"Mmm.. Sully!" Michaela moaned.

"Michaela what's wrong?" Sully asked again, fear in his voice.

"Su..Sully.. I think I'm in labor!" Michaela panted throught the pain as she looked into his eyes. She was afraid.

"Are ya sure? I mean, we still have three weeks!" He asked quickly as he touched her lightly.

"Ye...yes. I started having.. pain before.. ohhh!" She screamed as the pain became worse. She knew this was labor.

"It's alright Michaela, breathe through it. Why didn't  ya tell me you felt somethin' before?" He asked concerned.

"Ohh.. I wasn't.. wasn't sure.. Oh Sully, I'm so scared!" She started to cry as the pain became  even worse.

"It's alright, we did this before, an' we can do it again, if we have to!" He gave his wife a wry smile.

The contraction passed and Michaela smiled back at Sully. She knew that with him she could make it through, it may not have been the best place, but at least she was in her own bed this time. Her smile quickly faded into a frown, which didn't go unnoticed by Sully.

"Michaela? What is it? Another contraction?" He asked more concerned.

"My water..just broke..Sully! This is happening too fast! We still have three weeks!" Michaela screamed as a contraction started once again, this time more powerful.

"It's gonna be alright, I'm here. We will do this together.. breathe, Michaela.. there ya go," Sully encouraged his wife. This scared him more than anything. He hated to see her in pain. He couldn't do anything to take it away except try and get her mind off of the pain, which was very difficult.

"Sully, I need a new shift, and we need new sheets.. they're soaked," Michaela informed him while trying to rest after the contraction.

"Alright, here sit in the rocking chair while I change the bedsheets. Then I can help ya into a new shift." He  took Michaela's hand and pulled her up to a sitting position. He helped her to the chair and made sure she was ok before quickly pulling off the sheets as fast as he could. In a matter of seconds he was helping Michaela into a new shift and back into bed just as the next contraction started.

"SULLY!!" Michaela screamed as she tried to get through the unbearable pain. The labor was going much faster than the time she had Katie, but  as a doctor she knew that was normal.

"Michaela I'm here," He ensured his wife as he knelt by the side of the bed. She grabbed onto his hand and squeezed with all her might. Sully never knew his wife could squeeze so hard. The contraction passed and Sully looked at his hand which was now throbbing from the lack of blood since she had held it so tight.

"Sully! I'm sorry! Are you alright?" She asked as she realized what she had done.

"No, I'm ok. It's  nothin' compared to what you are goin through," Sully answered while stretching out his hand.

"Can you believe it Sully? It's happening again, and we are alone again!" Michaela exclaimed while looking down at her rounded stomach.

"At least we are in our own home this time. I guess we always got ta expect the unexpected," Sully repeated the words that Michaela had told him over three years ago. She smiled at him as she remembered to very words.

"Oh Sully, I love you!" Michaela said passionately.

"I love ya too!" Sully leaned into kiss his wife. The kiss was broken with Michaela screaming and grasping her stomach.

"Sully, I've got to push," She forced out the words through clenched teeth.

"Are ya sure? Isn't it to soon?" He asked fearfully.

"No! I HAVE to push NOW!" She said sternly.

"Then PUSH, Michaela.. Come on.. PUSH!" He instructed his wife as he went to the end of the bed.

"Ahhhhrrrrg.." Michaela bore down with all her might as the contraction grew stronger.

Sully's eyes lit up with excitement and fear. "I see it Michaela! I see the head come on!" He encouraged her.  She kept pushing until the baby finally crowned and the contraction subsided.

"Next contraction, Michaela the baby will be here!" Sully said as another contraction hit Michaela head on.

She screamed a blood curtly scream and bore down with all the strength she could find in her. Sully held out his hands and watched as the baby slid into his arms. Michaela relaxed her body and cried as she heard a baby crying.

"Michaela! It's a boy, Michaela! We have a boy!" Sully cried as he placed the baby on Michaela's stomach. He cut the cord with scissors he found in Michaela's medical bag and went over to Michaela's side to be with her. They both cried tears of joy  asn Michaela held their newborn son and Sully held Michaela. He kissed her lightly on the lips and both stared at awe at the life they had created together out of love.

"Isn't he beautiful Sully?" Michaela looked up at her husband with a glow of pride in her eyes and a wide grin on her face.

"He looks just like his ma." Sully told her as he smiled back at her. She had given him the greatest gift, another child to love. Sully thought he was going to explode he was so proud of his wife and so full of love for his new son.

"Sully! We have to give  him  a name." She finally realized.

"Well, how about we name him after your Pa?" Sully asked looking at his son.

"Oh, Sully," Michaela said with tears in her eyes. "I would love that every much. His middle name should be Byron after the best man I know."

"I don't know Michaela, you know how I feel about that name." he started to object, but seeing the love her eyes, he knew it was the best name for him. "But in this case, Byron isn't such a bad name." He said. "Joseph Byron, it is! Happy birthday!" Sully said as he kissed his son and then his wife more passionately this time. They hugged each other close for what seemed forever, until finally  all three of them fell asleep in each other's arms.