Info About Me!

Someone asked for some info about me,

so here you go!

Me looking for Ronan


Name: Irda Majere (my web name, anyway)

Nationality: Icelandic

D.O.B: 27. august, 1981

Family: My mom, my dad, my bro and my sis (both older)

Pets: One goldfish called Raistlin

Hobbies: Surfing the net, working on my homepage and listening to good music, e.g. Bsb, Bz, 5ive, TLC, Brian Kennedy, Marilyn Manson, Phil Collins, Paul Simon, Janet Jackson, George Michael, R. Kelly... Oh, and I also go to singing school, which is very fun!

School: Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð (The college of Hamrahlíð), officially the best school in the world!

Fave subject: English, without a shadow of a doubt!

Job: I work in a bakery, very fattening and boring job!

Best friend: Bryn, a Shane Lynch/filan fan!

Looks: Blond, blue eyes, 5'4"...very normal

Dress code: Anything I fancy, anti-fashion slave (unlike our Ro and his missus! :) )


Ronan's evil twin


Duration of Ronan mania: Almost three years now

Fave thing about Ronan: His clothing sense, plus his sometimes-sexiness

Fave BZ song: The 'All that I need' dance mixes

Fave BZ album: Where we belong

Fave haircut that Ronan has had: When his hair was the longest! (especially when he had the big sideburns! drool...)

Sexiest thing about Ronan: The way I see him in my dirty little mind (and his voice...That is, his singing voice!) Oh, and those sideburns!

My opinion on Yvonne: One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, and of course one of the luckiest ones! I'm very bitter and jealous, but I don't hate her at all. Even though she totally lacks Girl Power, which I think all women should have.


Ro and Viv aren't just pop star and model...


Second fave BZ member: Can't choose between my Stephen and Bryn's Shane!

Fave Westlife member: Shane, I used to like Nicky but it annoys me how much he looks like Mr. Keating...

Number of BZ cd's: 22, will be 39 after I've bought the singles collection and the other edition of Every Day I Love You. (I didn't include the Ronan Keating singles)

Number of cd's I own: Nearing 300 soon!

Fave BZ video: 'Where we belong Live'

Fave BZ video II: When the going gets tough


Ro wishes he was this gorgeus...

