Hi, My name is Christopher Ryan. I am 17 months old. My Mommy loves to show off her boys, so we each have a web page. I was born August 14, 1997. I am walking all by myself now, I started at my Nana's house on December 8th. (Look out Mommy!) I have almost 10 teeth (getting my molars in ... ouch!) and I am 31 inches tall. Oh and I weigh 22 pounds!! I have lots of things to share with you. So take your time and look around. There are PICTURES of me, some BABY LINKS and my GIFTS AND AWARDS page to keep you busy. I just love Winnie the Pooh, please visit Our Pooh Page!! It is so cool. Don't forget to sign my guestbook, I love to have company :o).Thanks for coming by!! |