Here are some pics of me, my friends, and my doggie:-)


This is my doggie, Gordy:-)

This is "chief," our band director :-)

This is Dave, a.k.a. "Peaches"

This is me with my flute, Tilly (and that is a yellow spree in my mouth LOL!)

This is (from the left) Leighette, Steve, and Jodi...Steve's got the girls CRAWLING all over him!

This is me and Kristi (the skank sisters) at a softball game; we were BORED!!

This is Jason Mott

This is the 2000 May Court

This is Drue and I...I'm Mike and she's Ike; together we're Mike and Ike!!

This is Kayla and Carrie

This me and Kayla (Sid & Tatum!!)

This is me and Adam (Al and Ad LOL)

This is Kayla and Amber

This is "the couch crew" (from left: me, Kurt, Jason, Kayla, and Carrie is in the front)

This is me and Matt Dressler
This is my softball pic!

This is my skank sister, Kristi

This is Dale, my awesome Canadian bud!

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