had fun with them but cant wait till ya come back home. Excited to move into a new house. Know you are                         busy and Horace cant write no more. We all Love you and Miss you a lot.
                       Colleen, and Brian (and Matthew)
              PS- Bring Candy
                   PPS—don’t HAVE to bring candy, Brian doesn’t need anymore!- Colleen

Michaela finished reading the letter and tears fell from her eyes moistening her cheeks.

“We have some great kids huh?” Sully looked at her and wiped a tear away from her eyes.

“Yes, we do. I think that’s one of the nicest surprises or letter, for that matter, I have ever received.”

“Makes ya miss ‘em all the more." Sully looked at Michaela.

"Yes, it does." Michaela wiped away a tear from her eye as she smiled.

"We have a week left before we see them. Do ya think ya can last that long?" Sully asked with a grin.

"I suppose." Michaela made circles on his chest with her fingers. "We only have a week left, huh? That short?"

"We better made the most of it, don't ya agree?" Sully looked down intently on her.

She stopped playing on his chest and looked up into his deep blue eyes. "Yes we should." With that Sully pulled Michaela do onto the bed and started to tickle her with all his might.

"Sully!" She couldn't stop laughing. "You'll be sorry!"

"I ain't sorry now!" Sully stopped for a second as he spoke and then immediately continued teasing his wife.

"Afternoon Colleen, Brian!" Horace greeted as they walked past the telegraph office.

"Hey Horace!" Brian greeted while putting his elbowns on the window opening.

"I got somethin' for ya. Just got it a couple o' minutes ago." Horace started to look down through papers.

"You do Horace?" Colleen looked over curiously.

"Ah, yeah here it is. Here ya go." Horace found it and gave it to Colleen with a huge grin on his face.

"Thanks Horace." Colleen took the paper and walked a few steps to read it.

"What is it?" Brian tried to peak over Colleen's arms.

"It's from ma and Sully!" Colleen's voice had a hint of excitement.

"Really? Read it outloud Colleen!" Brian started to get antsy, clinging on to his sisters arm.

Dear Matthew, Colleen and Brian
                 Thank you for your wire. We recieved it a couple of days ago. We enjoyed the surprise
                Have been very busy and first chance we got we wrote to you. We miss you and love you
              all very dearly. Tell Grandma, Rebecca, and Marjorie Thanks you and that we send our love.
             See you very soon. Love always,
                            Michaela and Sully
             PS-- MAY bring candy.

"See Brian! They miss us and found the time to write!" Colleen concluded reading and folded up the letter.

"Yeah they did!" Brian's eyes lit up as his eyes stayed glued to the paper in Colleen's hands.

"Come on, we gotta meet Matthew or we won't get home!" Colleen quickly changed the subject and frantically ran down the depot steps with Brian not far behind.

"Sully, what do you think of this?" Michaela called over her shoulder to Sully who was looking at an axe. He stopped fingering the fine carven handle and walked over to her side, placing his hands around her waste.

"Hmm. I think I like this very much." He wispered into her ear.

"Sully!" her cheeks flushed up. "Not me, this." Michaela pointed.

"Well I think it would look great in our bedroom, don't you?" Sully said.

"Really? That's what I was thinking!" Michaela was shocked he knew what she was thinking. "Does that mean..?"

"Yes, Michaela, we can buy the mirror. Besides, I like ta see me wife in the mornin if she has her back facin' me!" Sully laughed.

"Thank you Sully." Michaela was sincere and kissed hiim lightly on the cheek.

"If  yer going to act like that every time  I said yes, I don't think I could ever say no to ya!" Sully teased her, which brought her wide smile to her face.