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"What's all the commotion?" Matthew asked as he appeared behind the family reunion. "Matthew! It's so good to see you!" Colleen smiled and hugged her big brother close. "Andrew, it's great to have to back," Michaela said as she turned her attention to her now son-in-law. "Thank you, Michaela. It's great to be back here again and see you all." Andrew said to the whole group. "Well I think we should have something to eat! I think you have had a long ride and are hungry. Let's all go over to Grace's and celebrate!" Sully broke up the reunion so they could catch up with each other while sitting down. "That sounds great! I'm so hungry a train ride can really make you want to have some good cooking." Colleen replied as she took Andrew's hand and walked towards Grace's. "I never thought I could miss a place so much. But now that I'm back, it seems like I have missed out on so much! Katie is so big, and Brian is taller than me!" Colleen exclaimed between bites of apple pie. "I know what you mean Colleen. It was the same way for me when I went back to Boston. So much has happened, but there just isn't enough time to tell you everything," Michaela told her daughter. "How's school going Colleen?" Sully asked as he spooned some pie into Katie's mouth. "Well, it's a challenge, but with a doctor for a husband and a ma, I haven't been completely lost." She said with a smile. "I'm glad to hear you say that Colleen. Just keep up the hard work and it will pay off." Michaela gave her motherly advive to her daughter. "I'm so full, I don't think I could eat another bite!" Brian said as he finished the last of his milk. "Well ya better save up your appetite for tonight. Sully and I want everyone to come for dinner. It will be the whole family together again." Michaela said with a smile as she looked to Sully. They shared a silent message by the way they looked at each other because they knew the other reason they wanted the whole family together. "That sounds great Dr Mike. As soon as I'm done with the cattle, I will come over." Matthew told her. "Great, so I will expect you at 7. Remember, save your appetite. This is going to be the best dinner you ever had." "You didn't have to go to so much trouble ma!" Colleen said. "Of course I did. It's not everyday your daughter and son-in-law come for a visit home! Besides it will be the first time the whole family will be home together at the same time." Michaela explained. "Well, I guess you will want to unpack. We better be getting back to the homestead so you can relax" Sully put in. "Yes, I wouldn't mind that. And maybe later we could go over to the clinic and have a look around?" Andrew asked looking at Michaela. "Of course, but it really hasn't changed that much. But you're the guests so I can't possibly say no1" Michaela told him. "Oh ma! The house looks just the same as when I left it!"Collen exclaimed as she folded her clothes and put them into the dresser that Sully had made for her a couple of years ago. "Well, I would hope so! Nothing has changed too much since you left, Colleen!" Michaela told her daughter as she opened the window in Colleen's old room. "It just feels so different because the last time I was here was when I wasn't a married woman! This is like a whole new experience for me. Not only coming back here myself, but coming back with Andrew makes it even more special!" "I'm so glad you're happy Colleen. I want you to be happy. Marriage is such a wonderful thing with so many unexpected changes. It's just great that you're best friend is always there for you!" Michaela smiled as she flashbacked to times where Sully had been there when she was down. He always stayed so strong when she was doubtful. Without him, she wouldn't know what to do! "I know! Andrew is always so patient. When I have to study he is there to help me with anything I need. I love him so much!" "Colleen, seeing you so happy makes me overjoyed. I'm so glad you're home!" Michaela said as he walked over and hugged her daughter close. "Now, I think we better look in at the turkey. I may have gotten better at cooking, but you will always be better than me, Colleen." she smiled and they both walked out of the room with their arms around each other's shoulders. "Dinner is served!" Michaela called as she placed the turkey on the elegant looking table. "It smells wonderful Michaela," Andrew complimented her. "Thank you, Andrew, but I can't take all the credit. Colleen did help, and so did Sully and Brian!" "Oh Ma, you did most of the work. Don't be so modest all the time," Colleen told her as she sat down next to Andrew. Michaela sat down near the end of the table near Sully. He grabbed her hand under the table and gave it a squeeze. They both were nervous of the news they were going to tell. "Sully, would like to say grace?" She asked him. "I think ya have earned the right to that tonight, after the fine meal you prepared." Sully replied. They both knew that that was not the real reason she was going to say grace, but it helped Michaela calm her nerves. "Alright. Everyone, lets join hands." Michaela started. She sighed quickly and took hold of Sully's hands tighter. He looked over to her and gave her an encouraging smile. No matter what happened, she knew Sully felt just as nervous and was by her side all the way. CONTINUED |