Who We Are

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Group Covenant

We want to love God and our neighbors.
We want to show people just who Jesus Christ is
through acts of kindness, justice, worship and devotion.
We promise these things to God.
We know that God will forgive us when we make a mistake.
We will be faithful neighbors in God's 'Hood.

When & Where

We meet weekly on Tuesdays from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm at the church. If you love to sing, our children's choirs meet at 3:30 pm (ages 3-1st grade), and at 4:15 pm (grades 2 through 5).  We serve a light supper at 5:00 pm.

What We Do

After supper, we have a lesson about God and Jesus, and how we can make them a part of our daily lives.
Oh yeah, we play some games and do some crafts, too.
You just gotta be there to find out!

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