

ball The Guessing Game We use this particular game alot but we change the items to match the occasion or mood of the day. In this game we all gather in the circle and pick one person to start the game. This person hides their eyes or uses a blindfold. We have a playschool house in the room and the "it" person goes in the house and hides their eyes. Teacher or Parent gives the object (example: a small ball) to one child who sits on it. Then all the other children sit and no one talks while the "it" person comes out of hiding. "It" person goes around to each child and ask "Do You Have My Ball?" Child on the floor has to stand up to show if they have it hidden or not. If they don't everyone says nooooooo! I know this sounds simple and it is but this age child can't get enough of it!

ball Someone's In The Middle Acting Like This While everyone stands in a circle singing and clapping, one child stays in the middle. When the short song (below) ends the child in the middle acts like an animal and everyone else has to do the same thing. When their turn is over they pick another child to be next.
(Clapping)Johnny's in the middle, middle,middle
Johnny's in the middle acting like this
This can be changed for every holiday or occasion.

ball Red Rover Form two lines a few yards away and facing each other. Put appropriate title for the occasion in front of child's name. Ex: Form 2 lines (informal) with kids holding fingers hooked together lightly. Red Rover, Red Rover send Bunny Alice right over. (For Easter) Child runs (Or Hops) from their line to the other line and through the hooked fingers.

ball Red Light, Green Light One child holds an object appropriate for the occasion and turns around with their back faceing the others while saying Red Light! Meanwhile all the others try to hop (skip,walk,run, etc...) up behind them before the "it" persons turns around and says Green Light! Anyone caught moving has to start back at the begining place. Make sure you get caught too showing it's ok and fun to start over.

ball Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes: This is fun and the children usually ask for it at some point in the day. Stand up straight and put both hands on your head to start singing. Move both hands down as you sing different parts of the body. Any time you sing a body part make sure you are touching it with both hands. You'll be bending alot and getting that exercise in. Teaches body parts very well while your having fun!
My Head
My Shoulders
My Knees
My Toes

My Knees
My Toes
(Repeat again! Keep moving!)
My Knees
My Toes
(Repeat first verse)
My Head
My Shoulders
My Knees
My Toes
(Touch lightly with fingers)
My Eyes
My Ears
My Mouth
My Nose!
When you say Nose yell real loud and fling your arms open.

TIP!~~~Play it real slow then play it real fast!
Then play it super fast! Everyone ends up confused *L*


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