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HOME The Christmas Promise “Here Katie, put it on the string, like this.” Brian instructed as he took a piece of popcorn and put it on the long thin string. Katie watched intently as Brian demonstrated what she was supposed to do. As soon as he was done Katie clapped her hands. “I twy Bwian! I can do it!” Katie outstretched her small hands. “Ok Katie, here ya go, now just do what I did.” Brian handed her a piece of popcorn and watched her slowly string it onto the string next to his piece. Ever since Brian came to live with Dr. Mike he has strung popcorn and now he was teaching Katie. She may have been a little young, but it was something she could do to get ready for Christmas. And besides, it could be something just Katie and him would do, like it would be their tradition from now on. Not far from site was Michaela in a rocking chair with Joseph on her lap. He was now eight months old and very sleepy. His small eyes would droop ever so often, but quickly open right away revealing the deep blues eyes like that of Sully’s. He had Michaela’s wide smile and some what copper brown hair. Michaela watched the scene infront of her. “Very good you two. It looks wonderful!” She complimented. “Thanks Ma, just wait until its finished.” Brian looked up from his work. Just then the door blew open allowing the cold Colorado air to flow through the warm house. Michaela turned her head to see what caused the sudden gust of wind. Soon Sully came through the doorway with a handful of chopped wood. Noticing Joseph had finally given into sleep, he quietly shut the door and set the wood in the woodbox for later. He took off his gloves and set them in his pocket before hanging up his buckskin jacket and entering the livingroom. He bent down and gave Michaela a sweet kiss on the cheeks. “Sully! You’re freezing!” She was caught off guard, but exclaimed in almost a wisper, not wanting to wake up Joseph. “I’m alright, it’s nice and warm in here.” Sully sat down in a chair next to Brian and Katie. “Papa!” Katie ran into Sully’s open arms and showed off the string of popcorn. “Very nice Kates!” Sully gave her a quick kiss before she ran off to help Brian again. “She’s doin’ real well Pa, better than I thought she would.” “Thanks fer showin’ her Brian. I know she loves bein’ involved in any way she can.” Sully complimented. “Well I’m going to go and put this little one to bed.” Michaela arose from her seat and headed towards the stairs. Sully grabbed her sweetly and kissed the babies head. “Good nite, Joe.” Sully whispered into the babies ear. Michaela turned and walked up the stairs to the baby’s bedroom. “Brian, I think that’s enough stringing fer one night. Ya can finish the rest tomorrow.” Sully informed his son. “Alright Pa. Staring at this for so long has gotten me a little tired.” Brian set the bowl of popcorn down and rubbed his eyes. “Come on Katie, we can finish tomorrow.” “Kay,” Katie yawned and set down her end of the string. “I can take her up ta bed Pa, you can stay and get warm.” Brian offered. “Alright Brian,” Sully ruffled his hair. “Good night Kates.” Sully rubbed his daughters back. “Nite, Pa!” Katie gave her Pa a sweet kiss. Sully smiled as he looked into the luminous fire before sitting down in a chair. He looked into the fire thinking back at all the memories. Suddenly, gentle hands wrapped around his broad shoulders and Michaela’s cheek rested atop his head. “Kids asleep?” He asked simply as Michaela walked to the side of his chair. “Yes, they are.” She replied as Sully held out his arms and pulled Michaela onto his lap. She didn’t scream or blush, but willfully accepted being in the arms of him. If the children were around, she would be embarrest, but now it was only them and all manners were thrown out. “You didn’t even hear me come downstairs. What’s on your mind?” She looked into his deep blue eyes and put her arms around his neck. Sully laughed slightly. “I was jest thinking.” “Oh?” Michaela inquired. “Good thoughts?” “Yes, very good.” Sully pulled her close to him and stared into her two different colored eyes. “Good,” Michaela leaned in and kissed him. Sully slowly pulled away from the kiss and opened his eyes. “I think we better get to bed. It’s been a long day.” “I’m not tired,” Michaela teased before her face grew two shades of red. His eyebrows raised. “Not tired hmm? What are you implying?” “Sully..” Michaela looked down feeling her face grow more flushed by the second. “Michaela,” Sully lifted her chin up to look at him. “Ya know I love it when ya blush.” She smiled at his comment. “Come on ya need yer rest.” Sully stood up and started leading Michaela towards the stairway. “Rest later, Mr. Sully,” She finally spoke up as the two walked arm in arm up the stairs, down the hall and into their bedroom. **************************** Michaela sorted through