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Hello and welcome to my little room on the web! I'm glad you stopped by to play with me! My name is Kaylee Michelle and I was born on Friday, October 8, 1999 at 1:38am. I weighed 8lbs. 13oz. and was 20 inches long. Of course now I am a lot bigger. If you'd like to check out how much I have grown since I was born, go here. I am almost 2 now and my mommy says I am the sweetest baby girl in the whole wide world. I know she's right!
I loooove to play with my brother. His name is Joshua. You can check out his webpage here. He's the best brother a little girl like me could ever ask for! He always tickles me and makes me laugh and he says that he loves me a lot. That's good because I love him a lot too! I love to play with my babies and read books. Well, I don't actually read yet, but my mommy and daddy read for me.

My mommy made a webring, it's called the "Mommy's Little Girls" webring. If you are a little girl like me, you can join. And if you are not little anymore, but you are a mommy and have a little girl, we will let you join too. You can also apply for one of my awards by clicking here!

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Page last updated August 30, 2001