Miss Laban - 12/26/00 11:03:10
My URL:http://fantasy.net-center.co.uk/
My Email:laban@catlover.com
Did you like my pages?: yes a lot
How did you get here?: just found it
Where do you live?: Denmark
Cool website. Keep up the good work :)
Carl - 12/20/00 02:04:43
Did you like my pages?: Uh huh!
What is your favorite sports team?: Canucks
How old are you?: 12
Is there anything you would like to see here?: More
Rie - 11/18/00 05:30:58
My URL:http://aruru_richi.tripod.co.jp
My Email:riemekko@mailcity.com
Did you like my pages?: Yes
How did you get here?: viewing another guestbook
How old are you?: 16
Where do you live?: Japan
Cute Page. Please visit mine & sign my guestbook
Maniac - 10/24/00 19:18:21
My URL:Http://www.geocities.com/quadravian/index.html
My Email:Mholm@Stubnet.dk
Did you like my pages?: no
How did you get here?: well...i don't know
What is your favorite sports team?: basketball
How old are you?: 17
Where do you live?: denmark
Is there anything you would like to see here?: yes
i would like to see my site on your site under "LINKS" så please add it THANK YOU
Mark W. - 10/09/00 22:21:37
My URL:http://www.youron-line.net
My Email:markus15x@hotmail.com
Did you like my pages?: Yes
How did you get here?: Link from my Dreambook
What is your favorite sports team?: Mets
How old are you?: 17
Where do you live?: New York City
Is there anything you would like to see here?: Music, perhaps a picture or two
This is a very nice page. It's very personal too! Keep up the great work :)
Shren - 09/23/00 13:23:41
My URL:http://www.expage.com/realgyrl
My Email:www.Shren@trickdaddy.com
Did you like my pages?: yesss
How did you get here?: lokked on others
What is your favorite sports team?: none
How old are you?: 13-15
Where do you live?: Oklahoma
Is there anything you would like to see here?: no
Could you visit my site it's called pimps up hoes down it's really tight and I like your page
Meg - 09/18/00 01:53:01
My URL:http://www.expage.com/luvin2gether
My Email:luvin2gether2001@hotmail.com
Hi Visit our site! ThanxXXx
Whitney - 09/17/00 21:14:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in2/wms
My Email:forever-and-ever@angelfire.com
Did you like my pages?: Yep
Hi! Awesome site! I really loved everything here. Keep up the wonderful work! Bye!
Carl - 09/08/00 21:58:26
Is there anything you would like to see here?: Just more of the same.
fafaleen - 08/26/00 23:07:18
My Email:fafaleen@mybc.com
Did you like my pages?: Very much
How did you get here?: a little bird showed the way
What is your favorite sports team?: The Mariners
Where do you live?: Canada
Lynzi - 08/22/00 17:36:09
My URL:http://mochadreams.cjb.net
My Email:Linko47@yahoo.com
Did you like my pages?: yes
How did you get here?: another guestbook had ur link
What is your favorite sports team?: boston red sox
How old are you?: 14
Where do you live?: CT
Is there anything you would like to see here?: no it's gr8!
Hey I luv ur webpage! It's awesome.. I like ur layout and I think the music thing is really cute. You have alot of cool things to do and see, and I like how everything looks. You can never get bored here.. it's gr8! Keep up the outstanding work! Check out
my page is u get a chance, thanx a lot and awesome page!
Skye - 08/18/00 18:02:30
My Email:ballet_girl@themail.com
Did you like my pages?: yes and no
How did you get here?: Just surfed on in!
What is your favorite sports team?: Seattle Mariners
Where do you live?: Canada
Is there anything you would like to see here?: no
I liked your cyber pet page. I liked your jokes, too. See you later.
