Friday, May 2, 2002:
1. Warm up on factoring
2. Recorded and reviewed homework
3. Covered WB: 14-17 (just answered
questions on p. 17)
4. Homework: WB: pp. 12-13
Wednesday, May 1, 2002:
1. Recorded and reviewed homework
2. Discussed simulations and covered
WB: pp. 7-9
3. Homework: WB: pp. 10-11
Tuesday, April 30, 2002:
1. Test on Radicals
2. Discussed probability
3. Homework: WB: Read and
complete pp. 2-6
Friday, April 26, 2002:
1. Reviewed and recorded homework
2. Watched video
3. Homework: study all assignments
and warm ups for Tuesday's test on radicals
Wednesday, April 24, 2002:
1. Warm up on conjugates
2. Reviewed and recorded Red Book:
p. 523, 23-30
3. Notes on the distance formula
4. Homework: Distance Formula
Test Review sheet - Test on Tuesday, April 30
Monday, April 22, 2002:
1. Warm up on quadratic formula and
Pythagorean Theorem
2. Reviewed and recorded quadratic
formula worksheet and How Do You Write a Song...
3. Notes on rationalizing the denominator
when it's a binomial
4. Homework: Red Book:
p. 523, 23-30
Test on Monday, April 29
Monday, April 15, 2002:
1. Warm up on simplifying radicals
2. Corrected and recorded homework
3. Notes on solving equations using
4. Students began working on Why is
a Duplicate Key...?
5. Homework: Why is a Duplicate
Review Sheet
Study for quiz (study all assignments on radical including Red Book p.
518, 1-25 odd)
Thursday, April 11, 2002:
1. Warm up on adding and subtracting
2. Corrected and recorded homework
3. Notes on multiplying binomials containing
4. Homework: What Do You Get
When You Cross...?
Quiz Wednesday on radicals
Wednesday, April 10, 2002:
1. Warm up on polynomials and radicals
2. Corrected and recorded homework
3. Notes on adding and subtracting
4. Students began Adding and Subtracting
Radicals worksheet
5. Homework: Did You Hear About...?
Adding and Subtracting Radicals
Monday, April 8, 2002:
1. Reviewed simplifying and multiplying
2. Students worked on Red Book:
p. 518, 1-25 odd as a warm up
3. Corrected and recorded homework
4. Notes on multiplying, dividing,
and simplifying radicals
5. Homework: Red Book:
p. 528, 1-24
Tuesday, March 26, 2002:
1. Students corrected their "usefulness"
2. Students took notes on simplifying
square roots
3. Students began working on "Do Elephants
Know How to Gamble?"
4. Students took notes on multiplying
square roots
5. Homework: Do Elephants Know
How to Gamble? worksheet
What Do You Call a Group...? worksheet
Friday, March 22, 2002:
1. Corrected Review Sheet
2. Test on Polynomials
3. Homework: none! :)
Thursday, March 21, 2002
1. Returned and reviewed quiz from
2. Corrected and recorded homework
3. Handed out review sheet
4. Test moved up to Friday
5. Homework: Complete Review
Study for Friday's test
Tuesday, March 19, 2002:
1. Reviewed and collected homework
2. Notes on area
3. Quiz on factoring
4. Homework: Complete area worksheet
Test on Friday
Friday, March 15, 2002:
1. Warm up on factoring
2. Corrected and recorded homework
3. Notes on solving equations using
4. Homework: study all methods
of factoring for Monday's quiz
Solving Equations using Factoring (Right side of worksheet)
Wednesday, March 13, 2002:
1. Warm up on factoring
2. Notes on Factor by Grouping
3. Students began working on worksheet
in class
4. Notes on factoring trinomials with
a leading coefficient
5. Students began working on worksheet
in class
6. Notes on factoring trinomials using
more than one method
7. Homework: "How Did Snidley
Spellbinder..?" worksheet
"What did Mrs. Zling...?
