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CRASH! "Oops!" Brian's voice filled the air. Colleen looked up from the oven with her eyes wide. "Brain?!" "I.. I didn't mean to.." Brian stuttered. "What's all the noise in here?" Matthew took off his cowboy hat as he entered the homestead. "Matthew.. I didn't mean too." "Brain ya.. gotta be carefull. you.." Colleen scolded. "Hey, that's enough you too. I'm glad Sully and Dr. Mike aren't here to see this. Maybe the wouldn't even want to come back if they heard or saw how yer acting right now!" Matthew scolded his younger siblings. Brian's eyes started to become clouded. "Sorry Matthew.. I didn't mean it. I clean it up." "Yeah sorry." Colleen added. "It's ok Brian. We all are kinda jumpy cause they're comin' home tomorrow. We all miss 'um" Colleen rubbed her brother's back. "Alright, if they're comin' home tomarra we best get stuff packed up fer the move!" Matthew clapped his hands together. "Come on little brother, lets go and see if we can find the suitcases." ************************************ "Here ya go sir. Your all set. Enjoy your trip." The man behind the desk handed over the train tickets into Sully's hand. Sully, no longer in his buskins like he had worn for that past several days in Denver were neatly packed away for the return trip to Colorado Springs. Their honeymoon coming to end was sad for both Sully and Michaela but also exciting because they knew they were finally going home. Home, their home, where all their friends were, where the children were, where their new house was. They were now starting a new life together and that was very exciting. Michaela was looking over a beatiful peice of artwork on the train depot walls as Sully turned around from the ticket station and looked at her. He smiled at he walked up behind her and placed his arms around her waist. Michaela at first jumped at the touch, but knew soon enought it was Sully. She smiled at she leaned against his strong chest. "We're all set." He wispered into her ear. "Oh Sully, I can't believe we're going home. I'm excited, nervous, and disappointed at the same time." Michaela turned around to look into his beautiful eyes. He looked adoringly down at her. "I know what ya mean, but the honeymoon isn't over..yet." Michaela gave him her infamous half smile that always stirred his feelings for her. "Then I guess we better make the most of it." Sully stiffled at laugh. "Come on, we better get on the train or we won't be getting home by tomorrow morning." Sully ushered Michaela forward. "Home. We're going home." Michaela said bearly audiable. With that Michaela climbed the platform steps up onto the awaiting train, with Sully close behind her. ************************** "Colleen?" Brian shook his sisters shoulder. "What is it Brian?" Colleen squinted as her eyes adjusted to the dark light around her. It was past both of their bed time. It had been such a long day. The three of them, along with Dorothy at times helped pack up as much as they could so that when Dr. Mike and Sully returned home, everything would be set for the move. "I can't sleep." Brian said simply. "I'm too excited." "Ahh, Brian. I'm excited too." Colleen sat on her bed pulling Brain into her embrace. "But ya gotta get some sleep. The sooner ya fall asleep, the sooner the day will come and Ma and Sully will be home. Ok? Do ya think ya can sleep now?" "Now that ya put it that way, I am kinda tired. Thanks Colleen." Brain smiled. "Good. Goodnite Brian." Colleen smiled back as Brian headed off to his own bed. Who knew this would be the last night they would sleep in this house. Her own room. Colleen would finally have her own room. She laid back down and fell asleep with dreams of how she would set up her room. ***************** The sun was almost all the way up in the air when Sully opened his eyes. He recognized the scenery. He knew they were close. ' Michaela would want to see this' Sully thought as he looked down at his sleeping wife. He didn't want to wake her but he knew she would want to be ready to see how close they were to home. "Michaela," He gently wispered into her ear. She stirred slowly. "Michaela look." "Hmm.." Michaela slowly opened her eyes and squinted at the light that was now filling their compartment seat. She stretched slightly before looking out the window. "Sully.. are we..??" "Yeah, I'd say another half an hour or so, but we're home Michaela. We're home." Sully looked down at her. "Sully. Home. Can you believe it? Our home." Michaela smiled. Sully looked passionately into her eyes and bent down and kissed her. "I love ya Michaela. Thank you for the best two weeks of my life." Sully said as he pulled away fromt he kiss. "I love you too." Michaela gave him another peck on the lips. "And the many more days to come." "I'll be your family." Sully's eyed gleamed. Michaela looked up adoringly as she knew what he was doing. "And I'll be your best friend." Michaela moved closer to him."Forever." Sully pulled her close to hug her. He would never let her go. She rested her head on his chest and looked out that the familar scenery. Sully squeezed her closer telling her that he thought the same thing. The train whistle blew indicating that soon they would be nearing Colorado Springs, or home to the Sully family. |