Colleen paused and she sensed the curiosity Michaela and Sully were trying to conceal. "Matthew, Brian, Andrew and I would like to spend a night with Katie and Joe. It would be all the kids together, that way you can finally have a free night for just the two of you. It has been a while since you haven't had to worry about a baby waking up or running away from you! You both have been working so hard, and we thought you could use a night off."

"I don't know...." Michaela started to protest but Andrew cut her off.

"Michaela, Sully, before you say anything, hear us out." Andrew said

Colleen smiled and continued. "It's been a while since you didn't have to worry about the side effects of pregnancy or changing a dirty diaper, or even sleeping in later than 6 am! You deserve a night off. Please ma? For us? I have taken care of babies before, so has Matthew and Brian. We all have looked after Katie more than once when she was even smaller than Joey! And we have four grown people to watch  a toddler and a baby, and Joey doesn't even walk yet so that makes it easier!"

Michaela thought before replying. "Well," She cautiously said. "I guess it would be alright.." Michaela started to say but Colleen jumped up and gave her a hug before she could finish. "BUT if something goes wrong, you come and get us right away!"

"I promise, we will, but don't worry! Nothing will go wrong!" Colleen smiled.

"Well if I can't spend a night with just myself, I guess I can spend it alone with my wife," Sully teased. Michaela nudged him in the chest making him pretend to wince in pain. She turned around and lightly kissed him to let him know it was all in fun and she didn't take any offense to his comment.

"Somtimes I wonder what Michaela or I deserved to have such great kids!" Sully exclaimed. "But thank you!"

"Your welcome. Like Andrew said, it's the least we could do! Now you two go and have some fun, Matthew is coming over in a little while to take Katie and Joey by the homestead, Brian will meet him after school, and then Andrew and I will be going there after we are done here at the clinic. Don't worry about a thing, we have it all planned out," Colleen explained.

"But Joseph will be hungry soon.. and he needs a nap after that.. and.." Michaela was being a little over protective.

"Michaela," Sully put his hand on her shoulder to calm her nerves.

"Ma, I have a bottle for him. Ya told me last week that you were weaning Joe and it was going great. I'm sure it will work today, if it doesn't I will come and get ya. I promise."Colleen pleaded.

Michaela sighed. There was no way she was going to win this argument. Colleen was right, there was nothing to worry about. Her children were more than capable in looking after a  toddler and a baby. She knelt down to say goodbye to Katie and give her a sweet goodbye kiss. She then stroked Joey's soft brown hair before placing a small kiss on his forehead. She stared at him as she backed away to leave.

"See ya Kates, Papa loves ya," Sully said as he hugged his daughter. "Joe be good for yer brothers and sisters ok?" He smiled and lightly kissed his infant son. He turned around and pushed Michaela forward through the open clinic door. Once she was outside Sully turned his head mouthed a "thank you" to Colleen and Andrew and shut the door behind him.

"I guess it's just you an me, Michaela," Sully stated as they walked onto the dirt road.

"Well it's been a while since we've had time for just the two of us,"Michaela said with a sly smile on her face. Her eyes shown with love.

"What do ya have in mind fer us?"

"Hmm.. well, I know something we could do later, but right now I am rather hungry." She answered him.

"Well then, lets get somethin to eat and ya can show me what have in mind for later," Sully smiled which made Michaela's cheeks shine a deep red color. He bent down and kissed her before they took each other's hand and slowly walked over to Grace's cafe.

"Well hello Dr. Mike, Sully!" Grace greeted the happy couple. "And where is Miss Katie and little Joseph?"

"With their big brothers and sister." Michaela answered with a laugh and then added "It's only for the day."

Sully gave Grace a look that said "She is overprotective" Grace understood Sully's facial gesture and smiled before before turning her attention back to Dr. Mike.

"Well that's real nice of the to do that for ya. You two deserve some quiet time alone. It's been a while since you didn't have to worry about a little one running around."

"Dr. Mike yer back to work already?" It was Loren coming up to greet the two.

"Oh no Loren, I'm afraid I'm not quite ready to go back," Michaela gave Sully a smile that said 'someone had to coax me into that decision!'

"We only came in to check up on Colleen and Andrew and pick up a few things," Sully added with his arm around Michaela's shoulders. "But we ended up without a family to go home with!"

Lorne gave both of them a confused look.

"The children wanted us to have a quiet night alone for once. That means without Katie and Joseph. They are with Colleen and Andrew right now, hopefully keeping both of them busy!" Michaela laughed. The children would have their hands full, that's for sure!

"Oh, that's right! Brian was tellin me the other day about this. They sure had this planned for a while. You two have some great kids," Loren gave a smile while shoving his work worn hands into this gray vest pockets.

"Well if you see him after school today, tell him 'Thank you' for us," Michaela instructed Loren.

"Oh Sure, Dr. Mike."

"Well what would the two of ya like to eat this fine day?" Grace asked with a pad of paper and a pencil in her hand.

"Well," Sully started while turning his face to look at Micheala, "I think we would like ta take some food along home with us. Whatever ya think is good for a picnic, is good enough for us. Besides, anythin ya make is better than Michaela's!" Sully joked.