
To protect his village from certain destruction, Ashitaka received the death-curse of a Tatarigami (cursed god). Afterwards, it was decided that his fate should be to travel in search of a cure. It is on this journey that Ashitaka becomes involved in the battle between the people of Tataraba and the forest gods. Ashitaka's curse is visible by way of an ugly twisted sore that is slowly spreading from his right arm to take over the rest of his body. If he does not find a cure, he will soon die. The curse sometimes seems to have a life of it's own. Every so often, it reacts to Ashitaka's environment (usually by trying to kill the closest human being.) Ashitaka is a strong warrior. He is a good shot with a bow and handy with the sword even before his curse decides to help his aim. During the course of the battle, Ashitaka falls in love with the wild girl San also known as the Mononoke Hime.
The mountain dogs raised san and she considers herself one of them. Because of her affiliation with the wolf-goddess Moro, the humans call her 'Mononoke Hime', which translates to 'Princess of the Spirits'. Orphaned and abandoned by her own species, she has no one but the wolves to care for her. For the pain that they have caused the forests and those that live there, San hates all humans.
Moro is San's adoptive mother. She is the goddess of wolves. For 300 years she has guarded the forests of Japan.
Lady Eboshi
Lady Eboshi is the headmistress of Tataraba, the mining town. In her town, no one is ever to be discriminated against and all who are willing to work hard are given a job.
Gonza is Lady Eboshi's second in command. He has taken charge of the defense of Tataraba and is now the unofficial general of their army.
Hii-sama has been the priestess (miko) in Ashitaka's village for a very long time.It was upon her advice that he traveled to the west in search of the cure to his curse.
Jiko the monk
Jiko has a very enigmatic personality. He believes that the blood or head of the Shishigami will grant eternal life and youth.
Kaya is a girl from Ashitaka's village. He is very important to her. She gives him her crystal knife to remember her by.
Kouroku is a Tataraba cattle herder. Ashitaka saved him when he fell into a river during one of Moro's attacks.
Nago (the Tatarigami)
Driven by his anger to become a Tatarigami (Cursed God) when his forest was destroyed, Nago ran amuck through Japan. When Ashitaka killed him, Nago used the last of his power to curse him. He was the god of the brown boars.
Okkotonushi is the ancient blind god of the white boars. He wishes to destroy the humans in order to avenge Nago.
She is Kouroku's mistress. A cheerful and outgoing personality, she has become the leader of Tataraba pump girls.
They are a kind of spirits, and live in the rich forest. They have pale green, half transparent bodies. They showed a way to Ashitaka and others who lost their way in the forest. It seems that they don't particularly have any ill feeling against humans.
Shishi Gami (Shishi God)
A God animal who conducts the giving and taking of a life. It is born during the new moon, and repeats its birth and death according to the phase of the moon. It is believed that its head has the power of eternal youth, so humans are trying to get it.
A giant whose height exceeds 10 meters. It's the shape the Shishi God takes during the night. It has a half transparent body with peculiar patterns. It wanders around the forest with blue light radiating from its body.
Moro no Ko (Moro's Children)
Moro's sons. They are not as intelligent as Moro, but they fight against humans with San.

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