Challenger Level


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Now that you have learned about the sun, it's time to put your creative smarts to work.

You will need to refer to the web site below help you in your tasks.

Things to think about when visiting the web site.

Solar Heating and You

Task 1-

Design an outfit that would be keep you the coolest in the sun.  Then, design an outfit that would absorb a great amount of the sun's heat.  Include colors, styles, and materials used. 

Task 2-

Design a model of a solar collector.  You will need to refer to the website for details.  It should include the following items:

  1. Clear cover-----use plastic or glass

  2. Absorbers-----use metal sheets or containers

  3. Insulation material to fit around absorber----use fabrics or other suitable material

  4. Pipes-----use PVC or other inexpensive piping  

  5. Fan (optional)-----The fan may be a battery powered mini fan or a model of a fan.

Task 3-

Make a solar air heater following the directions given on the web site.

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