Welcome to my INSANE guestbook!

mi llama es Adamo - 11/29/00 05:13:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/ducttapeboy
My Email:el ducttapeboy@hotmail.com
Favorites: tu websito es muy bien! el websitico rockar's!
Comments: Yo lovo tu sitica, esta muy more bien que la websitica a mi.

Yo musto attemptar a signar tu guestlibro en espanol porque tu signared la guestlibro a mi en espaniol.

Molly - 09/21/00 01:32:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz6/molly03
My Email:mckendrym@hotmail.com
Favorites: ok, just wanted to say hi cuz i haven't signed this in awhile...so hi
Comments: oh yeah, i was checkin out your pics...

WHERE AM I??? hehe. actually no, i'm in there between carrie and feltman, like i was actually MEANT to be there.... well i wasnt'.... but anyway... i like your page, mine's better, (no not really i lied)well that's all i can think of now... so bye bye!!!< r>

Andrew D. Callimahos - 06/29/00 23:18:25
My URL:/callimahos/
My Email:callimahos@yahoo.com
Favorites: fsw.net The Flute Society of Washington

Please visit my brand new FLUTE website !!! And please be sure to sign my Guestbook !! There is a lot of historical information on the very FIRST full-length flute recital performed in Carnegie Hall in New York ( January 21, 1938 ), and even a CD of FLUTE AND ORGAN music that you may listen to. Just click on : http://www.geocities.com/callimahos/ Thank you.

Dig - 06/03/00 01:00:55
My Email:i was just seeing if i could sign her guest book again
Favorites: i guess so
Comments: oh yeah those were not my real email addresses

i don't really have any so i figure that i will just ramble on and use improper grammar. Do you know how to ramble its not hard you just pick a topic and keep talking about that topic. its not as easy as you think cause you can get rambler's block and t en you are up the creek with out a paddle and the ramble looses its effect. if your a first time rambler you have to pick an easy topic that you can talk on for hours at an end. of course you don't really have to you just have to make other people think that you could and they won't stay around to listen. but all in all rambling is pretty easy just look at me i'm doing it right now. if you haven't noticed i've been rambling on and on and on and on and on about how to ramble and i'm tired of rambling no so i think i'll stop

Becky Zimmerman - 05/31/00 00:50:40
My Email:yang_hi_16@yahoo.com
Favorites: sports,painting,shopping
Comments: COOL!


summere - 04/22/00 19:50:52
My Email:Smear1401@aol.com

kewl page,I liked the background music.

Kristi Yetter - 03/24/00 22:02:15
My Email:cheddarcheese21@hotmail.com
Favorites: pics
Comments: Cool!

Hey Aly!! This was a pretty cool web page. You'll have to help me make one sometime. C-ya!

Adam "The Cool One" Hart - 01/29/00 16:10:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/wreckroom
My Email:ducttapeboy@hotmail.com
Favorites: Duct tape and... uh.... well, Duct tape...
Comments: Hi! THis is a comment, this is only a comment. In the event that this was anything more than just a comment, I would be the first to tell you. However, because of the current state in which our media is in, I do not think that I would now if this was going to be more than just a simple comment. All the more that I know, this could blow out of proportion and become a Full Fledged Statement. Although there are certain precautions that can be taken to aviod such clamities of the predesc ibe nature, it's just that they are not available at this time. They will be added to the Comment 5.0 Plus version which will be made available in stores on May 3 (Cost $99.95) and will come with an integrated Microsoft Internet Explore 5.1 which in tu n will include the newly improved Microsoft Windows The Next Generation which will come standard with software that is programed to disable and distroy all non-Microsoft programs, unless protected by Microsoft Program Destroyer Protection Package. I hope that we are all fully aware now of the fragilness of the state in which this comment resides. Thank you. Sincerely, Management

Hi! Great Site!

Nehm Richmond - 01/06/00 01:14:08
My Email:durlag_81@hotmail.com
Comments: good site

Alyson, Just wanted to let yas know that i think u got a good site Nehm Richmond

Davey Daniels - 11/17/99 02:23:36
My Email:starfighter54@hotmail.com
Favorites: Star Wars, hangin' with friends, talking, playing games
Comments: I like this site. I wish i could have one like it.

I just said them.