"Factoring Using More than One Method" (Left side of worksheet)
Tuesday, March 12, 2002:
1. Students wrote a paragraph on the
usefulness of a text
2. Reviewed and collected homework
3. Returned and reviewed the Unit 6
test and polynomial quiz
4. Handed out progress sheets
5. Students worked on Red Book:
p. 193, 27-43 odd
6. Notes on factoring special cases
7. Homework: p. 531, 5-28
Get progress sheets signed
Friday, March 8, 2002:
1. Reviewed and recorded homework
2. Quiz on laws of exponents
3. Notes on dividing a polynomial by
a monomial
4. Students completed Red Book:
pp. 192-193, 1-15 odd
5. Notes on greatest common factor
6. Homework: p. 538, 11-20
Dividing Polynomials by Monomials worksheet
Wednesday, March 6, 2002:
1. Warm up on negative exponents
2. Reviewed and recorded homework
3. Notes on multiplying the special
4. Gave list of assignments that will
be covered on the Thursday's quiz
5. Homework: Complete text:
p. 525, 5-28 (follow notes from classes)
Review sheet for quiz
Study for quiz - it's on Friday
Monday, March 4, 2002:
1. Warm up on adding, subtracting,
multiplying polynomials and powers of polynomials; reviewed
2. Corrected and collected homework
3. Notes on dividing monomials
4. Students began working on Red Book:
p. 189, 1-33 odd
5. Notes on negative exponents
6. Homework: Complete Red Book:
pp. 152-153, 9-29 odd
Complete Red Book: p. 189, 1-33 odd
Complete Negative Exponents worksheet
Friday, March 1, 2002:
1. Handed out vocabulary sheet for
2. Notes on adding and subtracting
3. Students worked on Adding and Subtracting
Polynomials worksheet
4. Notes on multiplying monomials
5. Students began working on Red Book:
p. 149, 1-33 odd, omit 25
6. Notes on powers of monomials
7. Homework: Adding and Subtracting
Polynomials worksheet
Red Book: p. 149, 1-33 odd, omit 25
Red Book: pp. 152-153, 9-29 odd
Wednesday, February 27, 2002:
1. Reviewed homework
2. Test
3. Homework: none
Monday, February 25, 2002:
1. Warm up on factoring and solving
quadratics using factoring
2. Reviewed and recorded homework
3. Provided students with a list of
assignments to study for test
4. Homework: Complete Review
Study for Test
Thursday, February 21, 2002:
1. Warm up on factoring trinomials
2. Reviewed and recorded homework
3. Notes on Solving Equations Using
4. Students began working on Solving
Equations Using Factoring worksheet
5. Notes on the Factor Theorem
6. Students began working on the Factor
Theorem worksheet
7. Class worked on #1 on Vertical
Motion Word Problems and Applications together
8. Homework: Solving Equations
using Factoring worksheet
Factor Theorem worksheet
Vertical Motion Word Problems and Applications
Wednesday, February 20, 2002:
1. Reviewed homework
2. Quiz on quadratics
3. Class exercise: Multiplying
binomials mentallly (Red Book: p. 197)
4. Notes on factoring trinomials of
the form x^2 + bx + c and x^2 + bx - c
5. Homework: Factoring Trinomials
Friday, February 15, 2002:
1. Reviewed all homework
2. Gave list of assignments for students
to study
3. Homework: Study for Wednesday's
Translations and Dilations Warm up
Function Properties/Translation and Dilation Warm Up
Wednesday, February 14, 2002:
1. Warm up - students began working
on WB: pp. 30-31
2. Notes on multiplying two binomials
and multiplying a binomial by a trinomial
3. Students began working on Text:
p. 518, 5-37 odd
4. Homework: Complete WB:
pp. 30-34
Text: p. 518, 5-37 odd
Quiz on Wednesday
Monday, February 11, 2002:
1. Notes on quadratics (standard form,
general shape, translations, dilations, properties)
2. Students worked on Quadratics of
the form F(x) = a(x - h)2 + k
3. Students began working on Solving
Linear/Quadratic Systems
4. Homework: WB: pp. 12-20;
pp. 24-29
Function Properties (zeros is another name for x-intercepts; be sure to
write the
equation of each graph also)
Solving Linear/Quadratic Systems
5. Any 7th grade students who went
on the field trip on Monday need to come see me for lunch the next time
they eat 8th grade lunch.