some patien records when a knock on the clinic door interrupted her. “Come in,” She said over her shoulder as she placed the file in its proper place in the file cabinet. The door swung open slowly and the visitor walked in. Michaela turned around and smiled. “Sully!?” Michaela was somewhat surprised to see him so early. “Mornin’,” Sully smiled before greeting her with a kiss. He then took a rather happy Joe and set him in the cradle to play. “What brings you here so early?” Michaela turned and sat once again behind her desk, placing her hand on the cradle only inches away. “Just wanted ta see ya,” His eyes gleamed. He noted her expression of “really?!” on her face. “Well that, and I got a letter from Colleen.” He waved the letter coaxingly infront of her face. Michaela eyed the letter like a dog with a piece of meat. She snatched the envelope from his hand and wripped it open. Her eyes shown bright with excitement. “Good news?” Sully questioned as he stifiled a laugh. He picked up a frantic Katie who insisted on tugging on his buckskins. “Not just good Sully, this is great news,” She said as she kept scanning the paper infront of her. “Andrew and Colleen are coming for Christmas!” “That’s great!” Sully was excited. “The whole family together, fer the holidays!” Sully placed Katie back down on the clinic floor so she could walk around again. He looked over to Michaela and her hands flew to her mouth. “Sully! I only have five days till Christmas! I need to bake.. clean, find room for everyone…pi…” “Hey, we have plenty of time.” Sully came up and put his finger to her lips. “Brian and I are here ta help ya in any what. There’s no need ta start worryin’ He leaned in and their lips met. Michaela relaxed at Sully’s touch. “Besides, it’s only Colleen and Andrew, they aren’t gonna care what the house looks like. They’ll just be glad to be home.” Michaela blushed and looked down towards the floor. Sully too his hand and gently pushed her chin up so her eyes met his. “Right?” He questioned. Michaela sighed. “You’re right, Sully” putting her arms around his waist. “You usually are.” Sully looked down at her and laughed slightly. “Nah, I jest know how to calm ya down.” He once again leaned in and kissed her. As soon as their lips met the door to the clinic flew open. Michaela jumped back. She could feel her face growing hot with embarresment. Horace stopped in his tracks, sorry that he had burst in without knocking. “I..I’m sorry Dr. Mike..but,” Horace stuttered. “What is it Horace?” Michaela’s face grew suddenly serious as the doctor side of her kicked in. “It’s Loren…he had an accident.” Horace finally muttered out. Michaela didn’t hear any more. She ran out of the door towards the Merchantile with her medical bag in hand. Sully just walking out of the clinic door to follow her when Brian almost ran into him. “What happened, Pa?” Brian asked concerned. “I dunno Brian, but I gonna find out. Do ya think ya can stay here and watch Katie and Joe while I go and see if yer Ma needs any help?” Brian nodded and Sully patted his back before running to the Merchantile. There was already a large crowd of people around the enterance when Michaela burst through them. “Loren?” She called as she neared him sitting on the floor. “Oh, Michaela.” Dorothy came up and greeted her friend. “The ladder broke and Loren fell, and cut his hand. “Let me take a look,” Michaela kneeled down infront of Loren and took his outstretched hand. Loren slowly stripped away the bright red soaked bandage revealing a deep cut. “It’s pretty deep Loren, I’m afraid it’s going to need stitches.” Michaela assessed. “Does anything hurt?” She wondered trying to find any other injuries that might need tending to. “Naw, jest my hand. I’m just so mad at the confounded ladder!” Loren huffed as Michaela started to help him up. Sully came into sight and was right by Loren’s side helping him up also. “Loren, there was no way of knowin’ the ladder would break on you like that,” Sully tried to calm the old man down. “Oh yes there was, I told him that thing was too old and that he should get a new ladder, but he had to learn the hard way.” Dorothy informed with her hands crossed. Loren gave Dorothy a sarcastic look. “Now what am I suppost ta do with out a ladder. Christmas is in a few days and most of the stock is higher than I can get at!” He huffed again. “Whose fault is that?” Dorothy became sarcastic, but again received a dirty look from Loren. “Loren, I’ll lend ya mine. I never use it anyway.” Sully offered trying to calm him down once again as they made their way towards the clinc. Michaela walked behind the twosome and laughed silently. Only Loren would get mad over a ladder. ************************* “We’ll need milk, I have the turkey,celery, bread, potatos…” “What ya doin’ Ma?” Brian asked as he walked into the kitchen. “I’m just making sure I have everything for Christmas, Brian.” Michaela looked up from her basket. “Well if ya need any help, just ask.” Michaela walked over to him and hugged him. “When did you grow up so fast?” She teased. “Aww Ma,” Brian shrugged. “Well now that you offered, there is something you could do for me.” Michaela looked at him. Noticing his curious expression she added: “Tomorrow colleen and Andrew will be coming on the train and with their luggage, Katie and Joseph, we won’t be able to fit everything. If I take Flash to the clinic tomorrow, do you think you could ride in with Sully and help him?” “Sure ma, but only if I can drive!” “Well, I don’t….” Michaela was hesistant. “Ma, I was kiddin!” Brian interrupted with a laugh. “What’s all the noise in here? Ya two are gonna wake up Katie and Joe.” Sully walked into the kitchen. Brian smiled. “I didn’t do it!” In which Michaela gave in return a teasing “don’t blame this one on me” look. Brian laughed some more. “I’m goin’ up to bed. Nite ma.” Brian said as he kissed her on the cheek. “Night Sully.” “Goodnight Brian.” He said to Brian before turning his attention back to Michaela. “Now what’s all this about making noise?” he teased. “Did the children fall asleep easily?” She tried to change the topic as she went back to her preparations. Sully chuckled. “All this food, are ya sure your not feeding the whole town?” Sully observed. “I just want something special.” She started to move some of the produce. “An’ it will be.” Sully grabbed her hand gently, and kissed her on the forehead. “Come on, ya need yer rest for tomorrow. Colleen and Andrew will be coming home.” ********************* Matthew walked out of the telegraph office, towards a well dressed Michaela who was bouncing happy Joseph in her arms. “Train’s on time, they should be here any minute.” Matthew informed as he took an awaiting Joe into his arms. “Ya nervous?” Sully leaned in and whispered into her ear. “Hmm.. not much.” She said truthfully although her heart was beating faster than usual. Sully put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, she answered his gesture by placing her hand over his. Just then, in the distance the train whistle blew. Michaela focused her attention to where the noise came from. “Twain!” Katie piped up. In a way, she was like Brian when he was that age. Katie loved trains and Michaela could remember when Brian was about 9 and couldn’t get enough of them either. “Very good Kates!” Sully picked up his daughter into his arms and swung her into the air before bringing her back down and giving her a silly kiss on the cheek. “Do ya know who’s on the train?” He asked. Katie gave a thoughtful look before answering with a her Ma’s wide grin. “Coween!?” “Very good Katie!” Michaela beamed. “You’re growing up too fast for Mama.” She added “Hey!” I see the train!” Brian said excitedly as he climbed down from the wagon, and took Katie with him, like he always did. Those two were becoming inseperable. Matthew looked up at Michaela. Her face showed one of concern, happiness, and fear all rolled into one. “Don’t ya worry Dr. Mike. I bet she’s as nervous as you are.” Matthew smiled as Joey put his drooly hand on Matthew’s cheek causing Matthew to fidget. Michaela looked down at him surprised at what he said. “Matthew!” She was speechless and somewhat embarrest, but loved the humor. Anything to calm her nerves helped. The Rio Grande train from Denver slowly pulled into view until it screetched its breaks on the steel tracks. Sully squeezed his hand on Michaela’s shoulder tighter to tell her “Everything will be fine.” Soon passengers were coming off the train. Michaela never once let her eyes move from the opening of the train searching for that one specific person. “Ma!” A voice yelled loud and clear and Michaela immediately smiled. “Colleen!” Michaela held out her arms to pull a now running Colleen into her arms. Michaela couldn’t stop beaming with excitement and happiness. Her eyes filled with tears and threatened to be shed. “Pa!” Colleen went inches away and hugged a smiling Sully. “Good ta see ya Colleen!” Sully greeted as they began to break from a hug and look at each other. “Katie! You’re so big!” Colleen shifted over to the blonde haired blued eyed sister in Brian’s arms. She ruffled her sister’s hair and gave her a huge hug along with a sweet kiss on the cheek. She then turned attention down the line to the much taller, more handsome Brian. He certainly was growing taller and more mature every day. Along side him was Matthew who was all smiles. “Brian, Matthew!” Colleen hugged both of them at the same time, her face tight with a wide joyful smile. “Good ta see ya again Colleen!” Matthew laughed as he made it sound like she was squeezing the life out of him. Brian laughed at Matthew’s humor. Colleen shrugged it off before seeing a much bigger baby. “Joey?” Colleen looked at the baby amazed as Matthew handed him