Welcome to Our Guestbook!

Carol MacPherson - 05/24/00 19:31:04
My Email:carol@gardtal.com
School: Joseph Burr Tyrrell
Town/City: Fort Smith
Province: Northwest Territories
Want a Keypal?: NO

Check out www.astroatlas.com/macclaus I am the Computer teacher at JBT Elementary as well as the Kindergarten Teacher. The float you see in the main picture is something my husband and I do every Christmas in our town. We drive through the town. There will be more info. as the page develops.

Kyle - 05/08/00 19:48:50
School: Ken Jenkins
Town/City: Regina
Province: Saskatchewan
Want a Keypal?: yes right now
Age: 10
Interests: Soccer


Kyle - 05/08/00 19:44:08
School: Ken Jenkins
Town/City: Regina
Province: Saskatchewan
Age: 10
Interests: Soccer


Stefan Coish - 04/27/00 12:25:03
My Email:scoish@mde.k12.nf.ca
School: Macdonald Drive
Town/City: St.Johns
Province: Newfoundland
Want a Keypal?: yes!
Age: 12
Interests: Redwall,N64,pokemon,drawing,pokemon cards

I would like a Keypal from Edmonton ,Kelowna BC ,or Toronto.

Omar - 04/26/00 17:26:12
School: Macdonald Drive
Town/City: St. Johns
Province: Newfoundland
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 11
Interests: stuff

sup my man

Jenn - 03/06/00 01:14:12
My Email:thenderson@yknet.yk.ca
School: C.K.E.S
Town/City: Whithorse
Province: Yukon
Want a Keypal?: I sure do!
Age: 11
Interests: swimming

I love to play tag! Even thow I'm 11 my favorite game to play is tag.

Alysha - 01/12/00 17:22:44
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: RedDeer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 11
Interests: Basketball

I would a key pal in Saskatchewan.

Alysha - 01/12/00 17:22:42
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: RedDeer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 11
Interests: Basketball

I would a key pal in Saskatchewan.

Alysha - 01/12/00 17:21:53
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: RedDeer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 11
Interests: Basketball

I would a key pal in Sasaktoon

Jordan - 01/12/00 17:20:49
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: pokemon and play station games

I would like a keypal in Ontario.

Daniel - 01/12/00 17:19:36
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Interests: pokemon, games

I would like a keypal in Ontario.

Landon - 01/12/00 17:18:14
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Albeta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: Pokemon

I would like a key pal from Ontario.

Erin - 01/12/00 17:17:23
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Dee
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: Different kinds of toothed whales.

Would prefer a keypal from the Atlantic provinces.

Ashley - 01/12/00 17:17:12
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: 10
Interests: Hockey,Basketball

Hi!I enjoy this program.I would like a key pal from Prince Edward Island.

Britttney - 01/12/00 17:17:02
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: Ten
Interests: Sports

I would prefer someone from Prince Edward Island. Thank you, Brittney

Justin - 01/12/00 17:16:02
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: pokemon game, magic cards, soccer and basketball and music

I would like a key pal from B.C.

Stacey - 01/12/00 17:14:40
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: Pokemon,basketball,music

I would like a keypal in Newfoundland.

Stacey - 01/12/00 17:14:38
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: Pokemon,basketball,music

I would like a keypal in Newfoundland.

Robert - 01/12/00 17:14:22
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: hockey/soccer

I think I will enjoy this program. I would like a keypal in newfoundland.

melissa - 01/12/00 17:13:26
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.abca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: RedDeer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 11
Interests: basketball, soccer.

I would prefer a key pal from Ontario.

melissa - 01/12/00 17:13:24
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.abca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: RedDeer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 11
Interests: basketball, soccer.

I would prefer a key pal from Ontario.

Logan - 01/12/00 17:11:39
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: Climbing

I would like a keypal from Newfoundland.

Lana - 01/12/00 17:10:35
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: grade5 10 years old
Interests: basketball,cats,

Hi! I enjoy doing this program. I can't wait until we start. I want to have a keypal in Ontario. I would love to go there!

Lana - 01/12/00 17:10:33
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: grade5 10 years old
Interests: basketball,cats,

Hi! I enjoy doing this program. I can't wait until we start. I want to have a keypal in Ontario. I would love to go there!

Ben - 01/12/00 17:09:32
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: digimon

I would like a keypal in Newfoundland.

Amy - 01/12/00 17:08:34
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: Ten
Interests: Sports

I would prefer my keypal from New Brunswick. Thank you, Amy

Colton - 01/12/00 17:07:42
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10/10
Interests: hockey/basketball

I would like a key pal in Nunavut.

steven - 01/12/00 17:06:27
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: soccer

I enjoid doing this program. B.C is is a province I would like.

Ceanna (see a na) - 01/12/00 17:05:41
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer City
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: sports,readingand having fun.

Would prefer a atlantic province for a keypals home province and would also prefer gr.4-6. I injoyed this prodject because it was really great!!

Amy - 01/12/00 16:59:37
My Email:norm5@rdpsd.ab.ca
School: Normandeau
Town/City: Red Deer
Province: Alberta
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: Ten
Interests: Sports


Ashley I - 11/25/99 04:01:49
My URL:http://www.acmecity.com/adamsandler/kicker/167
My Email:Lemon_Berry_Baby@hotmail.com
School: Christ The King Elementary School
Town/City: Whitehorse
Province: Yukon
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: muchmusic

I like reading, I LOVE muchmusic, I would like to talk to a boy or girl with similar interests

Ryanne Johnson - 11/18/99 17:29:01
My Email:JohnsonRyanne@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca
School: St.Margaret's
Town/City: Victoria
Province: British Columbia
Want a Keypal?: yes!
Age: 10
Interests: Playing hockey, soccer, shopping and hanging out with my friends


Lauren - 11/18/99 17:17:59
My Email:MatthiasLauren@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca
School: St Margaret's
Town/City: Sidney
Province: B.C.
Want a Keypal?: Yes!!!!!!
Age: 10
Interests: Harry Potter, swimming, reading, running, drawing and Pokemon!

