About Lee
As of 20050413:                           

I thought it was time to add more information to this site.  This is an effective way to get across to you who I am, so that you can decide whether or not you should consider being involved with me.  Maybe it's too much, maybe it's not enough.  It's just a bit of me for now...   Note:  If a word is underlined, it's probably a link to another website.  If you get curious,click on it to access the website, then click the "Back" button at the top left hand side of your browser to get back to this page.
----Count 321-----

Hi, my name is Lee.  Here is some basic information about myself for those who may be interested.  Pardon me for being so vague about most of it, but it was difficult to decide whether I should post anything personal at all considering that almost everyone will have access to it.  If you'd like more details, email me or message me and we'll chat about them.  (If you got this link, you probably already have the necessary information to accomplish that.)  I'm just trying to cover the basic stuff here.

I'm starting my 18th year in the airline industry.  As I'm sure you're aware, for many people, economic times are very tough.  Like many others at my company, I took a
serious pay-cut.  I should feel fortunate to be employed at this point considering how many people have lost (and are still losing) their jobs. It's bitter sweet.  Things are starting to look up again.  I am looking forward to a better economy as I'm sure most of you are. 

I have many interests.  Here are some keywords from  my 
profile on "HotorNot.com"

animals, backpacking, campingColorado, computers, DallasDavid Letterman, dry wit, family, freedom, friends, hiking, horses, ice skating, independency, intelligence, loving, maps, McKinney TX, mild sarcasm, my daughters, no drinking, no drugs, no smoking, photography, rock wall climbing, rollerblading,   seatbeltsseinfeld, skiing, sushi, tact, tolerance, traveller, truth, U2, USA, wisdom, Zoolander
...and one last keyword that they won't allow me to add on most personals websites:  "

  I've been divorced since February 2003.  The marriage lasted a little over 13 years. It's a long story and probably one which I should dedicate to another website since I can't seem to condense it into anything less than a few hours.  Lately I've felt less inclined to discuss it since it wouldn't be fair to give one side of the story.  Besides, it wouldn't be fair to her since she wouldn't be able to defend herself.  I'll just say for now that I'm moving on with my life.  My daughters are my main focus and life is as beautiful as it's always been.

As for you:  I hope life is treating you well, and I hope you get what you're working for from it.

Take Care!

Thanksgiving 2003 (Click to Enlarge)
Me & My Girls
More Pictures
Answers to FAQs:
Children?  I have two daughters under age 8 who I Love completely.
Want any more children? Yes, if I or the woman who wants them wins big (as in a few million or more) on the lottery.
Age?  Born in the mid 60's
Hometown? DFW area of TX, USA
Religious? No, not really.  (That's the short answer.)
Will you ever consider marriage again? (See above answer to "Want any more children?")
Favorite Color? Forest Green
What trait do you admire most in a woman? Intelligence
What trait do you least admire? Intolerance
What's your favorite part of a woman's body? Depends on the woman.
Quick Miscellaneous Facts:

I Lived in
Colorado from '94 thru '02.  (Current Residence: Dallas, TX area)  I would rather be back in Colorado.

TV: When I have the time;
Seinfeld, Survivor 11 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,   C.S.I. (Vegas), News, Discovery, History, Learning, Comedy, etc.
Music:  Just about every type except for "New Country" or angry Rap music.  My staple band has been U2 since '83, but I also like to listen to Classic Rock, Club/Dance music, Punk and yes, even Metal.  Although, for the last year or so, I've been hooked on Talk Radio.

Habits:  I don't drink, smoke, or self-medicate.  I don't have anything against people who do unless it is abusive or illegal of course.

I'm just over 5'9" and I'm height/weight proportionate, but I'd still like to lose a few more pounds.

I'm not a big fan of "poplular" sports, ie: basketball, football, etc., but I
do root for the home teams.  I really prefer individual sports more than team sports.  I also think it's about time the "X Games" are getting some air time too.  (No pun intended.)  Oh, and I've recently caught on to the reality of Lance Armstrong and the Tour De France.  He's all-around amazing.  He's going for number 7 on July 2nd!  Unbelievable!
Multi-Angles (Click to Enlarge)
At the Park with Sami (Click to Enlarge)
Stuff to consider about me:

not a 9-to-5 person. (Thank God!) But because of the nature of my job, I'm away from home quite a bit and now that I have a place closer to my daughters, most of my days off are spent with them.  In other words, most of my personal socializing takes place here online, with a few extra days a month to get out on my own to actually meet people and/or do things.  My main focus for the coming years until my daughters graduate will be raising them to the best of my ability.  Obviously having a social life would seem impossible, but I think there will still be time for that, limited though it may be.

Since I've taken a serious pay-cut at work, and pay child support, a date with me would include more of the simple things in life, like holding hands, extra long walks in the park, and maybe (hopefully) passionate kisses.  As
they say, "Some of the best things in life are free."

Obviously I'm online to meet people, and yes, I've met a few in person.  I have nothing to hide, but I feel some things are personal, and should be avoided in a discussion such as the details of who I've met and/or how many.  Even if you are willing to share details of your experiences, honestly, I'd prefer to avoid that subject initially.  When we are together, it's just about you and me.  That's all we need to focus on.  I've  discussed those subjects with dates, but I've found that it usually doesn't do anything extra positive for the conversation. If you are a jealous person, you probably don't like what you're hearing now and that's ok.  We just think differently.  At least we've addressed it here before wasting each other's time, right?
Revision before this one was: 20040721, then 0328
Me & Sami in CA  (Click to Enlarge)
Voice Sample (Click to Listen)
(Click for a big kiss)
Over Orlando, Florida (Click to Enlarge)
I can enjoy just about anything that's usually considered fun and legal by more than a few people.  

I don't read too many
books, but I thoroughly enjoy writing; most of which is journaling.  My reading consists mainly of newspapers, magazines, internet, self help books, manuals and Closed Captioning on TV if the kids get too loud.

I Love this country. (If you are in the military,
Thank You for protecting our freedom!)
Stuff that annoys me: 

Automated phone answering systems that give me every possible choice (including my own disguised with some strange title) before giving me a chance to speak to a real person.  Or even worse, those systems that never connect me to a human being.

While on hold, recordings that say,
"Thank you for your patience." about fifteen-hundered-and-sixty-two-times before I get to speak with a human being, as if to assume that by hearing the message repeatedly, I will be completely calm by the time they get to me.


Product manuals that "Congratulate" me for purchasing an item, as if I've come a tiny step closer to achieving that particular company's "greatness" for owning their product.  I hate to sound old fashioned, but whatever happened to
"Thank you for your business." ?

"Hello Mr. & Mrs. Jones.  We'd like to 'congratulate' you for being able to afford to come into our fine eating establishment this evening.  Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking?"

BTW I know it appears that I'm "sweating the small stuff".  I just do it for fun and variety sometimes.  Believe me, I don't let this stuff consume me.  (Except for the automated answering systems!!!)

I have an appreciation for quotes of wisdom and humor:

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."

"Better bend than break."

"All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost."
J.R.R. Tolkein

"If you want to be somebody else, change your mind."
Sister Hazel

"The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of the wise man is in his heart."
Benjamin Franklin

More Quotes:
Personal Quote: "I'd rather make a few friends laugh really hard than make a room full of people laugh politely."
(Revised 20041112)
Other Interests
Family History

Congratulations on Number 7 Lance!
Watch his Stage 20 Win