Memorial for
Columbine High School
in Littleton, Colorado!

You may use this Angel of Touch to link to this Memorial site.
Teens across America and parents wish to express their sorrow in one of the most tragic events in our American History. We are reaching out to touch the lifes that have been devastated. Our Prayers and Sympathy are with you.
We are left wondering why and how someone can have so much hatred in their hearts that they are able to kill innocent people. Satan continues to seek control of our children's lives. Christians can join together, in prayer, on our knees, for the lives lost on April 20th 1999, and for those left behind to grieve. We must also pray for a newfound commitment in all communities, to fight the enemy, rebuke him, and claim victory in Jesus over each and every life. I do believe in the power of prayer! Let us not turn our backs on this tragedy, saying there is nothing one person can do to change things. Maybe one person can't change things, but if we ban together in the name of Jesus a mighty Revival will take place across this nation.
May this candle be our way of holding you in our
hearts and prayers after this terrible tragedy that all the citizens of Littleton, CO have suffered.

Please feel free to take this candle and add it to your page in Memory of all the students of Columbine High School.
Let this candle continue to remind the world of what happened on this day and that you will never
be forgotten.
Please take a moment to leave a message for the students of Columbine High School so they know you are thinking about them?
Please Pray for all of the Students

Partial list of people slain at Columbine High School. Compiled from family or friends.
Cassie Bernall, 17. Two years ago she became a born-again Christian and became active in church youth programs and Bible study groups. In middle school, she had hung out with a nihilistic group. Recently visited Britain and favorite movie was Mel Gibson's ''Braveheart.''
Cassie was asked by one of the gunmen if she believed in God? When she replied "Yes" he laughed at her and shot her. Read the article by going HERE.
Corey Depooter, 17. Loved to golf, hunt and fish. Former wrestler. Recently took maintenance job at a golf club to save up for a fishing boat with a friend. Good student. Had wisdom teeth removed this year and frustrated that it forced him to miss school. Hid under library table with friends as gunmen sprayed bullets at floor level.
Kelly Fleming,16. Aspiring songwriter and author. Wrote scores of poems and short stories based on her life experiences. Was learning to play guitar. Moved from Phoenix 18 months ago. Eager to get her driver's license and part time job. Shot in the library.
Matthew Ketcher, 16. A junior, had hoped to start for the football team. Lifted weights. Played on offensive and defensive lines. Maintained A average. Shot in library after he tried to reach friends hiding in adjacent video room.
Daniel Mauser, 15. A sophomore, excelled in math and science, and earned straight A's on his last report card. Ran cross country and joined debate team. Recently returned from two-week trip to Paris with his French club.
Daniel Rohrbough, 15. Helped in his father's electronics business and worked on family farms in Kansas during the summer. Enjoyed computer games, stereos and home theater systems. Shot while holding an exit door open for fleeing students.
William ''Dave'' Sanders, 47. Computer and business teacher for 24 years. Coached girls' basketball and softball; basketball team posted winning record in his first year, 1997-98 after finishing next-to-last the year before. Married with at least two daughters and five grandchildren. Shot twice in chest while directing students down hallway to safety. Survived at least three hours until students were rescued.
Rachel Scott, 17. Played lead in a student-written school play, ''Smoke in the Room.'' Active in Celebration Christian Fellowship church. Liked photography. During rampage, younger brother Craig, 16, played dead in library and helped lead others to safety. During Rachel's funeral she was remembered as "A girl who loved life, adored acting and was nice to people she didn't know. "A Truer friend you couldn't find" quoted one friend. Her friends and family wrote comments on Rachel's caskett: "See you in Heaven," "You are my hero," "You always brought a smile to my face." Her father wrote simply: "I love you. Dad. Forever."
Isaiah Shoels, 18. Only black youth shot. Due to graduate in May. Suffered health problems as a child and had heart surgery twice. Wanted to attend an arts college and become a music executive. Small in stature, but lifted weights and played football and wrestled. Bench-pressed twice his weight. Transferred from Lakewood High School. Shot in the head execution-style in the school library specifically because of his race and athletic interests, witnesses said.
John Tomlin, 16. Enjoyed driving off-road in his beat-up Chevy pickup. Worked after-school in gardening store and belonged to a church youth group. Last year, went on missionary trip to Mexico with family and built a house for poor people. Planned to enlist in the Army in two years.
Lauren Townsend, 18. Was captain of girls' varsity basketball team, coached by her mother. Other players said she was ''consumed'' by the sport. Member of the National Honor Society. Wanted to major in biology in college.
Kyle Velasquez, 16, a boy who treated others with "the utmost respect." "Kyle was known as a gentle giant, and when he looked down on his parents, it was as their little boy," said Kyle's uncle, John Newhauser. Colorado Gov. Bill Owens was one of 800 people who attended his funeral service.
This is a list of the injured, please pray for them!
The 23 Colorado school shooting victims who were hospitalized:
-Anne Marie Hochhalter, 17, critical condition, gunshot wound.
-Richard Casaldo, 17, critical condition, gunshot wounds.
-Mark Kingen, 17, serious condition, gunshot wounds.
-Lisa Kreutz, 18, serious condition, gunshot wounds.
-Sean Graves, 15, stable but guarded condition, gunshot wound.
-Valerie Schnurr, 18, stable condition, shrapnel wounds.
-Nicole Nowlen, 16, fair condition.
-Brian Anderson, 17, treated and released.
-Joyce Jankowski, 45, treated and released.
-Pat Nielson, 35, treated and released.
-Male, 16, critical condition, gunshot wounds.
-Male, 15, critical condition, gunshot wounds.
-Female, 17, serious condition, gunshot wounds.
-Male, 17, serious condition, gunshot wounds.
-Male, 16, serious condition, gunshot wounds.
-Male, 19, stable condition, gunshot wounds.
-Female, 18, fair condition, gunshot wounds.
-Female, 17, good condition.
-Male teen, good condition.
-Male, 18, treated and released.
-Female, treated and released.
-Male, treated and released.
-Male, treated and released.
UPDATE May 3, 1999
here is the Update information on Columbine students:
Denver Health Medical
777 Bannock St., MC 0254
Denver CO 80204
Lisa Kreutz, 18, serious
Lance Kirklin, 16, critical but stable
Mark Kintgen, 17, fair
Jeanna Park, 18, fair
St. Anthony Central Hospital
5570 DTC Parkway
Englewood, CO 80111
Kasey Ruegsegger, 17, serious condition
Patrick Ireland, 17, serious condition
15 year-old male, critical condition (name not released as of 4/22/99)
Makai Hall, 19, fair condition
Littleton Adventist Hospital
Jennifer Doyle, 17, good condition
Swedish Medical Center
501 E. Hampden Ave.
Englewood, CO 80110
Sean Graves, serious
Ann Marie Hockalter, critical
Valerie Schnurr, fair & stable
Richard Casaldo, serious
University Hospital
4200 E. 9th Ave., A092
Denver CO 80262
Mark Taylor, 16, serious
All other students have already been released. Send cards,
letters, posters, balloons, etc. (no flowers or plants) to
the above addresses. I don't have any word on
individual funds yet. A general fund for all of the students
has been started through Mile High United Way and WB2
Charities Marshal.
You can address donations to:
Mile High United Way
2505 18th Street
Denver, CO 80211
You may contact Danielle Corriveau of Mile High United Way
by phone at 303-561-2252 or 303-433-8383 or
If you wish to relay condolences to families of the students
and teacher who were killed, send them to:
West Bowles Community Church
12325 West Bowles
Littleton CO 80127
Remember to pray for the family and friends of the two tormented teenagers who opened fire at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., on April 20.

