Welcome to the 9th Paisley Brownie Pack and 9th Paisley Guide Company Web-Site. Your are visitor number Counter since 1st January 2003. The site is getting updated June 2005 I hope you enjoy your visit.

Hello everyone.   We are the 9th Paisley Brownie Pack and Guide Company and we meet in our local Church.   

The Church has a very active "Youth Group Presence".   We have 1 Rainbow Unit (Age 5 - 7), 2 Brownie Packs (Age 7 - 10), 1 Guide Company (Age 10 - 14) and 1 Rangers Unit (14 - 26 and beyond). We also have the 15th Paisley Boys Brigade which consists of Anchor Boys (Primary 1 - 3), Juniors (Primary 4 - 6) and Company Section (for boys from P7 upwards). There is also the normal Sunday Schools and Teen Spirit going on in the church on a Sunday Morning.

In 1908 Robert Baden Powell was asked to write a book for boys and he produced "Scouting for Boys". This was read by a handful of girls, who in 1909, calling themselves "Girl Scouts" joined with 11,000 Boy Scouts at the Rally held at the Chrystal Palace in London. Soon after, in 1910 the Girl Guide Movement was adapted for girls, and it grew and grew.

The 9th Paisley Company held its first meeting on 16 October 1919. From that first meeting the Company was well and truly launched, and went from strength to strength following the "aim" and "high ideals" which had been set out in the Guide Handbook. 

During the years the meetings were lively, stimulating and interesting, including badgework, country dancing and singing. In 1923 the Company gained their "Colours" which were dedicated at the Annual Church Parade in Coats Memorial Church.  The Union Flag was dedicated on 3rd July 1928 and the Ranger Colours in 1929. This was the year the 9th Paisley Brownies started. In 1986 we joined up with another Church bringing two Brownie Packs and two Guide Companies, 9th and 26th, together.   We retained the number of the 9th Paisley Company, and had one Brownie Pack until 1991 when 9th A was formed.

I came back to Guiding in 1998 and took over as Brown Owl at the end of May 1999, I then took over the Guide Company on January 2002 and have since had lots of joined activities between the two sections.

At present we have 21 girls between the ages of 7 and 10 and 18 Guides.   We have had a lot of exciting events recently including a Trip to Holland with another Guide Company for our Guides, and a Trip to the Safari Park for the Brownies. We have also participated in Brownie Camps and are about to send 5 Guides to Bonally Camp Site to do a practice camp for the PAGGS event in Holland next year.

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Copyright ©: 2000 Aileen E McMillan
Revised: 27 June 2005
URL: http://www.geocities.com/aileenmcmillan