Brittany - 11/11/99 19:38:08
My Email:tommygirl111@chickmail.com
Favorites: sports
Comments: Great page!

Hey! You probably don't know me but you went to my homepage and signed my guestbook. Bye!

Ed Richmond - 11/05/99 15:25:39
My Email:edrichmond@mail.escapees.com

Hello from Livingston, Texas. You have a great homepage! Say hello to your friends for me, and take care of EJ.


- 09/29/99 00:40:12
Comments: your page kicks ass.

hey! your page is great.keep op the good work.

Abby - 09/20/99 04:39:41

I have a webpage too......Nice page..

loie - 09/10/99 22:09:40
Favorites: guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like your website so much, even though I already know a ton of stuff about you.Those pictures of our friends are sooooo coooooool!

Sammie - 08/22/99 18:36:57
My Email:ejbballhockey@hotmail.com

someone told nme about this so i decided to check it out and i just told adam his name was on here. adam is a retard, you should have put a oicture of him on here. catch ya later

Melissa - 08/22/99 12:44:57
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/gilda1/melissa.html
My Email:gildasin@aol.com
Comments: This is Great!!!Great insane page!


Adam Richmond - 08/20/99 23:03:04
My Email:realtree9@hotmail.com

hello i was just wondering what Hmmmmmm is supposed to mean?? i f u could just e-mail me with your answer. thanx

Meg Flurie - 08/19/99 04:16:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/megaflu
My Email:mflurie@dynamicdesigner.com

Awesome page. Love your devotion to band :)

Kelly Z - 08/16/99 04:32:55
My URL:I have one....
My Email:kelz2@bolt.com

Nice page, Alyson....full of lots of cool stuff & pics...Keep up the good work....

Bobolly - 07/30/99 18:20:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/8075/
My Email:bobolly@geocities.com
Comments: COOL!!!

I love your page. come visit mine... yes again and I'm NOT 12 I'm almost 14 LOL.

Teresa - 07/11/99 18:13:14
My URL:http://fly.to/TeresaSpot
My Email:Teresa219@HOTMAIL.COM
Comments: Cool Page

Cool page! Visit mine at http://fly.to/TeresaSpot

Teresa - 07/11/99 18:11:43
My URL:http://fly.to/TeresaSpot
My Email:Teresa219@HOTMAIL.COM

Cool page! Visit mine at http://fly.to/TeresaSpot mightymouse003@hotmail.com
Favorites: twirling baton,shopping,talking,making fun of Mr.yousey,and liking bands no one has heard of.

HEY!!! I liked it, but since I'm a spoiled brat I have to say there's no pics of me!I'll give u some .I promise.

Brandy - 07/08/99 04:15:33
My Email:bmlw17
Comments: Cool Dude!

I really like your pictures! Oh if you don't know my I'm your lover from science class! Well gota jet!

loser. - 06/28/99 02:47:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/casualfrown/index.html
My Email:casual_frown@hotmail.com
Favorites: Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Mudhoney
Comments: Neat-o! I get to have 2 comments spaces? Niiice..

This signing form scares me. A lot. Make it cheerier, or more human-looking. Arg!

Mari - 06/27/99 20:32:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/marishuler/
My Email:mari_shuler@hotmail.com
Favorites: Uhm. color:blue, animal: cat, celebrity: matt damon, book: the hobbit, Music:anything except country and the BOY BANDS...

Hey, nice site I liked it a lot. Thanx for visiting mine. Keep up the good work. ~Mari

Lonnie - 06/07/99 19:56:54
My Email:Lonnie@gzinc.ocm
Favorites: HOCKEY
Comments: Try no. Do or do not, there is no try

Hey thanks for signing my gest book. I figured I would repay the favor. Good page

Lonnie - 06/07/99 19:55:59
My Email:Lonnie@gzinc.ocm
Favorites: HOCKEY
Comments: Try no. Do or do not, there is no try

Hey thanks for signing my gest book. I figured I would repay the favor. Good page

Lonnie - 06/07/99 19:54:37
My Email:Lonnie@gzinc.ocm
Favorites: HOCKEY
Comments: Try no. Do or do not, there is no try

Hey thanks for signing my gest book. I figured I would repay the favor. Good page

Lonnie - 06/07/99 19:54:13
My Email:Lonnie@gzinc.ocm
Favorites: HOCKEY
Comments: Try no. Do or do not, there is no try

Hey thanks for signing my gest book. I figured I would repay the favor. Good page

Lonnie - 06/07/99 19:54:01
My Email:Lonnie@gzinc.ocm
Favorites: HOCKEY
Comments: Try no. Do or do not, there is no try

Hey thanks for signing my gest book. I figured I would repay the favor. Good page

Auntie - 05/22/99 23:05:34
My Email:jesterline1@juno.com
Favorites: Country Music, and God, who is first and always on top!
Comments: Ziggy, guess who!!!!!

