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This is my daughter her name was Sonya Christene Wallace.She was born on May 4 1983 In Taylor Tx. She has lived in or around the Taylor area most of her life.She has given much to the people who have know her.She always had a very happy soul,she would try to make everyone happy.She loved life and believed in the good in people.She left this world in a very sudden and hard way.Someone chose to hurt her,I pray for that person's soul because my daughter would.The void she has left is one that can never be filled, for 15 years is such a very short time to live.
love you baby,

I was given a card like this along time ago;I kind of used the words thur life.Never did I know I'd need them so much.

Feb. 18 1999 Sonya walked to the post office to mail a letter to a friend,this was at 5:30 pm, the post office was 4 blocks down the road on the main street of Rockdale Tx.She never came back.She was reported missing at the police dept. They called her a runaway and said she'll be back sometime.There was never any effort to find her by the Rockdale PD.This is in a town of 8000 people.The police were told she did not runaway,but that is our system here unless you see your child taken it is easier for them just to say she/he ran away and never do any thing about helping to look for them they are not as important has speeders., there are no fines for the city in lost kids. March 14,1999 Sonya was found in a creek by a passing farmer who thought one of his cattle had died.They told us that it may be Sonya that day but they told us they could not be sure it took them 2 and a half weeks to be sure it was her.It is now May 18,1999 Sonya has been dead now for 3 months and there is still not known anything about who did it or why. The Williamson County Sheriffs are still looking for answers and I know they are doing the best they can with what little there is to go on. I live in county where you don't do these things and get away with them. They will continue to hunt for this person/persons who did this to my daughter until they are caught.And may God have mercy on them because here in Williamson County there is none for child killers.
June 17 1998 tomorrow makes 4 months Sonya will be gone and I find that my life is slipping away from me too,it seems.I never really knew what or how people felt when this happens,I like everyone thought it was hard on people but I never dreamed it was so bad for them.I find myself losing time I just seem to sit and think and wonder about what happened to her,why wasn't I there to stop this.This is a parents whole job for/to their kids to teach them how to grow up and be sure they can,I seemed to of failed in this.There is still nothing known about who or why.

July 10 1999 it is now almost 5 months now and still there is nothing known about Sonya.I talked to a reporter today.He asked how things had been for us since this has happened,Sonya's mom and me.How do you tell someone what it is like to stand over your kid's grave and know that there is someone walking around who did this,or that at times all you really want to do is get your kid out of there and take her home,hear dad one more time from her,or hear her laugh.Or tell them about the dreams you have of her screaming and you can't do anything,when you can sleep.Or how it feels to have to hold your other little kids (8&10) when they cry cuz they miss Sonya.And once again you don't know what to do.All I said was it had been hell but it is so much more than that,I don't have words to describe what it is like.He asked about the cops if I thought they doing all they could and yes I think they are I've talked to these ppl alot I think they may want them as bad as I do.Things are slow right now,but it takes times for these things to happen and I know that.He asked what I would say to this person/persons if I could talk to them now.All I really want to know now at this point in time is WHY what did she do to deserve this. It is now Sept 16 1999 still nothing about Sonya is known. Some times I think ppl are forgetting about her and what happened to her.I am well aware life goes on for everyone but there is something perverse in the fact that there is someone walking around out there who could do something like this to a human being let along a kid.And the worst part is there are ppl out there who know who did it I'm sure,and yet they say nothing. Someday these ppl will have kids and if it happens to them(which I pray it doesn't)I hope someone is more humane to them then they have been to us.

Dec. 2 1999 the Carole Sund/Carrington Memorial Foundation has also offered a $5000.00 reward for any information in Sonya's death.This was a very hard day for me to talk to people about her murder,one reporter ask why we would allow ourselves to be subjected to this stuff at this time of year,that seemed truly silly to me.What time of the year is a good time to talk about a child who is murdered???
The CrimeStoppers Poster
Carole Sund/Carrinton Memorial Fountation Poster
January 1 2000 Christmas has come and gone,a new year has started too.I really wanted to find the person or people who did this to Sonya before before she had been dead a year,time is running out for that tho.Christmas was really shitty cuz all my kids were here except Sonya.I miss her all the time but some times are worse than others now.
Been a really long time she's been gone now.We don't know anything about her death still.I think most ppl have stopped even caring anymore,not me or the cops but all the ppl who could help with this.Most of Sonya's family on her mother's side don't even seem to care anymore. Sonya has a new little brother now,a new nephew.She would really love that she liked babies alot.He looks a lot like she did when she was little,acts alot like her too.
The following is list of the things the newspapers printed about my kid.
Some of them are just bold faced lies based on pure speculation.
1st story
2nd story
As you can tell in the article Sonya was taken back from us.We had already went to the Funeral Home and made all the arrangements.Someone messed up or something happened so they had to redo the test .So some more time back to wondering IF it was her after all.
3rd story
4th story
5th story
This is some pics of Sonya
It is now almost 3 years since Sonya disappeared,and to this date nothing is still known about her death other then the fact she is dead.
Another year comes and goes and still nothing is known.

Another year is almost up and still not a thing is known about Sonya's death, it's almost like the person or persons fell off the face of the earth. I just pray that someone becomes enough of a human being to stand up and tell what really happened.