"Reading is a complex system of deriving meaning from print that requires all of the following: 
  • the development and maintenance of a motivation to read
  • the development of appropriate active strategies to construct meaning from print
  • sufficient background information and vocabulary to foster reading comprehension
  • the ability to read fluently
  • the ability to decode unfamiliar words
  • the skills and knowledge to understand how phonemes or speech sounds are connected to print"
-From the International Reading Association 

Title One is a federally funded program designed to improve educational opportunities for students.  Ogden Grade School Title One emphasizes the improvement of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.  Students in grades Kindergarten through Sixth are selected to participate in the Title One Program on the basis of: 
  • Classroom Performance
  • Referrals (Teacher, Parent and Student)
  • Group and individual assessments
The goals of the Title One Program are to: 
  • involve parents as partners in their child's reading progress
  • develop positive attitudes toward reading
  • improve reading, writing, listening and speaking skills
  • facilitate student success in the classroom reading program
  • develop lifelong reading habits
The Title One Program is a reinforcement reading program, not a replacement reading class for students needing a little extra help. 
Title One classes focus on: 
  • word recognition and word meaning
  • comprehension strategies
  • different kinds of literature
  • fiction and nonfiction materials
The home environment plays a major role in the reading success of children.  Parents are their childrens first and most influential teachers.  The Title One Program encourages parents to: 
  • read to their children
  • visit the library
  • provide their children with various reading materials
  • READ TOGETHER as a family 
Illinois State Board of Education