Hey Ziggy, Be glad when life gets back to some sort of normal! Then maybe you can come down and stay. Your page is pretty neat!! From an old lady thats something!!

Jenna - 05/20/99 22:18:37
My Email:stang_jenna@hotmail.com
Favorites: SNOWBOARDING, and Blink 182

Hey, hows it going everybody? Well I just though that I would say "Hey", to everyone! Well hey anyone who is reading this, you all should snowboard, its really fun! Oh yeah, and if you guys play softball, make sure your coach isn't all about winning, or lse its no fun. Okay punk and ska music is the best! The bands Blink 182, MxPx, Skankin' Pickle, And some others are the best! Bye ya'll! **Jenna**

Adam Hart - 05/18/99 22:56:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/wreckroom
My Email:ducttapeboy@hotmail.com
Favorites: Duct Tape
Comments: Comments, after all the questions that I have on my site, you would think that I could think of something to say...

Um, Gee, I am really having a brain fuzz at the moment. I'm sorry, I'll come back when I think of something really cool to write. Until then, Great Site!

kristin - 05/16/99 21:40:51
My Email:glitz0girl@hotmail.com
Favorites: i dunno

hey....i'm just signing this cuz i talk to u all the time on the aol instant messenger....well, i think this site is way kewl n i luv it! Byebye for now!!! :)

chelc - 05/08/99 18:59:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Frontrow/7762
My Email:chelcj@netzero.net
Favorites: I like surfing(like with a surfboard), adn playing the guitar

It was a pretty good website. Nice job. Peaceout.

mark zeigler - 05/07/99 15:25:43
My Email:mark zeigler@hotmail.com

you've put a lot on your page. i just read through it and found it very interesting. good job.

Casey - 05/06/99 22:41:06
Favorites: bob
Comments: cool


Aly - 04/25/99 17:12:49
My Email:Buddrfly00@aol.co,

Aly- think your web page was really cool. ~ aly

Dad (again) - 04/22/99 15:40:28
My Email:markzeigler@hotmail.com
Favorites: Golf and fishing

OK, I am at work...GREAT PAGE!!

Jared (Tibet8491) - 04/17/99 16:50:25
Favorites: uh

ummmm. Hi i guess

Katie - 04/06/99 01:48:21
My URL:http://www.dunnohottomake1.com
My Email:One_Dumb_Blonde@hotmail.com
Favorites: Adam Sandler pages or SNL pages are the best!
Comments: cool page!

I like your page Rocky! haha!(inside joke)(HAHA) i am gonna try to make one on snl someday! One Dumb Blonde here so it might take a while!!! e-mail me!!! icq17372014 or 35646317 yahoo pager-- ksq_13 katie(bojangles)

jcross - 03/27/99 01:59:40
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/jcross
My Email:jcross@cafes.net
Favorites: ummm...let me think on that one :o)
Comments: nice page!!

hey! i likes the page a lot! talk to ya soon on AOL. bye. :o)

Lois/bread - 03/27/99 01:09:55
Favorites: guys, friends, and Italian

I love you Aly. You know my personal stuff including ''anonymous''.

Tiffany - 03/26/99 03:06:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/vienna/choir/9378
My Email:sparklingsylvie@yahoo.com
Favorites: Music, chocolate, shopping

Hi! I'm signing your guestbook because you signed mine. Very cool site! I'd LOVE to be your penpal but keeping in touch w/me wouldn't really be worth it cause I've got like 20 people asking if I want to be penpals w/them and I just can't keep up with what I tell whom and all!! I hope you understand...you'd be much better off w/someone else. Maybe you could check out my Flute Penpals page? (http://www.geocities.com/vienna/choir/9378/penpal.html) I love your site-keep up the good work and keep playing the fl te! And stay 1st Chair! And when you get to high school, don't let the older people intimidate you cause you're probably better than some of them! Bye!

