The Gecko Adoption Agency
Welcome to my Gecko Adoption Agency, home of the first ever adoptable cybergeckos! These little geckos are in need of a good home - how about adopting one or two of your own? Go ahead, all I ask is that you provide a link back to

so that other geckos can be adopted too!

I'm sorry, you can't adopt a gecko if you don't have a homepage - but you CAN grow one!

These are the rules your page MUST comply with before adopting:

1. Your page MUST be kid- and gecko-safe!
2. Your gecko's certificate MUST be on the same page as he/she is, linked back to the above address!
3. You MUST fill out the form below or email me (address below) when you decide to get a gecko!
4. You MUST take good care of your gecko! :)

And please, don't alter these geckos in any way. I worked really hard to make them and they are my property, so please don't put them in graphic collections or give them out as your work.

So, want a gecko? Follow these three steps:

Step 1

Ready? Choose as many geckos as you want, and download them! To download your gecko: right click on it and SAVE AS. No linking to these graphics, please!

These are the adults:

this one is one of my favorites.pretty colors!kaleidoscope gecko.denim gecko.southwestern gecko!
I like the colors in this one.lizard-y gecko.bright gecko!fiery gecko!minty-fresh!
another minty-fresh gecko!I love this one... it's based on has the gecko adoption agency's colors!scaley gecko.
my World Cup gecko!  blue white & red for France!zebra gecko!this one is my Star Wars gecko.antique gecko...?I love spirals.

All geckos have transparent backgrounds.

And the babies:


All geckos have transparent backgrounds.

Step 2
Is your gecko safely on YOUR hard drive? Now fill out all of this form:

Your first name or nick:

Your email:

Your URL: (no gecko without one!)

Which gecko(s) are you adopting?:
Gecko #1
Gecko #2
Gecko #3
Gecko #4
Gecko #5
Gecko #6
Gecko #7
Gecko #8
Gecko #9
Gecko #10
Gecko #11
Gecko #12
Gecko #13
Gecko #14
Gecko #15
Gecko #16
Gecko #17
Gecko #18
Gecko #19
Gecko #20
Gecko #1b
Gecko #2b
Gecko #3b
Gecko #4b
Gecko #5b
Gecko #6b
Gecko #7b
Gecko #8b
Gecko #9b
Gecko #10b
Gecko #11b

Your gecko(s) name(s): (it's okay if you change them later.)

Any comments?:

By clicking the "Send it away" button, you will be taken to a page with the adoption certificates. Pleeeeeease take one when you get there!

If your browser can't handle forms, or if this one doesn't work (which seems to happen frequently), email me the info with Gecko Adoption as the subject.

[Adopt a Gecko][Design Your Own Gecko][Grow a Gecko][Visit Adopted Geckos][Gecko Accessories]