Friday, January 18, 2002:
1. Reviewed Semester Exam Review
2. Homework: Studying for the
Semester Final Exam (It's January 23, 2002)
Thursday, January 17, 2002:
1. Handed out answers to semester exam
2. Corrected and recorded homework
3. Completed WB: pp. 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, second page 30, 31, 32
4. Homework: Complete and correct
semester exam review
Compile a list of questions to ask about review sheet
WB: pp. 35-36
Tuesday, January 14, 2002:
1. Reviewed and recorded homework
2. Reviewed Systems Test
3. Class completed WB: pp. 25
4. Homework: WB: pp. 26-27
Complete Semester Exam Review pp. 5-9
Friday, January 11, 2002:
1. Reviewed and recorded homework
2. Class completed WB: pp. 8,
10, 11, and 16
4. Homework: Get
Letter signed
WB: 9, 14-15, 17-18, 23-24
** Need to discuss rounding of data next class
Tuesday, January 8, 2002:
1. Reviewed how to construct circle
2. Students worked on circle graph
3. Notes that reviewed when to use
different types of graphs
4. Homework: complete circle
graph packet
complete Semester Exam Review pp. 3-4
Friday, January 4, 2002:
1. Test on Systems of Equations
2. Homework: Semester Exam Review pp.
Wednesday, January 2, 2002: Happy New Year!
1. Gave students list of assignments
that will be covered on Unit 3 test - Friday
2. Warm up on solving systems of equations
and a linear programming problem in new workbook
(p. 22-23)
3. Handed back any papers
4. Handed out Semester Exam Review
5. Started circle graph packet
6. Homework: Study for Unit 3
Friday, December 21, 2001:
1. Corrected homework
2. Homework: Test on January
4, 2002
Enjoy the holidays!
Wednesday, December 19, 2001:
1. Corrected homework
2. Notes on solving linear programming
3. Homework: Linear Programming Homework
Tuesday, December 18, 2001:
1. Corrected homework
2. Compare and contrast writing
3. Notes on Linear programming
4. Homework: Text: p. 390,
7-14, 19 and 20
Word problem packet due on Wednesday
Unit Test Review Sheet
Final Exam: January 23, 2002
Friday, December 14, 2001:
1. Corrected and collected homework
2. Completed Word Problem Notes
3. Homework: Complete word problem
Word problem packet due on Wednesday
Wednesday, December 12, 2001:
1. Warm up: Red Book p. 483,
2. Reviewed and collected homework
3. Notes on systems of linear inequalities
4. Students began working on Red book:
p. 485, 1-17 odd
5. Completed Word problems Notes 1-5
6. Homework: p. 485, 1-17 odd
Homework Word Problems 1-7
Monday, December 10, 2001:
1. Reveiwed and collected homework
2. Quiz
3. Notes on graphing inequalilities
4. Homework: Red Book:
p. 482, 5-23 odd
Friday, December 7, 2001:
1. Career Day
2. Homework: Study for quiz -
Complete Quiz Review
Complete Solving Systems of Equations using the Graphing Calculator
Wednesday, December 5, 2001:
1. Warm up - needs to be made up if
2. Corrected homework
3. Students completed number 1 on Solving
Systems of Equations using the Graphing Calculator.
