Music Soothes the Savage Beast
Music Soothes the Savage Beast








Philosophy for the week: "When the train slows down, the view outside its window tends to become much clearer"

Hi and welcome to "Music Soothes the Savage Beast"!!!

If you've been an ardent fan of both music and philosophy, then look no further---this is the site for you!!!

This page has been titled after my tentative debut album--- "Music Soothes the Savage Beast", which contains 14  tracks of unforgettable melodies.. You can learn more about my album in the section entitled "Music".

The Sanctuary is a page which represents another of my current interests and hobbies in philosophy. Do take a look even if you're not interested and please feel free to  gimme your comments!

The Grapevine is a new segment in my homepage featuring discussions of virtually everything under the sun...Controversies, debates, scientific issues, music etc.

The junkyard is another new segment featuring garage items for sale at a really cheap price! Go check it out!!!

You can surf through the rest of this site simply by clicking any of the links above. Or you can click at this
sitemap to get a  summary of my other pages on this site for easy navigation.


The EGO Trip

Before I introduce myself, let me just say one thing---its better not knowing me.

I am known to most people as the "Xshagger"--- the alter ego you are perhaps already familiar with. Some of you may have heard that name on popular shows such as Glenn Ong's "Ego Trip" on the perfect 10 or even popular IRC channels such as # mp3files, #hwachong and #63.

Before there is any misunderstanding, let me clarify a few things about the name "Xshagger".

1) I am not a person who "shags " everything I see or simply anything that begins with the letter "X"

2) I am definitely not an alien microbe. This is definitely not to be confused with the adorable sentient fungi race known as the Xchaggers (though that's where I got inspiration for my name). Hence, no matter what others tell you, I am not a vegetable either...

3) I am not Austin Powers, though many have commented that I possess many physical qualities of Mr Powers himself and have a great sexual appeal. Many have even claimed that I possess the  "mojo" of Mike Meyers. Some have even proclaimed  me " the Sex Bomb of Asia"

Though you may think that you already know me, here are some points which you may not have noticed (at least for the benefit of those who don't):

a)I am a male
b)I am heterosexual
c) I love music, the outdoors, philosophies, the paranormal, mystics and everything to do with anything creative.
d) I am not a sex maniac nor a flirt
e) I enjoy making friends
f) I have a life
g) I am both flat-footed and hairy-legged
h) I do not enjoy baring my half-naked body on the net
i) I love playing with guitars, pianos, girls, musical as well as  non-musical organs , stringed instruments ( e.g. my legs)
j) I am single ( you can call me at 1800-911-6182)
k) I am definitely not the genius that so many of you choose to call me---I am merely gifted
Well, that's all I can say about myself  for now. But if you really wanna know me better, listen to my music(if it ever gets released)  or take a  look at my philosophies. As the famous adage goes: " A man is judged by his actions and not the hair on his legs"

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