(Photo: 1998 yearbook photos from Columbine High School,
show Dylan Klebold, left, and Eric Harris, right.)

A MUST READ Anti-Terrorism Page for Teens
The Day The Flowers Died.
Stacey's Memorial Page for Columbine High School
The Innocent ~ In Honor Of The Families Of Littleton, Colorado
In memory
of those lost in Littleton
In Their Honor...
We Are Thinking Of You
To The Victims In Colorado - When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
No More Tears
From Heaven
Victims Memorial...
How Do You Say I Love You But?
Prayers And Poems Reflecting On The Littleton, Colorado Tragedy
The Hate
Poem Welcome to Heaven
Fourteen year old Adam dedicates song
"Memories" to the Columbine High Students.

If you made a
Memorial Page for Columbine, and would like to be added
here, send us an e-mail with "Add CHS Link" in the subject field.
Thank you,
Join the campaign to Stop Violence in our Schools. Click Ribbon above for more information.
Free GuestBooks by GeoCities!
Please send your Poems, Graphics or your comments. We will post them on this site.
Teens 4 Jesus Magazine
For the People of Littleton, CO
Staff Comments.

Remember The Innocent
Sympathy Cards can be sent to:
Jefferson County Public Schools
Attn: Columbine High School
P. O. Box 4001
Golden, CO. 80401
Donations for families:
Community Healing Fund (303-433-8383)
c/o Miles High United Way
2505 18th St.
Denver, CO. 80211
This fund is for the victim's families and those touched by this tragedy.

CONTINUE TO June's Issue about what One young man carrying a Torch to Washington D. C.

A special Thanks to Rose "Sealites" who made the Angel of Touch especially for this site. You may use this graphic to link to this webpage.
The Angel of Mercy and other Angels can be adopted at the Enchanted Forest Meadow Community Center
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