4. Students worked on Quiz Review
5. Homework: Complete Quiz Review
Complete Solving Systems of Equations using the Graphing Calculator
Study for quiz - Monday
Monday, December 3, 2001:
1. Class wrote summary
2. Corrected and collected homework
3. Notes on linear combinations
4. Students started p. 363, 11-20, 23 and 24
5. Notes on Substitution
6. Homework: p. 363, 11-20, 23 and 24
p. 356, 9-12, 14-17, 19-20, 24, 27, 28
Quiz on Monday
Thursday, November 29, 2001: No class due to MWT
Wedesday, November 28, 2001:
1. Test on Unit II
2. Notes on solving systems of equations
using the graphing method
3. Homework: Systems of Equations:
Graphing Method worksheet
Monday, November 26, 2001:
1. Corrected and recorded homework
2. Homework: study for Unit II
Tuesday, November 20, 2001:
1. Warm up on writing equations and
finding the line of best fit using the graphing calculator
2. Reviewed and recorded homework
3. Notes on writing equations when
given a sequence
4. Homework: Complete test review
WB: p. 71, 1-4 at bottom of page
Test on Wednesday, November 28, 2001
Friday, November 15, 2001:
1. Warm up
2. Corrected homework
3. Class completed WB: pp. 14-15
and 56-57
4. Notes on properties of functions
5. Class completed WB: p. 53
6. Homework: WB: pp. 16-17,
33-35, 63-65
Function Properties worksheet
Test on Wednesday, November 28, 2001
Thursday, November 15, 2001:
1. Reviewed quiz
2. Collected p. 274, 9-18
2. Started "Lines of Best Fit"
3. Homework: Complete "Lines
of Best Fit", using WB p. 54 as a reference
Monday, November 19, 2001:
1. Warm up on writing equations and
finding the line of best fit using the graphing calculator
2. Reviewed and recorded homework
3. Notes on writing equations when
given a sequence
4. Homework: Complete test review
WB: p. 71, 1-4 at bottom of page
Friday, November 15, 2001:
1. Warm up
2. Corrected homework
3. Class completed WB: pp. 14-15
and 56-57
4. Notes on properties of functions
5. Class completed WB: p. 53
6. Homework: WB: pp. 16-17,
33-35, 63-65
Function Properties worksheet
Test on Tuesday, November 27, 2001
Tuesday, November 13, 2001:
1. Reviewed homework
2. Quiz
3. Notes on "Writing Equations of Lines"
4. Notes on point-slope form
5. Homework: "Writing Equations
of Lines"
p. 274, 9-18 - write answers in point-slope form
Monday, November 12, 2001:
1. Changed seats
2. Corrected homework
3. Reviewed assignments on quiz
4. Notes on writing equations when
given a table of values
5. Homework: WB: p. 39
Study for quiz
Thursday, November 8, 2001:
1. Warm up - review of graphing
2. Notes on perpendicular and parallel
3. Students worked on "Perpendicular
and Parallel Lines" in class
4. Gave students a list of assignments
that will be covered on quiz
5. Students wrote a summary on a career
in math
6. Homework: Perpendicular and
Parallel Lines
p. 201, 13-16
WB: pp. 37-38
Tuesday, November 6, 2001:
1. Warm up on graphing
2. Corrected and collected homework
3. Reviewed quiz
4. Homework: none
Friday, November 2, 2001:
1. Warm up on graphing special lines
and graphing linear equations using a table of values
2. Corrected and collected homework
3. Notes on slope
4. Students worked o p. 201, 9-12,
5. Notes on graphing equations using
slope-intercept form
6. Homework: p. 201, 9-12, 17-28
p. 208, 5-32
Thursday, November 1, 2001:
1. Quiz
2. Notes on graphing special lines
3. Students began working on p. 180,
4. Notes on graphing lines using tables
5. Homework: p. 180, 7-30
p. 186, 13-24
Tuesday, October 30, 2001:
1. Corrected homework
2. Class completed WB: pp. 40-41
4. Material on quiz
WB: pp. 18-21,
27-31, 40-49
More Literal
5. Homework: WB: p 49
Study for quiz
Friday, October 26, 2001:
1. Students saw "Life by Numbers" -
The sports segment
2. Students wrote a summary of the
Thursday, October 25, 2001:
1. Students saw "Life by Numbers" -
The sports segment
2. Students wrote a summary of the
Tuesday, October 23, 2001:
1. Mrs. Fish came to discuss character
2. Corrected and recorded homework
3. Notes on literal equations
4. Homework: WB: pp. 41-42,
6-15; "More Literal Equations"
Domain and Range Review - it's the reduced worksheet that didn't orginally
have a
Quiz on November 1, 2001
Thursday, October 18, 2001:
1. Warm up: WB: pp. 30-31
2. Continued notes on Domain, Range
and Functions
3. Students began working on WB:
pp. 43-48
4. Class began working on Reasonable
Domain and Range
5. Homework: WB: pp. 43-48
Reveiw WB: 18-21, 27-31
Tuesday, October 16, 2001:
1. Reviewed Unit I test
2. Handed out progress sheets
3. Reviewed WB: pp. 18-21, 27-29
4. Began notes on Domain, Range and
5. Homework: If I asked for a
progress sheet to get signed, get it signed. Otherwise, no homework
Monday, October 15, 2001:
1. Students worked on WB: pp.
18-21, 27-29 while students made up Unit I test
2. Homework: complete WB pp.
18-21, 27-29
Thursday, October 11, 2001:
1. Students took Unit I test
- seventh grades need to finish during the nnnext class
2. Homework: none
Monday, October 8, 2001:
1. Reviewed homework
2. Listed assignments that will be
covered on Unit 1 Test
3. Students worked on graphing calculators
4. Homework: study for Unit I
Thursday, October 4, 2001:
1. Reviewed homework
2. Notes on Direct Variation
3. Students worked on Direct Variation
2. Handed out review for Unit 1 test
3. Homework: Complete Direct
Variation worksheet
Complete review
Test on Thursday
Wednesday, October 3, 2001:
1. Warm up - Absolute value chart and
solving open sentences containing absolute value
2. Reviewed and collected homework
3. Discussed the application of matrices
4. Homework: Finish Matrices
packet pp. 16-18
Test on Thursday
Monday, October 1, 2001:
1. Corrected and recorded homework
2. Notes on Inequalities Containing
Absolute Value
3. Notes on adding, subtracting, and
multiplying matrices
4. Homework: WB: pp. 14-15
Inequalities Containing Absolute Value
Multiplying matrices
Wednesday, September 26, 2001:
1. Reviewed and collected homework
2. Reviewed quiz
3. Homework: Maximum & Minimum
Algebra to Go?
Get calculator serial number
Monday, September 24, 2001:
1. Reviewed and collected homework
2. Notes on Absolute Value in Open
3. Students began work on "Absolute
Value in Open Sentences"
4. Handed out worksheet on patterns
5. Homework: "Absolute Value
in Open Sentences"
Complete packet on solving absolute equations
Complete "What Comes Next" (both sides)
Friday, September 21, 2001:
1. Reviewed homework
2. Quiz
3. Homework: Combined Inequalities
Wednesday, September 19, 2001:
1. Warm up on solving and graphing
2. Handed out Word Problem packet and
the class worked on selected
problems in class
3. Gave list of assignments that will
be covered on quiz
4. Notes on combined inequalities
6. Homework: complete Word Problem
study for quiz
Friday, September 14, 2001:
1. Warm up on solving inequalities
and graphing solutions
2. Corrected and collected homework
3. Homework: none
Wednesday, September 12, 2001: No school due to the national tragedy.
Monday, September 10, 2001:
1. Warm up - p. 140, 55-60
2. Corrected and collected homework
3. Notes on Fractional Equations
4. Notes on Inequalities
5. Homework: Fractional Equations
p. 296, 21-32,
Extra Practice (on Inequalities)
Friday, September 7, 2001:
1. Warm up - Order of Operations with
Rational Numbers
2. Corrected and collected homework
3. Notes on solving equations with
variables on both sides
4. Students began working on Red Book
assignment: pp. 113-114, 1-39 odd
5. Homework: Red Book:
pp. 113-114, 1-39 odd
"What is the Advantage....?" worksheet
Wednesday, September 5, 2001:
1. Collected workbook money and recorded
signed discipline policies
2. Notes on solving equations
3. Students began working on homework
4. Homework: complete p. 132,
Tuesday, September 4, 2001:
1. Assigned seats and took attendance
2. Reviewed class expectations
3. Assigned Algebra books
4. Homework: Cover
$3.00 workbook fee
Get expectations signed (Discipline Policy)
Look at website