

Sitting here daydreaming of my past.

why happy moments just fly by so fast?

A sad thought lost in ocean so vast.

Holding on to nothing as nothing ever lasts.


Glimpse of hope in the midst of my fear.

In my heart, the presences so near;

On my mind, the images so dear;

Yet my vision, can’t see pass the tears.


Don’t want to go on, deep inside I confess.

Tending to my wounds, I gently caress.

Feel the trembling of anger I possess.

Open my hands to reveal life’s emptiness.


I start to pray as I’m losing this fight.

Struggling to walk the dark path with no light.

As my existence is slipping out of sight,

hear the echo of my cry in the night.


I laugh out loud in bitter and pain.

All my cares and efforts ‘ve been in vain.

I’m on the verge of going insane.

So you’ve beaten me, but what have you gained?


Wish I can spread my wings and fly.

All in all, I’ve nothing left inside.

Still a thought torturing my mind,

why is it that I can’t simply die?


                                                Huu Cao



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