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Sully awoke an hour later to Joseph crying. Michaela was already nursing him when Sully opened his eyes and sat at up. Michaela was smiling while looking down at her newborn son and stroking his soft baby skin cheek. Sully cupped Michaela's face with his hands and kissed her lightly on the lips. "How are ya feelin'?" Sully whispered to his wife as he saw Joseph's eyes start to droop "I'm alright. Sore, but that's to be expected. Very happy though," She replied with a smile. "I'm happy too Michaela, more than ever. Here, let me take Joe. It's late and you need sleep," Sully instructed as he took his son from Michaela's arms. She watched lovingly as father and son walked over to the handmade crib Sully had spent so much time in making. Sully slowly and carefully put Joseph in the crib and put the knit blanket, which was made for Katie by Michaela's mother, over him. "Sleep tight, Joe an' let yer ma get some rest ok? Ya both had a long day." Sully kissed his son on the head before raising himself up to walk back into bed and snuggle close to Michaela. Michaela gave Sully a smile as he climbed back in bed and put his arm around her. "Thank you, Sully." Michaela said after kissing his chest. "For what? You did all the work," Sully told her while playing with her hair inbetween his fingers. "For being there with me. For loving me, for giving me our son." Michaela replied with tears in her eyes. "I've never been so scared in my life; or so happy," Sully told her. Michaela smiled as she remembered the last time Sully said those exact same words right after Katie was born. She kissed him one more time before laying her head on his chest. "You gotta get some sleep Michaela, it's late and everyone will wonder what happened when ya don't come to work tomorrow," Sully told her. "I guess I have an excellent reason! It's another big day ahead for us isn't it?" Michaela yawned out before closing her eyes. "I guess we do," Sully stated. "Michaela?" He looked down and noticed she was already fast asleep. He blew out the lamp and kissed Michaela on the forehead. "I love ya," he said before hugging her closer to him and succombing to sleep himself. Michaela stirred from sleep when she heard a baby crying. It was her son, Joseph, he was finally here. She started to get up when Sully placed his arm infront of her. "No, you stay here, I'll get him." Sully said lovingly as he climbed out of bed and slowly picked up his son out of the cradle. "Hey Joe, are ya wake? You're hungry aren't ya?" Sully conversed with Joe while walking back to the bed and handing Joe over to Michaela to be nursed. Michaela smiled while holding out her arms for Joseph. He undid her nightgown and he nursed right away. Michaela looked up from Joe to Sully. She gave him a smile. Michaela saw the gleam in Sully's eyes. They were filled with pride and love. Michaela and Sully looked at each other for a few moments taking in all that had happened in the past twenty four hours and knew that today would also be special. A couple hours later Sully was helping Michaela slowly decend the stairs with Joseph in her arms. "Take it easy Michaela, nice an' slow. There ya go," Sully kept saying while watching Michaela's every move. "It's alright Sully, I can at least get down stairs, I'm not that sore!" Michaela joked with a grin on her face. They walked outside and up to the wagon. Sully took Joseph and placed him in the basket at the front of the wagon for a couple seconds while he helped Michaela carefully get into the seat. He quickly picked Joseph up and handed him to Michaela. Sully jerked the reigns and they were off to town. Michaela carefully placed her medical bag infront of Joseph so you couldn't see him. They wanted to make this a big surprise for the whole town. The wagon pulled up to the clinic a half an hour later. No one saw them come so Sully quickly took Joseph from Michaela and walked into the clinic before helping her down. He carefully set her down on the ground. Michaela winced at the pain but it was only temporary. They both walked hand in hand into the clinic to await their friends. A knock on the door minutes later, made Sully run around to get ready for the surprise. "Come in," Michaela siad while carefully hiding her now somewhat smaller stomach under the side of her desk. "Mornin' Ma!" Colleen greeted. "How are ya feeling today?" "Great Colleen, in fact. I think better than I have ever felt before." Michaela smiled over to the direction that Sully was hiding. "That's good to hear. You look so much better today. I can't believe the baby will be here in a couple of weeks." Colleen stated while starting to wrap bandages. "I can!" Michaela stated while nodding for Sully to slowly walk out with Joe in his arms behind Colleen. "Mornin' Colleen!" Sully spoke up with a smile. Colleen jumped and turned around. "Mornin Sull...." Colleen's eyes grew big as she looked at the moving bundle in Sully's arms. She was so surprised, she was speechless. "This is Joseph, he would like to say hi," Michaela said as she arose from her chair and went over to Sully and her son. "Ma? Did you, I mean you did.. I mean.. why didn't.. I mean.." Colleen stammered. "We would've came into town but it was snowing pretty hard, and well it kinda went fast," Sully explained. "Oh congratulations! Oh he's so small!" Colleen exclaimed before hugging both Sully and Michaela. "Now we have to surprise everyone else, so don't say a word!" Michaela informed her daughter. "Great! And I've got the perfect plan!" Colleen said as she quickly whispered her plan to the proud parents who laughed out loud at the great idea Colleen had just suggested. CONTINUED |