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A week later Sully opened his eyes to the bright sun streaming in their bedroom from outside. He yawned and looked over to Michaela. She was still asleep. She looked so beautiful. It had been a tough week for Michaela, she was constantly sick and it tore Sully apart seeing his wife suffer. She could hardly keep anything down besides some toast and milk and after a week of toast and mile, it was starting to make her feel sick from seeing it! He knew this was sign that everything was going normally, but he always hated this part of the pregancy because there was nothing he do for her but give her willowbark tea. His heart was full of love for Michaela and he titled his head and kissed her forehead. Michaela stirred at Sully's touch. "Mmm.. Good morning!" She said to him with a weak smile and eyes still halfway shut. "Good mornin'. Go back to sleep, ya don't gotta wake up yet," Sully told her. "I think I will. I'm so tired," she said with a yawn. "That's a good thing, not only for the baby, but for you. You work yourself too hard," Sully said as he placed his hand on her now somewhat rounded stomach. Michaela placed her hand on top of his and kissed him. She broke from the kiss and shut her eyes once more. "Get some rest, I will come get ya when it's time to wake up," Sully explained as he stroked Michaela's long golden brown hair. She was already asleep as he said those words. Sully quietly got out of bed and put on his clothes on to go and see if Katie was up. She probably was and was so quiet as she waited for someone to get her. "Well, hey their Kates. How's my sweet girl?" He asked Katie as he picked Katie up into his strong arms. "Papa!" Katie exclaimed. Sully gave his daughter a smile. He would have never thought he would have a daughter, let alone a second chance to love but Michaela changed all that. She had given him a second chance for love, a family, and a home. He walked down the stair with Katie playing with his beads. He looked down at her again.Katie reminded him so much of Michaela. She had Michaela's stubborness. When Katie wanted something, she would set her mind to it, just like Michaela. She also had Michaela's love and gentleness. Katie never cried when she was handed to a stranger. She smiled and played with them like she had known them for years, when it had only had been a few minutes. Katie did have a piece of himself in her as well. She had his deep blue eyes and his love towards nature. Katie loved to be outdoors, splashing in the creek, running on the grass or just looking at deer. He thought of what kind of person she was going to grow up to be. She would be loving and caring, standing up for whatever she thought was right. He hoped that the baby they were expecting would be just the same. His family was growing bigger once again and this made him even more happy. He really was blessed with so much! A little while after Sully came down to start making coffee and start on some of the chores, with Katie's help, other members of the family started to wake up. "Mornin' pa," Brian said to Sully as he walked into the barn to feed the horses. "Mornin Brian, are you the only one up so far?" He asked Brian as headed for the door to take the milk inside the house. "When I was up I thought I heard Colleen and Andrew, but I'm not sure. I think Colleen is up already. She told me last night that she was going to make breakfast, so it would be easier on ma," Brian replied while breaking up hay and setting it infront of Flash and Taffy. "That' very nice of her to do that. I really appreciate it, and I'm sure your ma does to. I will see you at breakfast. With that Sully took Katie in one hand and in the other the milk. The father and daughter team slowly walked towards the house. Sully kept an I on Katie, so she wouldn't trip and fall. "Mornin, Sully" Colleen greeted him as he and Katie walked into house, which now was filled with the smell of bacon. "Mornin' Colleen. Here's some milk for breakfast and thank you for making breakfast. Michaela and I really appreciate it." Sully said to his daughter. "I just want to make it easier for ma, at least a little while longer before Andrew and I leave. She had it really hard this past week, besides I love to help," She said to Sully with a smile. "Well, thank you Colleen. I think I will go and see if Michaela is up yet. I'm sure she would like to breakfast. In the meantime, can ya keep an eye on Katie while I go check on Michaela?" Sully asked as he placed Katie on the floor by the fireplace. "Of course. How could I say no to my little sister?" Colleen told him as she went and tickled Katie. Sully asended the stairs and met up with Andrew on his way up. "Mornin, Andrew" Sully replied. "Good morning, Sully," Andrew said with a smile as he kept walking down the stairs and Sully walking upstairs. Sully reached the end of the hall to the closed bedroom door. He slowly and as quietly as he could opened the door. He slowly walked inside. Michaela's back was towards him so kept he walking closer. Sully knelt down beside the bed, wrapped his arms around Michaela, who started to stir when he touched her, and kissed the back of her head. "Hmmm.. oh, Sully? Is it time to get up?" She asked with a yawn as she turned over to face him. "I'm afraid so," he answered her with a light kiss. "Breakfast is almost ready, if you feel up to eating today." "I'm feeling pretty good today, I got alot of rest thanks to you and the rest of the family," she told him as he rubbed her stomach. "I think I would love some breakfast, as long as it's not toast!" She said with a grin. Sully held out his hand for Michaela to grab onto as she pulled herself out of bed. She slowly got up out of bed and went into the arms of her husband. Sully took the brush from the vanity and started to brush Michaela's long tresses. She loved when he brushed her hair. "I will be down in a little while, Sully. I just have to get dressed." She told him as she headed to the dresser. "Alright, I will see you downstairs. Don't keep me waitin long though," Sully said before he kissed his wife and walked backwards towards the door, never taking his eyes off of her or letting the smile on his face fade. CONTINUED |