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My Family,My Best Friend | ||||||
The train was moving fast paced to Denver. The "Just Married" sign that hung on the back of the boxcar swung up and down as the wind blew fiercely at it. Everything was fast paced outside of the traincar, but inside Michaela and Sully were in their own little world. They weren't paying attention to what was happening outside. They each were engrossed in what was happening where they both were. The kerosine lamps were now lit becuase of the declining sunlight streaming into the shaded windows from before. Neither of them looked like they had just gotten married. Michaela no longer wore the beautiful silk wedding gown that was made in Paris. Sully no longer wore the beatifully patterned Indian shirt that Cloud Dancing had given him. They hung over one of the two recliners inside of the car. Michaela was in one of her cotton shifts and Sully in one of his cotton nigh shirts as well. Michaela was lying on Sully's chest as Sully had his arm securely around Michaela as they both lay in the beautifully handcrafted bed Sully had spent months making for himself and Michaela. "I can't believe it Sully!" Michaela exclaimed. "Believe what?" Sully gently rubbed her arms. "That I'm your wife." She replied simply smiling up at him taking in his every feature. "Hmm," he laughed. "an' I'm yer husband." "I like the sound of that." Michaela joined in happily. Sully leaned down for a quick kiss that quickly turned very passionate. When the kiss ended Michaela looked up, "I love you Sully." "I love you too, Michaela." "I'll be your family," Michaela said the words Sully had spoke to her just days before their wedding. "and I'll be your best friend," Sully played along. They both smiled with love in their eyes as Sully hugged Michaela closer to himself. ********************************************************* It was close to dawn before Michaela opened up her eyes. They were very close to Denver, if not already in Denver. She knew that if they were, the conductor would not disturb them since the train wasn't due to leave for another day. She opened up her still tired eyes from the night before and focused on where she was. She was in bed, and someone's hands were around her. At first she looked curiously at them until she realized that it was Sully. A smile crept up on her face. Michaela slowly turned her body onto the other side so she could face Sully. He was still sleeping soundly. Michaela’s eyes gleamed with love as she looked at Sully’s sun bleached hair and dark sun tan skin. She then noticed his long braid that he once had, was now missing. She knew it was for a good reason. One time he told her it was to remember Abigal.. and now it was gone. “Oh Sully!” Michaela whispered in awe. He cut it for her. It was his way of saying.. you’re my life now, no one else. Michaela looked up at Sully and knew that if they they both didn’t get up, they would not be ready when the train arrived in Denver, which would be very soon. She quietly pulled her head up and leaned in to place a soft but passionate kiss on Sully’s lips. Sully breathed in through his nose but never once opened his eyes or pulled away from the kiss. He began to caress Michaela’s back as the kiss grew more passionate and longer. Michaela soon pulled away finishing with a small peck on the lips. As she slowly pulled back, her face was glowing. Her eyes were filled with love and a smile rose from ear to ear. “Good morning!” She said simply before laying back down and putting her head on her bent arm. “If we started every day off like that, I’d say it was a good morning!” Sully joked which caused Michaela to blush slightly. He rubbed his finger along Michaela’s chin line. “Well we better get going Sully or we won’t be ready when the train stops!” Michaela shifted her attention as she started to rise from the bed. Sully’s hand reached out and grabbed Michaela’s hand, pulling her back onto the bed. "How about we just stay here?" Sully teased. "Sully! You know we can't do that?" Michaela started to explain as Sully layed kissed up Michaela's arm. "Why not? I don't think no one would mind..we are newlyweds!" Sully said inbetween kisses that grew higher and higher. "But.." Michaela started to object but his caresses were getting to her.. she leaned back on the bed. Sully pulled her down so he was above her looking down. "Just relax. It's our honeymoon remember.. we have all the time in the world.." Sully said before kissing Michaela's neck and then lips. Michaela relaxed as Sully's touch was getting to her. She closed her eyes and rubbed his warm back as Sully kept planting kisses on her. He reached out for the covers and pulled Michaela under them and then pulled them over himself, until both of them were completely covered not able to see the outside world. "Sully!" Michaela laughed looking up at him. "What? Never hid under the covers before?" Sully asked as he started his kisses once again. "Yes.. but never like this!" Michaela smiled at the thought. What would her mother think. "There's always a first time.." He replied simply before going back to kissing. The sun was beginning to rise outside, but all Michaela and Sully were worried about was each other and what was happening underneath the covers of their bed. CONTINUED |