over to Colleen. “Oh he’s so big Ma!” She turned around to view Michaela who was absorbing the scene infront of her. “I know, he gets bigger by the minute. Pretty soon he’ll be walking!” “Good to see you all again.” Andrew said simply as he placed the suitcases on each side of him. “Hello Andrew!” Michaela leaned in to receive a kiss on her cheek from her son-in-law. “Good ta see ya again Andrew,” Sully smiled as he shook the young doctor’s hand. “I must say it feels good to be back here again.” Andrew replied. “You start to miss this place once you’re back in such a busy city.” “Well we’re glad to have you back.” Michaela answered warmly as she put her around Sully’s waist. “So are we Ma,” Colleen looked down at Joseph and made a silly face to make him smile and coo. ********************** “Dinner was delicious Ma!” Colleen per her fork down and leaned back in her chair slightly. “Thank you Colleen, but it’s not as good as your cooking…yet.” Michaela smiled as she began to collect empty dinner plates and take them to the sink. “Remember when she made breakfast once and the biscuits were rock hard?” Brian smiled at the memory. “How could anyone forget um?” Matthew teased. “you could knock someone out with those things!” Michaela blushed slightly. “It was my first attempt at cooking… ANYTHING.” She looked down and collected more plates before returning to the kitchen to set them down. Everyone laughed slightly as she made her way back. “Well, I’m sure glad it improved,” Sully touched Michaela’s skirt and kissed her forehead as he helped her collect the rest of the plates. “Here, Ma. Matthew and I will do the dishes tonight. Ya did enough already.” Brian arose from his chair and grabbed the plates from her hands, as Matthew took the plates from Sully. “Thank you.” Michaela smiled at her sons and turned away from the kitchen. Seeing Joseph practically asleep in his high chair, and Katie drooping her eyes made Michaela think. “These two seem a little drowsy. I’ll take them up to bed.” “I’ll help ya Ma.” Colleen offered as she took Katie into her arms who immediately set her head on Colleen’s shoulder as the two made the way up the stairs to the room. “I’ll be back, soon.” Michaela whispered to Sully before kissing him and allowing him to kiss a drowsy Joey. Sully turned back to Andrew after he watched Michaela ascend the stairs. “Well Andrew, I guess it’s jest you an’ me.” *************** By the time Michaela and Colleen made their way down to the living room, Brian and Matthew were done with the dishes and had just started a rousing competition of checkers that they usual did every time Matthew came for dinner. Not far away, Andrew and Sully were staring hard at the chess board. Michaela stopped suddenly seeing that Sully was playing chess. Noticing a sudden movement from the corner of his eye, Sully slowly pulled his head up to see a blank faced Michaela staring back at him, somewhat shocked. “What?” He smiled. “Not..nothing,” Michaela was somewhat speechless. “It’s just that I think this is the second time I’ve ever seen you play chess.” Michaela gave him a wry smile before Sully smiled back and looked back at the game. ***************** Michaela and Sully were lying in bed embraced in each others arms. The moon shown through the pained window of their bedroom, illuminating each of their features. All of sudden Sully felt movement on his chest. Michaela was silently laughing. He smiled at her with a confused expression. “An’ what are ya laughing at?” Michaela came to a stop momentarily to answer his question. “You.” She said simply. “Me?” Sully gave her a half smile. “I can’t believe you beat Andrew.” Michaela rolled her finger over his chest. “He must play hundreds of times and you play one time in years and beat him!” Sully laughed. “Didn’t think I remembered how to play hum? You better be careful what ya say, cause your next!” He warned. Michaela laughed one last time before becoming more serious. “I’m glad they’re home.” “I am too, makes the family feel complete with everyone together.” Sully rubbed his hand up and down Michaela’s arm. “Yes it does,” she rested her head against his chest. “Plus we made a promise, that no matter what or where, we would all be together for Christmas.” “Looks like your keeping your promise.” “Hmm, and hopefully we always will.” Michaela looked up into his eyes. “Ya will. The Michaela Quinn I know always keeps her promises,” Sully said sincerely and kissed her passionately. ******************** “Mama!” Katie called from the window inside the clinic. “Snow today?” Michaela looked up from her patient records and smiled at her daughters inquisitiveness. “Maybe Katie, we won’t know until later.” “At Christmas serwice?” Katie’s eyes grew wider with excitement. Michaela smiled as she arose from her chair to pick up a wimpering Joseph in his crib. “Yes, maybe at the Christmas service.” She