Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman is a series based on the life, in the late 1800's, of Michaela "Mike" Quinn. (Jane Seymour) A Boston bread lady who was rejected in her hometown for being a doctor. She decides to head to the newly settled west in hopes for acceptance.
When she arrives the welcome is less than warm. The people looked very different than what she was used to, but they rejected the idea of a woman Doctor like everyone else.. Dr Mike had a long road to go, but she would not give up easily.
Along the way she inherites a family, Matthew (Chad Allen), Colleen (Erika Flores--Jessica Bowman), and Brian (Shawn Toovey), from Charlotte Cooper, a single mother who was her only friend at the time, (she died from a rattle snake bite.) Now she faces the challenge of learning to be a mother, and try to find acceptance as a Doctor.
Soon after, she meets a very handsome but quiet mountain man, Sully (Joe Lando) who helps Michaela out alot. Could it be love? He gives her a place to stay and teaches her many things about this "new" town Michaela was not used to. |