The GPGC Mailing List: Questions of Import

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How can I get in touch with the GPGC office?

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The office can be reached by normal mail at:

Box 91490
McNeese State University
Lake Charles, LA 70609

Or by phone at:

(318)-475-5447 (fax)

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How do I get signed up for the GPGC mailing list?

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Sign up for the GPGC alumni mailing list at Yahoo! Groups. If you decide to unsubscribe, do that through Yahoo! Groups as well.

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How do I avoid mailing a personal response to everyone on the list?

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From: Adam P. Kline

The messages are automatically sent to everyone on the list. I've been on lists where you can choose to reply just to the author that sent the message, but I think that has to be managed by the e-mail program you use (look under subscriptions). With that option, you don't have to bore others with your personal e-mail to another member on the list (which I am frequently guilty of doing). Also, if your e-mail program allows http viewing of your e-mail, then you can simply click on their e-mail address to send an e-mail exclusively to them.

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How can I get the entire archive of messages or the digest version of these e-mails?

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The archive of the GPGC alumni mailing list is available (to group members only) at Yahoo! Groups. Yahoo! Groups will also allow you to select how you would like to receive your emails, singly or in digest form.

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Help! I feel like such a dunce; I've forgotten the lyrics to The Impossible Dream!

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So, we'll help jog your memory and provide a copy of the lyrics to The Impossible Dream.

With luck, Katie Dodson White will convince her scanner to cooperate and provide everyone with a copy of Mr. Crews' arrangement of The Impossible Dream. She has, in fact, gotten enough cooperation to provide a copy of Stopping by Woods.

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Where are those giftie pictures hiding?

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Mike Chambers has provided a quanitity of alumni (and older) pictures at:

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Where is the Alumni Database located?

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The database of known alumni is also located in the GPGC alumni mailing list at Yahoo! Groups.

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Why isn't my best friend in the alumni database?

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From: John Moranski

The alumni list is generally limited to those people who graduated from the Program. That was Dr. M's conception of the list, and not a bad one. Some of the people missing are not there because their addresses were lost over the years--they moved, their parents moved, etc. There may be a couple of grads from the early 80s when I was working on the list, but as a rule, they were generally not included. I'm sure the names of those people are available in the GPGC office if someone has the time and would like to add them to the list.

From: Austin S. Lin

[The Alumni Database] was originally constructed from a list that Josh Brown sent me from the GPGC Office. Since then, people have added themselves and others to the database.

Feel free to add folks to the database if you have their contact information and believe they would not mind having this shared with other former GPGC folks.

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Where can I get application materials for my child?

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The applications package for GPGC is now on-line at the official web-site in three formats: Word, WordPerfect, and Adobe Acrobat. For details see:

and click on the "Download our forms" link.

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How can I make contributions to GPGC?

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From: H. Paul Honsinger


There have been inquiries about where to send donations to the GPGC. The IRS has recently ruled that you can make contributions directly to the Program rather than using the Friends and preserve their tax deductability.

You can send your contributions to:

The Governor's Program for Gifted Children
P.O. Box 91490
McNeese State University
Lake Charles, LA 70609.

Checks can be made out to "GPGC" or "Governor's Program" if you don't want to write the whole name out.

We need any help you can provide.

Paul Honsinger

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This page was last updated on June 22, 2005.