<BGSOUND SRC="/laljk/angelsamongus.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
In Loving Memory
of our
Jessika Denise
December 26, 1991
May 26, 1999
Poems for Jessika
On Angel's Wings
If I could send a letter on angel's wings
To heaven above where angels sing
I would let you know how much you're missed
And I would send my love with a kiss
What a hole in my life was made
When I heard you had gone away
Let me tell you from the depth of my heart
How sad and hurt I felt when you did depart
At first I felt I would never smile
For you had left this world for awhile
Oh how slowly the time did pass
And one day I did again smile at last
Initially I felt so guilty for having fun
For simply enjoying the warmth of the sun
But the darkness of night gives way to dawn
Courage I find knowing you want me to go on
Gradually with passing time I find
The will to live and peace of mind
Sweet memories of loving times we've shared
Would my letter sent on angel's wings bear
Letting you know that I must and I will go on
Even though a precious part of my life is gone
Comfort I find knowing you'll always be a part
Of my life for your love lives on in my heart.  
--Steve Daily
The Broken Chain
We little knew that day, that
God was going to call your name
In life we loved you dearly
In death we do the same
It broke our hearts to lose you
You did not go alone
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home
You left us peaceful memories
Your love is still our guide
And though we cannot see you
You are always at our side
Our family chain is broken
And nothing seems the same
But as God calls us one by one
The chain will link again
author unknown
If tears could build a stairway
and memories were a lane
I would walk right up to heaven
to bring you home again
No farewell words were spoken
No time to say goodbye
You were gone before I knew it
And only God knows why
My heart still aches in sadness
and secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know
The Girl Who Lived at our House
Was she just imagination
The girl I held so dear
The one who lived at our house
I remember her so clear
I remember how she use to come
When she was scared or hurt
I use to wash her face and hands
When she made mud pies in the dirt
I use to rock her in a chair
Until she was fast asleep
And when her eyes would finally close
Past her bed I'd creep
She only stayed a little while
She wont come anymore
Although I'll always wish I'd see her
Running through our door
Her smile, her angel's face
Not only was she mine  awhile
The girl who lived with me
And then he took her back again for heavens eternity
And there I know she thinks of me
Although she seems so far
She'll look and smile and throw a kiss
From atop her heavenly star
I'll see her again someday I know
When toward heaven I to will depart
But until I see her there with God
I'll just keep her forever in my heart
author unknown
To Jessika's story
To Jessika's special poem
to Jessika's 1st photo page
to Jessika's 2nd photo page
to my brother Kasey's page
to my sister, Lyndsi's page
to Lyndsi's pictures
A Rose
a poem written by Lyndsi for Jessika
Jessika's new poem
To Jessika's three years an angel page
My sister, My friend-new poem by Lyndsi