The name Shih Tzu is a Chinese word meaning 'lion', but the origin of this breed is more than likely Tibetan. It is thought that the ancestors of the Shih Tzu were brought to China during the Manchu period and the dogs were held in great esteem by Chinese royalty.
It was in China the Shih Tzu was named for its flowing mane-like coat, similar to that of the lion. In 1930s the Shih Tzu was imported to England and then made its way to America after WWII.
The Shih Tzu was not established as a formal breed until 1949.Before that, they were quite a variable group of dogs, with no pedigrees establishing parentage and no guarantees of purebred status. The breed has always been popular and remains so today.
Despite its most regal look the Shih Tzu is not aloof but is quite tough. They are loving and loyal to family members. The Shih Tzu is a playful and active breed often retaining its puppy-like behaviour until well into the later stages of life. They love human contact and companionship. Shih Tzus are intelligent dogs that learn quickly but can also be very stubborn.
Shih Tzus are covered with a long, dense double coat. The face hair hangs over the eyes and must be tied back to avoid eye irritation. Body hair will grow to reach the ground in an unclipped adult dog. The moustache and whiskers may also reach to the ground. Shih Tzus are small dogs with a broad and deep chest. They have large dark eyes set apart and a black nose set on a short muzzle. Dogs come in all colours.
Due to their thick and profuse coat, a Shih Tzu needs to be groomed daily even when clipped.