Scott "guyermo" graupner - 03/20/99 23:29:31
My URL:http://expage.com/page/sanchopanza
My Email:sanchopanza_00@hotmail.com
Favorites: anything but country
Comments: cool site, but needs more images


Jenny - 03/17/99 18:43:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/meadow/8617/
My Email:JLKepics@aol.com
Favorites: aww man........i have too many...
Comments: Cool webpage!!

hey ziggy. a while ago, you signed my guestbook, and i was just looking at your entry, and i just thought i should sigh your guestbook. i just made a LOT of changes to my page. maybe you can go look at mine 1 more time.....

noelle chen - 03/05/99 01:47:47
My URL:http://surf.to/noelle_lexie
My Email:noelle_stockton@hotmail.com
Favorites: UTah JaZz.
Comments: cOoOl~! totaLeEe iNsAnE

vERy cool

Dave - 03/04/99 00:26:30
My Email:daveyz1@juno.com

Hey Zig, it's me Dave

Lisa - 02/22/99 02:33:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/sns12/world.html
My Email:SNS12@aol.com
Comments: Cool site!

Thanks for signing my guestbook! Come back soon. :-)

JOHN WIRTZ - 02/10/99 16:56:54
My URL:http://www.smalltime.com/nowhere/neumerz
My Email:jwirtz1@uic.edu
Favorites: Throwing water on nuns, drunk driving
Comments: Why are there two spaces for comments?

I go to college at a hell hole called The University of Illinois at Chicago. All of my teachers hate me even though I'm doing well in most of their retarded classes. It's like they resent me for even showing up to class. I fucking hate myself and want to ie.

aunt pat - 02/10/99 01:42:59
My Email:jesterline1@juno.com
Favorites: bowling, country music, and work(NOT!)

Hi Aly I like your page:-) It is pretty neat!

Jamie - 02/06/99 23:11:02
My Email:DeRee_J@yahoo.com
Favorites: Dave Matthews Band, live music, friends, smiles,big belly laughs that make you feel like your whole spirit has been washed

Hey Zig! This is Hndrd_acre_frnd! Your spelling partner and Hearts Pro! Your page is great! I played in Marching band, concert band, and one year of jazz band, in highschool! I love Music. I hope to run into you at the card table sometime! email me t o if you like Peace and Smiles Hndrd

Montreses - 02/06/99 23:02:28
My Email:Tesebirdi@aol.com

Very cool zig! :)

Sarahn - 02/06/99 13:06:14

I followed a link from the Sydney Flute Page guestbook, so I thought I had better sign yours!

tom - 01/21/99 16:49:48
My URL:http://www.wpia.net/users/tomp
My Email:tomp@wpia.net
Comments: from P.A.

great site very brite keep up the great job

steman14 - 01/20/99 21:51:16
My Email:steman14@yahoo.com

Hi. How u doin? Great page. I started my own and was wondering if u could please help me out. Please e - mail me and i will tell u what i need help with. Thanks, Steman14

pezgirl - 01/20/99 12:02:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/louvre/9022
My Email:schrysler@locl.net

Hi, I saw your link in a friend's guestbook, so I thought I would come see your page.

AdamMc - 01/10/99 21:41:12
My URL:adam's world">adam's world
My Email:adammc@fortunecity.com
Favorites: Main page
Comments: I like what you have to say!!!

Hey there! I really enjoyed your page. Its simple, but your messages are great! I fully agree with you that people should try to understand sermons instead of falling asleep in church! I'm in band too. Where do you live? I'm from Indiana. We've won State Championships for band 2 years in a row. Anyhow, keep up the good work and come visit me sometime!!!

