"Colleen is coming home tomorrow and I needed some supplies so I can make a big dinner. It's not everyday your married daughter comes home to visit, Loren" She told him.

"Well, it looks like you are planning a great feast. That'll be $4.00 Dr Mike." Loren said as he looked at the bill.

"Could you charge it on the account, Loren? I'm afraid I didn't bring any money with me." Michaela asked.

"Yes, I suppose I could." He said as he licked the tip of the pencil before he wrote in the account book.

"Thank you Loren," Mike said as she grabbed the box with the one free hand she had left and walked out the door.

"Michaela, it looks like you're going to feed a whole town. Do we really need this much food?" Sully asked as he helped her pile the supplies into the back of the wagon.

"Yes, Sully. I told you I need to bake and I don't have that much to work with at home. I need to make biscuts and a turkey, and pie.. and.."

"Michaela, you said you would take it easy. As soon as we get home you are going to take a nap and THEN start the plans." He told her.

"But Sully, I don't have much time.." She was starting to argue.

"Michaela, remember that you can't do everything you are used to. We have baby to think of. Brian and I can start cleaning and whatever else you want us to do, and if ya don't have time for the bakin' we can always get something from Grace's to take home." He said as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I know I can't do everything I used to, but that doesn't mean I can't try. You're right Sully. I WILL take it easy. I want this to work out so much, I don't want anything to happen." Michaela said with tears in her eyes.

"Shhh, and it will, as long as you remember to slow down. Take it one step at a time." Sully told her with love in his eyes. " Now how about we get home, we have some work to do!"

"Sully! What time is it?" Michaela yelled down the stairs to Sully as she quickly made the bed and got Katie dressed at the same time.

"It's almost 8:30, slow down Michaela, please! We still have plenty of time!"

"Ma, the chores are all done, the dishes are washed, and the wagon is ready to go." Brain said as he ascended the stairs to where Sully and Michaela were.

"Thank you, Brian. What would I have done without you?" She asked

"Probably gone nuts!" He said.

"Brian!" Michaela blushed.

"Well, he's right! And right now I think you are a little too nervous! Everything is perfect. It's only Colleen and Andrew, Michaela, not your mother!" Sully said with a smile on his face.

"You're right, you're right. It's just that I want everything to be perfect for tonight." She said as she wrung her gloves in her hands.

"And it will be," He told her and then whispered. "Everyone will forget about how clean the house was or how good the meal was after they found out about our secret!"

Michaela smiled at this. Sully was right. He always was. "Well, what are we waiting for? We have a train to see!" Michaela said as Sully opened the door for her and they all walked out of the homestead. Soon they would be back and the whole family would be together again.

"Michaela, Michaela." Sully said to her as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Hmm, oh Sully, I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't paying attention." She told him.

"Don't be so nervous, Michaela, everything will go perfectly. Come on, the train is comin' and I don't think ya want to miss seeing your daughter come of that train." Sully held out his arm for Michaela, which she grabbed and they both walked towards the train station.

"Look ma! It's comin!" Brian said excitedly.

"I see, Brian! Oh I'm so nervous!" She said outloud. Sully made his grip around her shoulders fimer to tell her that he was right there with her, and that everything would be fine.

The train slowly came to a stop with a huge buff of smoke and the squeak of the brakes. Michaela was shaking, she was so nervous. It seemed like a lifetime before she saw people emerging the train. Michaela searched frantically for a familar face. "Maybe she missed the train," she thought. Before she could think anything else, some yelled to her which caught her attention.

"Ma! Sully! Brian!" Colleen yelled while waving.

"Michaela spotted her immediately. She looked at Sully with pleading eyes. He shook his head to her and Michaela was off an running. Colleen started running when she saw Michaela doing the same. They embraced each other and didn't let go.

"Colleen! I've missed you so much!" Michaela told her daughter between tears of joy that were falling down her cheeks.

"I've missed you too, ma!" She told her. When everyone caught up to the mother and daughter Colleen said "I've missed everyone so much!"

"It's good to have to you home Colleen!" Sully said as he hugged his adoptive daughter.

"I've missed you too, Pa." She shifted her attention to the girl Sully was holding hin his arms. "Katie? I hardly recognize you! you're so big, I've missed you the most!" she told Katie as she tickled Katie's cheek. Katie giggled.

"Hey Colleen!" Brian said to her

"Brian! You're so tall! Oh I've missed you so much!" She told her brother as she hugged him tightly.