Hello all. My name is Adriane Swalm Durey and I was a member of the GPGC class of '89. I wanted to put together a few things which hadn't seemed to have made it yet to the main program web site, but which might be of use to interested gifties. So, without further ado, here's what I have up so far; hopefully, there will be more to come.
For those who are not gifties (the term used by current and former students of GPGC to refer to themselves), a brief summary: The Governor's Program for Gifted Children is a seven week summer program held on the McNeese State University campus for students in the 12 to 16 age range. It offers classes in both the sciences and the arts, which is great, since most really scientifically oriented children will tend to miss out on this in the "normal" course of education. GPGC also offers children the opportunity to interact with others of their intellectual and age levels on a daily basis (not seeing your roommate on a daily basis is pretty hard.) Then, of course, as an adult, gifties can have the wonderful opportunity to return and work with children who are just like they were when they were growing up (a very fulfilling experience.)
For more information about the Program and how to apply, the official home page can provide a few more details.
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This page was last updated on September 7, 2006.