

ball Children like artwork that looks like a child's product. I have two boards in my room. One I do and one the children do. We change both boards once a month. I use basic swipes with a brush to create boards just like the kids. Using pre-fabricated bulletin boards all the time may be easier, look sharper and neater but oh how adult oriented and boreing. Remember you are pleasing the child, not the parents, not your boss. Be sure to let the kids decorate it!

ball Decorate the room with the children's art work. Have the child tell you about their picture and write it in the upper conner. Date it! Parents will keep a picture longer (perhaps for life!) if you take these few extra steps.
ball Send the morjority of their art work home weekly. There is nothing worse than having your child not even remember doing a picture.

ball Let the children take home at least one of the things they created daily. It takes about a month for them to become responsible for putting it in their cubby (coat area) and getting it to the bus and all the way in the home. This is wonderful for their future Kindergarten teacher to have a child capable of taking care of take home work.

ball With today's new laws more and more parents are working. They still need to be involved with their child's education. Send a note home asking for them send something red to school with their child. Or something that crinkles. Tell them to be creative! You may get catsup and what a wonderful thing to talk about, look at, feel, taste and paint with!

ball Send home a book for them to read and have the child tell the class about it the next day.
ball Tape the kids telling these stories and have parent/kid movie during a meeting. Don't forget the pop-corn.

ball Teachers- If you have a parent who refuses to believe their child may have a problem such as speech or delayed learning development give them all the information you have and let the subject drop.

ball Parents- If you have a teacher who refuses to believe your child does not have a problem such as speech or learning development give them all the information you have and tell them to let the subject drop. You are the determining factor in how your child will be educated.


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