Job Description

Your job it to find out many details about the sun

such as its size, distance, age, color, structure, and

any other detail you find of interest.


Questions to Guide your Search

Go to Web Links 

1. How big is the sun?

2. How hot is the sun?

3. How heavy is the sun?

4. How far away is the sun?

5. How old is the sun?

6. What kind of star is the sun?

7. What galaxy is the sun in?

8. What is the structure of the sun?

9. What are the parts of the sun that we can see?

10. What is an amazing fact about the sun?

11. How do scientists study the sun?

12. Why do we see different colors in the sun?


Web Sites to Visit


About the Sun. . . 

StarChild:  The Sun

Zoom Astronomy's The Sun

Astronomy for Kids:  Learning About the Sun

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