LiSa - 08/11/00 16:53:27
My URL:http://www.skateboardingwithmusic.homstead.com
My Email:blink182_lover13_2000@hotmail.com
Did you like my pages?: hell ya
How did you get here?: 1st Ashley's guestbook than u signed mine
What is your favorite sports team?: MiAmI DoLpHiNs
How old are you?: 13
Where do you live?: CoLoRaDo =(
Is there anything you would like to see here?: no it's all good
I haven't been by ur page n awhile. I waz lookin' for new stuff but not much new. U can go my by page and c a few new things. Backgrounds, about me,etc.. cuz I updated it. Relly kool page Charlie. I g2g to many ppl talking to me on yahoo and AOL os l8er.
Surfking - 08/06/00 01:09:51
My URL:http://surfking.terrashare.com
My Email:eugene9224@go.com
Did you like my pages?: yes
How did you get here?: You signed my guest book
What is your favorite sports team?: Washington Redskins
How old are you?: 38
Where do you live?: Germantown, MD
You have a nice site! It's obvious you've worked very hard on it. I grew up in the Portland, OR area, and have seen several Seattle Mariner games. Last year we toured the new stadium (Safeco Field) just before it was opened. By the way, you can put the bi
le verse of the day on your site. All you have to do is sign up for it. Good job!
Ashley - 07/25/00 15:37:26
My URL:http://www.stuffinmyeverydaylife.homestead.com/homeintro.html
My Email:Kamikaze_gurl@themail.com
Did you like my pages?: Yes
How did you get here?: You told me about it
What is your favorite sports team?: Atlanta Braves
How old are you?: 14
Where do you live?: West Virginia
Is there anything you would like to see here?: Nope, you already covered it
Wow, that's so great that you added Bible verses, thank you so much, Charlie! You're a great person! I'm so interested in the Bible and stuff, and I'm so glad that I have your site as a reference for some of my favorite verses! Thanks, it's awesome.
Lisa - 07/11/00 04:52:19
My URL:http://www.skateboardingwithmusic.homestead.com
My Email:lisa_is_n_colorado@gurlmail.com
Did you like my pages?: YeP
How did you get here?: Ashley's guestbook
What is your favorite sports team?: Miami Dophins
How old are you?: 13
Where do you live?: CoLoRaDo
Is there anything you would like to see here?: everything is kool!
I think ur name is Charlie but i'm not sure! Nice page very nice how it's set up. GO check out mine sometime...make sure u put which Charlie cuz my other friend Charlie has signed! Well nice page g2g now.
Shan - 07/07/00 02:54:10
My URL:http://www.fortune2000net.com
My Email:shanmaree@themail.com
Did you like my pages?: very good, tidy!!! good work
How did you get here?: my guest book
What is your favorite sports team?: basketball
How old are you?: 48
Where do you live?: tweed heads Gold Coast Australia
Is there anything you would like to see here?: A way to make a million in a month ,Oh well you can always dream
as above ,and thank you for signing my guest book.good luck Charlie
Steelerfan - 06/22/00 04:15:22
My URL:http://steelerfan.homestead.com/homepage.html
My Email:pghsteelerfan1@aol.com
Did you like my pages?: yes
How did you get here?: you signed my guestbook
What is your favorite sports team?: Steelers, Penguins, Pirates
How old are you?: 39
Where do you live?: Pittsburgh, PA
Nice site so far. Just recently worked on mine, hope to work on it some more this weekend. Check it out once in a while for new links.
Me - 06/22/00 04:10:02
My URL:http://chasterfind.com/kids.html
My Email:thanks@chasterfind.com
Did you like my pages?: Yeppers!
How did you get here?: You know
What is your favorite sports team?: Mariners, of course!
How old are you?: Old enough
Where do you live?: Here
Is there anything you would like to see here?: More of the same
Looking good!
Spencer - 06/22/00 00:16:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/coolkid_star
Did you like my pages?: yes
How did you get here?: you signed my guestbook
What is your favorite sports team?: toronto blue Jays
Where do you live?: Across the strret
Is there anything you would like to see here?: more color
I liked your backgrounds! Bye bye!
Ashley - 06/16/00 04:11:51
My URL:http://www.stuffinmyeverydaylife.homestead.com/homeintro.html
My Email:Kamikaze_gurl@themail.com
Did you like my pages?: Yes, awesome. I love your site!