Gwynnie - 01/08/99 20:23:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~sexyleggs/leggs
My Email:PA_CHIC@yahoo.com
Favorites: robbie, and photography

Hi Aly- This is your neighbor...checking out your page. Its pretty cool. I hope to see my picture on your homepage, in the future, sometimes. Make sure you check out my homepage and give me some pointers, and I will on yours too. Okay. Well, now Im going, so take care...even if you are standing here behind me reading this. Bye. Gwynnie :)

Alyson - 01/04/99 17:44:25
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/activism/alysonroad
My Email:Alythelin@aol.com
Favorites: dancing, singing, making webpages, Titanic

Hi there! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I'd love to help you with your page, if you need it. Check your mail...I'm going to e-mail you right now! Until then, be sure to come back and visit my page:

mallory - 01/04/99 00:14:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~heatherandmallory/index-2.html
My Email:pocono_chick@hotmail.com
Favorites: umm i don't know
Comments: your page is cool thank you for signingme guestbook


Dahliarose - 01/03/99 20:51:54
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/other/dahliarose/index.html
My Email:dahliarose@gurlmail.com
Comments: hi!

Ziggy, You could use some images. You can get them by going to image galleries, right click, highlight then press ctrl c. Go to your edit page and press ctrl v (before that type imsrc="-------"> If you need help e-mail me! Otherwise good page! THanks for you support!

Jenny - 12/30/98 23:29:35
My Email:JLKepics@aol.com
Favorites: 'N Sync
Comments: spiffy page

i have a homepage, but i'll send it to u when i get done w/ it, ok? Chow and Toodles for now!! ~*Jenny*~

KIN PAN WONG(KENT) - 12/23/98 17:36:34
My Email:kin_pan_w


Jodie - 12/19/98 00:21:08
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Meadow/4608/
My Email:GymSGnast@aol.com

Your homepage is really cool! By the way, if we're ever in Yahoo Chess or Blackjack again, please give me some ideas for homepage stuff.

Jode - 12/19/98 00:17:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/4608/
My Email:GymSGnast@aol.com
Favorites: it'd be really hard to list them all, so just know!

Hi Ziggy! Just visiting. I'll have some new stuff on my page soon, so don't forget to check..

hannah - 12/12/98 23:05:50
My Email:ejtigers@gurlmail.com
Favorites: cheerleading,football
Comments: ziggy is cool.


steman14 - 12/12/98 20:17:23

Ziggy. Cool site. It is really well built. Could you help me set one up next time you are in yahoo chess please. Are u sure it is absolutely free ? Anyway, great site, well done, bye

steman14 - 12/11/98 23:24:06
Comments: nice site ziggy


the Finger - 12/09/98 03:05:39
My URL:http://altern.org/oddfreak

neat page. now, come and get some.

Terrance - 12/08/98 02:49:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/9328/
My Email:str8doggz@aol.com

yo hey im me sometime i need to ask you something cause ya visited my home page and i see your doing pretty good and im really lost figured you could maybe help me i left my email adress but im me at str8 doggz ok talk to ya lataz when eva ya get dis im m ok im out bye

Simon Chambers - 12/07/98 12:14:07
My URL:http://users.bigpond.net.au/syo/
My Email:chambers@nsw.bigpond.net.au

Keep fluting! (but don't go crazy)

Chess-Z The Clown (Ellen) - 12/01/98 00:38:40
My URL:http://www.tricountyi.net/~thepartyhelper
My Email:jochesnut@tricountyi.net
Favorites: Smiles & Laughter & Proffesional Clowning :-)

Hi Ziggy! Thanks for visiting my page. You have a nice page. Enjoyed learning about you! I can hear the band practicing from my house. That's how close I am to E.J.. When you run into Chess-Z The Clown, introduce yourself to me. You'll surely know me, cau e I really am a clown. Just look for the rainbow colored hair & yup... that'll be me! :-)

John - 11/30/98 22:24:20
My Email:jesterline@tricountyi.net
Favorites: games and reading

Your page sucks (NOT) I like it:-)

Tim_Marshall86 - 11/28/98 00:30:48
My Email:tomb_raider88@hotmail.com

I played you in chess

Richard Voss - 11/27/98 23:49:35
Comments: great page i hope you get a pick soon so everyone can see what you look like


Lesley - 11/27/98 21:20:09
My Email:lesley@adesso.com

Cool site.... I like how you made it

Doug Beatty - 11/26/98 04:35:07
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/BeattyBeach/
My Email:dbeatty@tricountyi.net

You Are doing Just fine with your site .It will come together. It just takes time.

Adam - 11/25/98 01:44:21
My URL:http://www.geocities/timessquare/chamber/7395/
My Email:arisborg@hotmail.com
Comments: groovy site

visit mine some time!

