Please visit often. Last updated on 12/23/01

Sara, Rachel, and Jessica 

 Hague's Homepage 

Sara's Vitals
Sara Ann
Birthdate: 10/7/95
Birth Wt: 7 Lbs 13 Oz

Rachel's Vitals
Rachel Elizabeth
Birthdate: 7/15/98
Birth Wt: 9 Lbs 7 Oz

Jessica's Vitals
Jessica Elise
Birthdate: 12/1/2000
Birth Wt: 8 Lbs 15 Oz

./x-mas lights

./santa skating           ./x-mas tree

Our new address is  We hope you'll come visit us.  We're going to be adding new pictures soon.   Thanks for stopping by and Merry Christmas!  HO, HO, HO!
Sara, Rachel, and Jessica

./x-mas lights

Here's a link to our home
remodeling project.

Houlton Remodeling

Here's Our Dad and Aunty Christina Sitting In The Front Row At The 12/8/01 Timberwolves Game
They had a great time!


New pics coming soon
Sara and Rachel '98
98 Rachel Birth to 3 Months
98 Rachel 3 to 6 Months
Fall/Winter '98
Summer '98
Spring '98
Easter '98
Fall '97
Summer '97
Family Reunion '97
Winter '96
Christmas '96
Halloween Pix '96
Sara 1 year Birthday Party
Sara 10 to 12 Months
Sara 7 to 9 Months
Sara 4 to 6 Months
Sara 3 Days to 3 Months
Sara New Born Pix
Old Web Pages

Sara's 6 and in kindergarten, Rachel is now 3 and Jessica just turned 1. Sara and Rachel moved into their new rooms upstairs. Jessica has her own room now too. We're all looking forward to Christmas.

Sara, Rachel, and Jessica

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Here are some web sites my Mom and Dad like: