Hi! I'm Sweetmomma.
This is my first web-page..! I am from North Carolina. I am a fulltime mom and homemaker. The pic below is of me and my first child.The pic was takening 10 yrs ago...I am at the age 31 now.I have 3 other kids.There names are Jerry Jr.,Marie, and Albert.There ages are 6,5,and 4.That is all on my kids.
I hope you enjoy your stay here on my website...And I want to say that I like to go fishing,working on cars,and I love to stay home with my boyfriend and just do whatever around the house.In the pic below that is my oldest daugther when she was first born.
She was born in the year 1989.And she is 9 yrs old now,but soon to be 10. Her name is April. She is my lucky charm. well I am going to close for now..this is a little bit about me.

This is a pic of my boyfriend and his son below.This was a surprise giving to me from my dearest friend Silversprings98.Thanks alot Silversprings98.This was a great surprise. After I saw it I was speechless. You sure know how to surprise someone silversprings98. And I love these 2 in the pic below very much.They are my life. I don't know what I would do without them both.
This picture above here is my boyfriend and his son. These 2 here I love very much. I put this picture on here to show them I do care about them and that I also love them too.... And they are what is keeping me going everyday.
And Paul Sr. the song I had playing on here is for you my love. Because I will Stand By My Man.....and you are my man. And I am going to stand by you 100%. So this song: "Stand By Your Man" is for you.

This is my boyfriends oldest son. His name is Paul Burns Jr. He is a county cop. He is a hero in my book...Me and his father are proud of him....This is to show him we do care about him....Paul this is for you......We love you.....Wreatha and Your Dad.
This is my daugther her name is Marie Johnson. She is my halloween baby. She was born on Oct.31st. She is my boo-boo. I love her very much. And now she will be here with me always and I will have her in my heart and she is always on my mind.... I Love you very much Boo-Boo (Marie)

This is my son and his name is Jerry Johnson Jr. He is my summer baby. He was born on July 16th. And he too will be here with me always. And he will stay in my heart and thoughts always. I love him too very much. He will always be on my mind. I Love you very much son (Jerry Jr.)

This is my other daughter and her name is April. She lives with me now and she will until the age 18 yrs. old. She was born on july 16th also. She to is my summer baby. She is always on my mind and in my thoughts too....She is 10 yrs old. And I love her alot. I Love you very much kiddo (April).

Guardian Angel

A guardian angel
Flew down from above,
To teach me a lesson
About the powers of love.

She whispers to me,
Take a hold of my hand,
There are so many things
I wish you to understand.
About the powers of love,
And all it can do,
To someone who needs
To share it with you.
A pat on the back,
A kind smile on your face,
Can make someone's life,
A much brighter place.

It doesn't take much,
To show someone you care,
To give them the love,
God gave you to share.
So please keep in mind,
All the powers you possess,
To grace someone's life,
When they're in distress.
You've been put on this earth
To bestow the powers of love,
And with those final words,
She disappeared up

Love needs no words,
Love makes you smile,
Love is all there is.
Forever I'll love,
If you will love me,
Till forever and a day,
I'll be true to thee."
Keep this going....This is a best friend
Send this to as many friends as u possibly
can and if you get it back
you truly will know
who your friends are.

E-mail me at poohbeargal@hotmail.com or WJOHNSON5@carolina.rr.com
Please come back soon and visit me.

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