A Prayer to the Internet Angel Help me log on without fretting Guide me as I'm internetting,
Bless my down - and uploading,Keep my browser from exploding.
May my website be protected,Let not my password be rejected.
Keep my line connection clear...And tech support always near!


"Come check Daniel's Page"
"Come check Katie's Page"
"My special tribute to my Mother"
"She may have left this world, but never my heart!"
"Wanna go back home?"
"My Tribute to Unicorns,The most Mystical of all creatures"

Internet traffic report..How fast is your ISP?
Green is great...Yellow is slow...Red?Grab a book...*S*
"A lil About Patchy & Family"
HiYa! I chat under the nickname Patchy in my favorite
hangout, ParenthoodPlace.com.
Just to give you some details
on the person you chat with. I'm a kind gentle soul, so long
as you don't cross me,(pervs and such people who have nothing
better to do with their time than try to ruin someone elses fun...
....... then my red hair takes over. I have lil control, but I
run high on patience for the lost. A trait my mother passed
on to me.((thank God))*S*((good thing for my kids huh?))
My family consists of A Hubby and my best friend, I've been married to
for 15 yrs now. My son Daniel, age 11 and my daughter Katelin
Rose, age 8.
Since this is my hobby, You will probly see
me online, or in chat
as often as i get a chance. While my laundry and dirty dishes
seem to breed, while my back is turned.*S*.
Come chat with me sometime, I enjoy my chat friends as much as my Ichat
Join in the BEST Parenting Site on the Net!
"ParenthoodPlace Live Chat"
Me and my very best friend, My hubby of 15 years!!

Links to my other rooms and favorite links?
Click and It will take you to your chosen room to view

"Patchy & Txsunshine...
"now playing"
"Let it Be"
Copyright © 1997-2001 by "~Patchy~" All rights reserved
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