Pikachu's Perfect Pokemon Test

Here at the pokemon institute
important Thing, is to know
Pikachu and his Pint sized
this little quiz get 70% of the
award you the Pikachu Badge!

we now that the most
your pokes. That's why
friends have pieced Together
answers and Pikachu will

Generate some brain power and thunder shock this quiz!!

**test translated from Pikachu language to English for your benefit**

Pikachu's Test Form B

  1. In the Pokemon Trading Card Game (TCG), what
Pokemon card has the pokemon displayed in front of a
graffiti covered wall?
2) According to the official Pokemon guide for the red and blue version, which two Pokemon have a speed rating of 5? (Hint: NOT Rapidash, Ponyta, Dudrio, or Duduo-I get too many replay with those answers)
3) In the TCG how many Pokemon have no weakness? (Name them as well)
4) Which Pokemon can only learn one move despite how many levels it acquires?
5) What was the FIRST dark energized Pokemon to be
released/revealed? (This one is extra credit, if you get it you get +1, if you miss it you lose -0)
6) Name the 4 Promo cards that were advertised with "Pokemon the first Movie" (+1 if you can tell me what the 5th Promo card was that they were planning on releasing for the movie-but took out at the last minute)
7) what Pokemon in the TCG knows the devolution beam attack?
8) How did Brock get his Vulpix in the Pokemon TV show?
9) What was the first Pokemon that Ash actually caught in the TV show? (remember caught means it wasn't given to him)
10) What is the name of Brock's father?
11) In the TCG which is the only Pokemon that can 100% confuse the defending Pokemon?

E-mail me the answers and receive a Pikachu badge if you get 70%