How did you get here?: You signed my g-book, and I visited from there. I'm VERY glad I did!
What is your favorite sports team?: Atlanta Braves
How old are you?: 14
Where do you live?: West Virginia (USA)
Is there anything you would like to see here?: I just started practicing Christianity not too long ago, and I would like to see more verses from the bible, so I know some of the more popular ones.
I think this page is awesome! I especially like the cyber pets. Awwww that's so CUTE! You've done VERY well with this.
Chris - 05/28/00 16:33:38
My URL:http://www.cmurphy.com
Did you like my pages?: Sure do
How did you get here?: Surfed in
What is your favorite sports team?: Knicks
How old are you?: 42
Where do you live?: NY
Is there anything you would like to see here?: Journel
Hay Charlie, thanks for signing my book. You have a very cool site and I enjoyed visiting it.
WindRider - 03/18/00 05:36:53
My URL:/the1windrider
My Email:the1windrider@yahoo.com
Did you like my pages?: I loved your pages
How did you get here?: You visited my site and signed my guestbook
What is your favorite sports team?: Montreal Canadians (don't laugh)
How old are you?: 41
Where do you live?: Montreal, Canada
Is there anything you would like to see here?: You already have a wonderful site, just let it be who you are...
Thanks ever so much for dropping by at my site. I hope you enjoyed your visit there.
I sure enjoyed my visit on your site.
God Bless and take care
Pop - 03/12/00 00:39:17
My URL:http://chasterfind.com/kids.html
My Email:What's your e-mail?
Did you like my pages?: Awesome
How did you get here?: Drove a mouse
What is your favorite sports team?: Mariners
How old are you?: older than you
Where do you live?: In a house
Is there anything you would like to see here?: Yes!
Great job MAX!
Steve - 03/09/00 07:13:16
My URL:http://www.simplifiedonline.com
My Email:knight10@tir.com
Did you like my pages?: Very Cool!
How did you get here?: from my guest book
What is your favorite sports team?: Detroit Tigers
How old are you?: 43
Where do you live?: Bay City, Michigan, USA
You also have a cool site. Thanks for visiting mine. Keep up the great work.
Frankie - 02/26/00 01:13:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Arbor/3944
Did you like my pages?: Yes!
How did you get here?: Just surfed on in!
What is your favorite sports team?: SEATLE MARINERS!!!!
How old are you?: 9 and a half.
Where do you live?: Canada
Is there anything you would like to see here?: A Music Page
This page is real kewl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's Rad!!!!!!
I hope you get a music page soon! that's it!
I'll come back soon:)
Kim Godfrey - 11/21/99 23:42:00
Did you like my pages?: of course
How did you get here?: Aunty Judy
What is your favorite sports team?: Vancouver Canucks
How old are you?: 12
Where do you live?: Prince Rupert
Is there anything you would like to see here?: no
Hi Charlie how are you?
"Bubble" - 11/12/99 01:49:40
My Email:jt@citytel.net
Did you like my pages?: You bet!
How did you get here?: I got your address from your Mom.
What is your favorite sports team?: Vancouver Canucks
How old are you?: 35
Where do you live?: Prince Rupert
Is there anything you would like to see here?: I can't think of anything right now.
Hi Charlie! I look forward to visiting your site in the future. I really like your woobie puppy Shadow!
Love Aunty Judy
JACAFASK - 10/26/99 17:14:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/5358
The other link didn't wotk=)
JACAFASK - 10/26/99 17:12:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jacafask
Did you like my pages?: yes
How old are you?: 14, 11, 9, and 7
Where do you live?: Canada
Is there anything you would like to see here?: Links
Kewl site!
Jennifer - 10/25/99 22:08:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Mountain/3300
Did you like my pages?: Yep
How did you get here?: You Signed My Guest-Book
What is your favorite sports team?: Seattle Mariner's (like you!)
How old are you?: 14
Where do you live?: Canada
Is there anything you would like to see here?: Jokes?
Nice looking page here! Can't wait too see more=)