The plan was put into action within a half an hour. Sully made sure that Michaela rested while he and Colleen got everything ready. She already had a long day the day before and today was taking its toll on Michaela. They made sure that Joe was fast asleep so that everything would go as planned. They stuffed extra padding into Michaela using cloth so that it would look like she never had a baby.

"Ya ready?" Sully asked before opening the clinic door. He had Joseph hidden between himself and his buckskin jacket so that he wouldn't be seen but still be able to breathe easily.

"More than ready. This is the most fun I've  had in a long time!" Michaela replied. She quickly wiped the smile off of her face and walked out the door. Colleen, Sully and herself walked slowly to Grace's Cafe with Michaela attempting the "pregnant waddle." Sully kept checking on how Joe was doing so that everything would go as planned. He nodded to Colleen who held out a chair for Michaela to sit on.

"Mornin' everybody. How are ya doing Dr. Mike?" Grace greeted them warmly.

"Well enought to be expected," Michaela answered her friend. She looked to the side as she saw her friend Dorothy heading her way. This plan was going to work perfectly.

"Mornin' Michaela! Sully, Colleen!" Dorothy said while taking a seat with them.

"Good morning Dorothy. How are you?" Michaela asked while looking as Sully with a sly grin. Sully looked down into his jacket quickly before looking back up and nodding.

"Oh, Im fine. You look much better today Michaela. You're day off yesturday must have been nice." Dorothy stated.

"Yes very productive!" Michaela answered with a smile. Dorothy gave her a confused smile but didn't bother to ask a question.

About five minutes later, Grace was bringing out some food when Sully turned to Colleen and wispered in her ear. Colleen in turn cleared her throat so Michaela would look her way. Colleen gave a slight nod which Michaela answered back with a smile.

"Ohhh!" Michaela screamed.

"Michaela?!?!" Dorothy asked concerned as Sully as carefully as he could rushed over to his wife.

"I think we should get you over to the clinic ma!" Colleen answered.

"I think you're ri..." Sully started to say when Michaela interrupted.

"No..! There's no time!" Michaela said

"Michaela! What in the world do you mean, its only around the corner?!?" Dorothy asked shocked.

"There isn't any time because.." Michaela started to say more calmly as Sully carefully took Joe out from under his coat

"Because he's already here!" Sully finished the sentance while holding his son up for everyone to see.

Michaela and Sully smiled at each other full of love as they saw their friends expressions. "Everyone, we would like you to meet Joseph Byron Sully. He was born yesturday afternoon," Michaela stated.

"Oh Michaela! He's so adorable!!" Dorothy replied while staring at the baby.

"But.. how? Colleen.. did you??" Loren spoke up while trying to figure this all out.

"No, it wasn't me! I just found out this morning and they caught me by surprise to. I just helped out with this idea. Sully and Ma deserve all the credit." Colleen looked at her parents with pride. Sully gave his daughter a warm smile.

"Congradulations Sully, Dr. Mike. He's beautiful. I can't believe ya did it all by yourself again. I would never be able to do it!" Grace explained.

Just then Brian was running to see what all the commotion was.

"Hey what's all the...." he stopped midsentence when he noticed a small bundle in Michaela's arms. His eyes grew wide with shock.

"Hey, Brian! How was school?" Sully purposely changed the topic.

"Oh my gosh! Ma?Pa? What..www..??" Brian stammered.

"Brian, this is your brother, Joseph. He decided to meet everyone a little earlier than expected!" Michaela grinned.

"He's so little! Oh Ma! Sully! Congradulations! Can I hold him?" Brian asked.

"Certainly!" Michaela said while handing her son over the big brother once again.

"Hey Joe, I'm Brian.. I'm your brother. This is Katie.. she's your sister." Brian spoke softly.

Michaela had tears well up in her eyes. Her family was so loving to the new addition. Joey was truly blessed to be apart of the Sully family.

"Baby?" Katie looked at her ma confused.

"Yes, Katie.. that's baby. Baby Joey, he's not in my tummy anymore," Michaela explained to the now big sister.

"Jo..EEE!"Katie clapped her hands. Everyone around laughed at how cute Katie was being.

Sully put his arm around Michaela and she rested her head on his shoulder. They took in the view of how everyone was welcoming the new citizen."Thank you Sully," Michaela wispered while walking back to the clinic behind Colleen holding Joe and Brian leading Katie.

"No, Michaela thank you. I used to think that change was a  bad thing, like the time with the train. But I now realize that change is almost always good." Sully stated.

"I thought growing up was the same way, but I realize that everyday we grow. We grow older, wiser, our LOVE grows, and our family grows. The pains of growing up never equal the rewards that it brings," Michaela recited. Sully bent down and kissed her a passionate kiss that was full of sincerity and love that he felt for her. They knew that no matter how hard it was to accept growing up was apart of life, it brought so many rewards along way. Rewards they would share together.