replied as she placed a kiss on top of Josephs somewhat bald head. Katie seemed satisfied by the answer and walked over to the other end of the clinic to play when Sully walked through the clinic door. “Poppy!” Katie ran into his strong arms. “Hey Kates!” Sully kissed her. “Ready to go?” He now looked towards Michaela. “Yes, there is so much to do before the sevice.” Michaela said as she finished getting Joseph ready to go. She picked him up into her arms and walked towards the door. Sully followed her out with Katie in his arms, and he gently shut the clinic door behind him. ****************** Warmth filled the homestead as Colleen walked into the kitchen to check on the food. The door opened and Michaela walked in with a smile. “It smells wonderful in here!” She exclaimed as she set Joseph in his corner of the living room to play. Colleen smiled when she heard her Ma come in. She placed the apple pie on top of the stove. “Hi Ma!” She yelled from the kitchen. Soon Colleen heard footsteps and Michaela walked in to see what Colleen was up to. “Colleen, you really didn’t have to do this, you’re our guest!” Michaela came up behind Colleen and looked down at the wonderful pie. “Yes I did. You two have done so much already, letting us stay here, and you two have Joseph and Katie to look after, not to mention the clinic. You don’t have to add making another big meal as part of your worries.” Colleen looked at Michaela. “Besides, I didn’t do it all by myself. I had help.” Michaela’s eyebrows raised in curiousity. “Really?” She couldn’t see Andrew baking anything. “Brian helped out a lot, plus Grace gave us a few things to make things a little easier.” She smiled. “What would I do with out you?” Michaela gave Colleen’s shoulders a gentle squeeze. Colleen laughed slighty. “You go and relax, everything is almost finished.” She turned Michaela around and led her out of the kitchen. Michaela walked the rst of the way out of the kitchen with a smile on her face. All of a sudden she felt loving hands around her waist. She leaned back lovingly into his chest. Sully kissed the top of her head. “Why are you so happy?” “I just got kicked out of my own kitchen!” Michaela replied somewhat stunned. “’Bout time!” Sully playfully teased. “Oh Sully!” Michaela’s face began to blush. “Means ya can spend more time with me.” He rubbed his rugged but gentle hands over her arms. Michaela smiled before turning around and giving him a warm kiss. “We better get ready for the service, or we won’t make it on time!” *********************** “Have a blessed Christmas everyone!” The Reverand concluded the sevice with a smile before townspeople started to disperse. “Merry Christmas, Reverand.” She looked adoringly at the sweet man as she made her turn to shake his hand. It had been four years since that one Christmas that he had lost his sight but it seemed to Michaela that he was doing very well. “Have a wonderful Christmas, Dr. Mike. Sully,” The Reverand replied. “Thank you Reverend.” Sully put his arm around Michaela and walked down the church steps. The Reverend smiled before turning his attention to the next voice of greeting. *********************** Brian and Katie ran into the house as soon as the door swung open, letting cold air fill the warm house. “I win!” Brian slumped into one of the chairs as he tried to catch his breath. “No Bwian! You cheated!” Katie accused her big brother. “Okay, ya caught me!” Brian laughed as he picked up Katie and gave her a wet kiss on the cheek in which Katie returned with the wipe of her hand on her cheek. Michaela and Sully came walking into the homestead moments later, with smiles on both of their faces. Sully helped Michaela take her coat off and hung it up. “Be careful you two. I don’t want anything or anyone getting hurt tonight.” Michaela warned gently. “Sorry Ma,” Brian appoligized. “Come on Katie, lets get out of these church clothes.” Brian started to walk towards the stair case. “Okay.” Katie jumped out of the chair and was right behind Brian as he ascended the stairs. Soon after, the door opened once again and in walked Matthew followed by Colleen holding Joseph, followed by Andrew. “Merry Christmas!” Matthe kissed Michaela’s cheek before taking off his cowboy hat. “Sorry we’re a little late. We would’ve been right behind you, but I couldn’t get these two away.” “Everyone wanted to talk to us and know everything. It was like a zoo!” Andrew smiled. “The consequences of being away from a small town,” Sully laughed. Just then the clomping of little Katie coming down the stairs holding Brian’s hand was heard. They reached the bottom of the stair cases moments later. “Okay Ma, all ready. Ya can start now.” Brian informed his Ma. Michaela smiled before turning towards Matthew. “Matthew, would you grab it for me, you know where we keep it.” “Sure Dr. Mike.” Matthew consented and walked down the small