PlanetKardaen.gif (4321 bytes)

getzdtv.bmp (7766 bytes)

officialbutton.gif (3434 bytes)



grip.gif (14919 bytes)

[ Yahoo! ] options

topleft.gif (841 bytes)

I use this site as more of a vault of links and things to make it easy for me to navigate when using computers other than my own.  You are welcome to use them as well. The site looks best in 800x600 resolution and was prepared for Internet Explorer. I'd like to recognize PlanetVampire for giving me the layout idea.



topleft.gif (841 bytes)
buckels le deux cheval.gif (51832 bytes)

Le Deux Cheval by Jim Buckels


icon.gif (1497 bytes)    Fantasy Baseball  Links

Rotonews Direct - THE source for fantasy sports injuries and updates on players

Yahoo Sports Fantasy Baseball - Kokomo Kollision

CBS Sportsline - Kokomo Kollision

ESPN Fantasy Baseball - Kokomo Kollision

Fox Full Fantasy Baseball - Indiana Impetus

Sandbox - Kokomo Kollision

Inside Corner - Kokomo Kollision

Rotonews - Altus Tornados

Smallworld Baseball - Kokomo Kollision

icon.gif (1497 bytes)    Sports News Links
icon.gif (1497 bytes)    Games Links
icon.gif (1497 bytes)    Miscellaneous Links

left2.gif (1736 bytes) [Contact Kardaen]
Special consideration to PlanetVampire and their webpage designers for the basic layout, and some background images.