Adam - 11/25/98 01:44:06
My URL:http://www.geocities/timessquare/chamber/7395/
My Email:arisborg@hotmail.com
Comments: groovy site


Luke - 11/22/98 20:39:46
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/PLSalamander/animals.html
My Email:PLSalamander@theglobe.com
Favorites: hanging out with friends, playing sports, taking care of my salamanders
Comments: cool web-page, but you are even nicer

Hi, it's me, "I_like_my_big_tiger_salamander" from Yahoo! chess. Nice playing with U, I was glad to meet such a wonderful girl, I hope I'll play chess with you again. P.S. Check out my web-page (sorry, it's still under construction). In a few days I'll have a guestbook, remember to sign in!

Luke - 11/22/98 20:35:39
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/PLSalamander/animals.html
My Email:PLSalamander@theglobe.com
Favorites: hanging out with friends, playing sports, taking care of my salamanders
Comments: cool web-page, but you are even nicer

Hi, it's me, "I_like_my_big_tiger_salamander" from Yahoo! chess. Nice playing with U, I was glad to meet such a wonderful girl, I hope I'll play chess with you again. P.S. Check out my web-page (sorry, it's still under construction). In a few days I'll have a guestbook, remember to sign in!

hawaiian_16/drop knee - 11/22/98 19:06:16
My Email:hawaiian_16@yahoo.com
Favorites: bodyboarding rules
Comments: hawaii is fun but corrupt

thanks for the game of chess even though you left early

dad - 11/22/98 17:53:03
Favorites: golf

hi alyson this is your dad. i like your web page very much.

- 11/19/98 22:31:05
Favorites: NSYNC!!!!
Comments: Hi

HI it's me greenthumb! Form purple moon! Great site talk to you on PM!

Kelly - 11/18/98 15:27:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/3484
My Email:kellyo@mnsinc.com
Favorites: don't have many favourites, but my favourite colour is purple
Comments: ICQ=16683968 Westwood Chat=kechara AOL IM=kel331

this might help you out here, the light green and the bright blue just don't go...i like the page but i would be happier to stay if it didn't blind me. thanx for coming to my page and signing my guestbook too! i've gotta go, email me sometime

James (AKA Alison 10001 - 11/15/98 19:19:35
My URL:http://geocities.com/collegepark/theater/1756
My Email:James@JMacGregor.Freeserve.co.uk

Thanks for the games of chess, your web site is very insane. Bye!

Lacee - 11/14/98 23:02:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/3364
My Email:i_luv_skittles@hotmail.com
Favorites: I love to hang w/friends/play the flute/read/and surf the net.

I think your site is really cool:) You're right we do sound alot alike. E-mail me sometime an tell me where in PA you live!

Lisa - 11/14/98 00:43:38
My Email:damiann@iname.com
Favorites: ???
Comments: cool

nice web page ziggy

Shelby-Tizzight-Turner - 11/13/98 23:31:38
My Email:tturner5@airmail.net

Write me when you get a chance

Tre - 11/11/98 06:05:03
My Email:StR8 DoGGz@aol.com

hey whats up youve been to my page i just wondered if youve found out how to put graphics on your page yet i gave up on it just waiting to find someone who knows what theyre doing you can email me at StR8 DoGGz@aol.com--15/m/va

kanada - 11/10/98 21:05:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/3514/
My Email:kanada_14@hotmail.com
Favorites: song:tearin up my heart,i don't want to miss a thing... group: take that, nsync, S.G...
Comments: kewl page

if you ever need help with your page ask me and or i have a friend who is willing to help all. L.E.K.

- 11/10/98 15:27:54


dEe DeE =) - 11/10/98 05:49:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Palace/1309
Comments: tHaNkEw! =)

HiYeR Ziggy! TaNx 4 sIgNiNg MoI gEsS bOoKiE! =) Ur HoMePaGe GrEaT 2oO! TaKe CaRe! lUFf:dEe=)

finishman - 11/06/98 02:25:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadows/9027
My Email:finishman@accessunited.com
Favorites: bible
Comments: thanks for visiting my page

just got started on it still learning how to work everything. check it out later maybe there will be some other stuff on there to see. hopefully.

Luke Goss - 11/01/98 23:22:46
My Email:musicman_goss

Just dropped in to say hi!

test - 10/31/98 22:03:53
My Email:test
Favorites: test
Comments: test


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