Brendan's Harry Potter Website

Hello!This is my Harry Potter Site. I might write a few stories about Harry, his friends (Hermione, Hagrid, Ron, Percy etc.), & and foes (Voldemort, Malfoy, etc.).
        You might ask if you haven't read the book " What's the big deal about Harry Potter books?" Well my answer to that question would be "READ Them!"
       I put up summaries for all the Harry Potter books. ( Only 3 have come out but she plans to write 7.) Did you know there is a WB Harry Potter movie coming out? (It is planned to come out the summer of 2001.) The 4th book is called Harry Potter and the Doomspell Tournement. It comes out July 8th 2000.
      If you like Poke'mon click here.

People have visited this site since Nov.12,1999

Copyright by J.K Rowling who owns all the Harry Potter books, and characters, All rights Reserved.