Chez Moi

HoMeCoMiNg 2002

Name: Anna
Birthday: October 4
Ethnicity: Chinese/French
But you know I'm blacker than all of you!
Status: occupied
Music: Anything not in English
Food of the Day: soy nuts, mango in a bag
Spare time: flute, piano, Kuchipudi, Chinese school

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Which Gackt are you most like?
quiz by mcvarmazi

You are Gackt's unforgettably blunt and kinky second single as a solo artist, with some very questionable Engrish thrown in. Just the name "Vanilla" suggests its rather delicious qualities. He's bleached, caged, moaning, dancing, and humping his band members.... he's talking about having sex in a manner that shocks even the most sex-desensitized person. This song may sound like a bad thing, but its really fun and energetic, as well as very kinky and naughty. But most people get a real kick out of this song, as well as his live performance of said song.

(Told you I was allergic to chocolate :p)

According to studies, vanilla is the most sensual of scents/tastes for women, and cinnamon for men.

Get some eats

kimi no koto o aishiteiru yo

samoh hiture
samooohhh hiture
samoooahhhhhhh hittuurreee

XC Pickups:
May I nibble your grapes/raisins/craisins/nuts?
Can I jingle your bells?
Can I shoot your marbles?

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