hallway. Everyone walked into the living room and began to find a seat. Brian sat on the rug by the fire, with Katie inches away. Colleen was in one of recliner chairs with Joseph on her lap. Andrew was a few feet away in a wooden chair he had brought in from the kitchen table. Sully was sitting in front of the fire, looking straight at Michaela who was in the other reclining chair. She many times sat in this chair, especially when she would fall asleep when she was pregnant with Katie, and also with Joseph. “What are we doing?” Andrew leaned over and whispered into Colleen’s ear. “Oh, Andrew. I forgot to tell you.” Colleen laughed. “Tell me what?” He was curious. “Every year since we came ta live with Ma and Grandma sent us a book the first Christmas, we would read “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens every Christmas Eve. Brian summarized. “Here ya go Dr. Mike.” Matthew said as he handed her the book and quickly sat down in one of the only chairs left to sit on. “Thank you, Matthew,” She accepted the book and slowly opened to the beginning pages. It no longer looked brand new because it had been used many times, but it still was in excellent condition, and easy to read. “A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens. Marle was dead to behing with….” Michaela began reading as everyone listened intently. An hour or so later……. “You boy, what day is today? Inquired Scrooge.” Michaela read. “Today,” Brian interrupted “Why today is Christmas Day!” Everyone laughed at Brian’s outburst “Mama! Snow!” Katie’s voice spoke up as she saw white flakes slowly decended onto the ground. Everyone turned their attention to the windo and stared at the whiteness. “I guess Katie got her Christmas wish!” Colleen smiled as she tickled Katie. “She wasn’t the only one Colleen.” Michaela replied sincerely. ******************** After the children had all gone to bed, Michaela and Sully sat on the floor huddled close to each other and the fire. They enjoyed holding each other and contemplating on all the events that had happened in the past few days. They each held their cup of tea sipping it ever so often. As Sully had his hand around Michaela, he took his other one and reached into one of the nightstands only inches away. He pulled out a small box and put in infront of Michaela. “Merry Christmas,” He said as he set the box on Michaela’s lap. “Sully, it’s not Christmas yet!” She smiled as she looked at the box curiously. “Doesn’t hurt ta open one Christmas present early, does it?” He joked but was serious. Michaela smiled at him lovingly before picking the box up and slowly opening the top. As soon as she saw it she became breathless. “Sully, its wonderful!” She finally exclaimed as she slowly took out the new stethoscope and felt in with her fingers. “There’s more.” Sully encouraged, causing Michaela to put down the stethoscope momentarily to look into the box once more. She quickly pulled out a piece of paper. Looking at it rather curiously, Michaela began to unfold the paper. She looked at the paper a moment with a confused look in her eyes. “This looks like some sort of plans..” She assessed. “It is.” Sully said. “This is for your office, and this is a place for bathing and a bigger pantry.” Sully pointed each place out on the hand drawn plans. “You don’t mean..” Michaela quickly turned to him looking into his eyes for an answer. Sully nodded his head. “Oh Sully, it.. it’s wonderful!Thank you!” Michaela embraced him with a huge smile on her face, as she pulled back she gave him a heartfelt kiss. She then went over to the Christmas tree and reached behind it. Soon she revealed a package of about the same size. Returning to Sully’s awaiting arms, she handed him the package. He eyed it suspiciously, shook it gently, then looked over at Michaela. “Open it.” She encouraged. Sully looked at her, smiled and then turned his attention to the gift. He ripped off the paper revealing a brand new book. Sully looked at it with amazement, fingering every detail of the finely crafted cover. “Poetry?” He asked. “Witman, first edition.” Michaela explained, looking over Sully who was in awe of the book. “It’s..it’s.. I love it. Thank you.” He bent in and gave her a sweet kiss before looking down at the book once more. “I thought you could use a new one, since the old one was rather warn both inside and out.” Michaela added. “Now why would that be Mrs. Sully?” Sully teased looking into her green and brown eyes. “I’m not sure,” She played along. “But I wouldn’t mind finding out.” Michaela answered as Sully pulled her close to him and they sat in each others arms as Sully read her some poetry. “Merry Christmas, Michaela.” Sully lovingly said. “Merry Christmas Sully.” Michaela answered back as she looked at him before they both leaned in and their lips met showing their fully affection, love and passion towards each other. THE END |