I am a girl! I don't mind if I get a boy or girl keypal.

Katie Fitzpatrick - 11/18/99 17:17:04
My Email:FitzpatrickKath@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca
School: St.Margaret's
Town/City: Victoria
Province: B.C
Want a Keypal?: yes!
Age: 10
Interests: Horse back riding and hanging out with my friends


Lexi Iulianella - 11/18/99 17:03:23
My Email:IulianellaLexi@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca
School: St.Margaret's
Town/City: Victoria
Province: B.C.
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: 10
Interests: Dogs, Soccer, Basketball.


Laura Evans - 11/16/99 22:28:16
My Email:EvansLaura@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca
School: St. Margaret's
Town/City: Victoria
Province: British Columbia
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: 10
Interests: I like dogs, cats and birds. I take gymnastics, soccer and dance.

I hope you will take me to be your keypal. I would like a girl or a boy.

Melissa - 11/16/99 22:27:37
My Email:PennerMelissa@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca
School: St. Margaret's
Town/City: Victoria
Province: British Columbia
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: gymnastics, dogs, cats, watching movies

I would like a girl or boy to write to me!

Morgan Consaul - 11/15/99 19:50:48
My Email:ConsaulMorgan@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca
School: St.Margaret's
Town/City: Victoria
Province: B.C.
Want a Keypal?: YES
Age: 10
Interests: Cats,hamsters,soccer and Harry Potter

I'm a girl I wouldn't mind a boy or girl

Chelsea Sverdrup - 11/15/99 19:47:20
My Email:SverdrupChelsea@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca
School: St.Margaret's
Town/City: Victoria
Province: B.C
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: cats,swimming,shopping,talking


Alexandra - 11/10/99 17:33:03
My Email:RedlonAlexandra@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca
School: St.Margaret's
Town/City: Victoria
Province: B.C.
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: 10
Interests: horse back riding, swimming, piano, pets, T.V.


Cassandra Santilli - Giza - 11/08/99 22:27:18
My Email:gizacassandra@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca
School: St.Margaret's
Town/City: Victoria
Province: B.C.
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: horesback riding,skating,cooking,Harry Potter, Beanie Babies


Cassandra Santilli - Giza - 11/08/99 22:21:41
School: St.Margaret's
Town/City: Victoria
Province: B.C.
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 10
Interests: horesbackrinding,skating,cooking,Harry Potter,Beanie Babies


Jacqueline Wilson - 11/07/99 08:21:42
My Email:WilsonJacquelin@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc.ca

E-mail address correction!

Jacqueline Wilson - 11/05/99 19:20:45
My Email:WilsonJacquelin@jrlab.stmarg.victoria.bc
School: St. Margaret's School
Town/City: Victoria
Province: BC
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: 10
Interests: horseback riding, swimming, skating, movies, Harry Potter


Amanda Bourke - 11/04/99 20:42:16
My Email:amandabourke_ca
School: J.B.T
Town/City: Fort Smith
Province: NorthwestTerritories
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: 11
Interests: Animals,Stuffed animals


Janine Dean - 11/04/99 20:40:29
My Email:jrd99_ca
School: J.B.T
Town/City: Fort Smith
Province: Northwest Territroies
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 11
Interests: Winnie The Pooh, stuffed animals, cats,


Darwyn Menacho - 11/04/99 20:40:22
My Email:d menacho
School: J.B.T Elementery
Town/City: Fort Smith
Province: Nortwest Territies
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Age: 12
Interests: hockey,baseball


Cassi Bergman - 11/04/99 20:40:13
My Email:Cassi99_2000
School: J.B.T Elementery
Town/City: Fort Smith
Province: Northwest Territories
Want a Keypal?: yes
Age: 11
Interests: dogs,winter,Tweety Bird,stuffed animals


Betsy Mawdsley - 10/28/99 19:39:11
My Email:jahiele@yahoo.com
School: J.B.T elementery
City/Town: Fort Smith
Province: Northwest Territories
Want a Keypal?: yes
Interests: tennis, singing,astronamy,pokemon,swimming,basketball,baseball,any other sports


Cody Heron - 10/28/99 19:38:36
My Email:askhim_99@yahoo.ca
School: J.B.T.Elementary
City/Town: Fort Smith
Province: Northwest Territories
Want a Keypal?: YES
Interests: Hockey,Basketball,Ski-Dooing,Football,BASEBALL


Megan Hood - 10/28/99 19:38:31
My Email:Mayhemrules@yahoo.ca
School: J.B.T Elementary
City/Town: Fort Smith
Province: Northwest Territories
Want a Keypal?: Yes
Interests: Gymnastics,curling, beanie babies,pokemon,swimming, track&field,


KEELY DUNBAR - 10/28/99 19:38:05
My Email:kdunbar-c@yahoo.ca
School: J.B.T Elementary
City/Town: Fort Smith
Province: Northwest Territories
Want a Keypal?: yes
Interests: Baseketball,skiing,swimming,playmobil,curling,track and field,beanie babies


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