chilinpr101: hey
SpongeBoB chik27: hey again
chilinpr101: lol
chilinpr101: what u dong
chilinpr101: u love me
chilinpr101: i love u
SpongeBoB chik27: wht are you talking about?
SpongeBoB chik27: whats your sissyfight sn?
chilinpr101: markanthony
chilinpr101: u
SpongeBoB chik27: i don't remember you
SpongeBoB chik27: margarita27
chilinpr101: i remember u
SpongeBoB chik27: thats weird
SpongeBoB chik27: i must be losing my mind
chilinpr101: lol
chilinpr101: no ur not
SpongeBoB chik27: anyhoo, how old are you
chilinpr101: a/s/l
SpongeBoB chik27: you first
chilinpr101: no u
chilinpr101: plzs
SpongeBoB chik27: i don't think so
chilinpr101: guess
chilinpr101: betwwen
chilinpr101: 14-17
SpongeBoB chik27: 14?
chilinpr101: ur that age
SpongeBoB chik27: no, are you 14?
chilinpr101: no
chilinpr101: u
chilinpr101: 15
chilinpr101: u
SpongeBoB chik27: 16 may 27th
SpongeBoB chik27: hold on, going potty
chilinpr101: im 16 to day because my bday is today april 28
chilinpr101: i was born at 7:00
chilinpr101: u have a pic
chilinpr101: hello
SpongeBoB chik27: do you?
chilinpr101: yes u
SpongeBoB chik27: not really
chilinpr101: ok
chilinpr101 wants to directly connect.
chilinpr101 is now directly connected.
chilinpr101: ok
SpongeBoB chik27: ok
SpongeBoB chik27: i am waiting
chilinpr101: brb
SpongeBoB chik27: k
SpongeBoB chik27: you are hilarious
chilinpr101: that is me
chilinpr101: dont laugh
chilinpr101: what grade u in
SpongeBoB chik27: it is not you fat liar
SpongeBoB chik27: i am not an idiot
SpongeBoB chik27: 10th
chilinpr101: it is i started school when i was 4 in a half
chilinpr101: im in 11
SpongeBoB chik27: really
chilinpr101: yes
SpongeBoB chik27: so do you have any real pictures of yourself
chilinpr101: that is me
chilinpr101: no lie
SpongeBoB chik27: w/e
chilinpr101: god is watching
chilinpr101: y would i lie
SpongeBoB chik27: if it was you then you wouldn't have said i love you to a girl you don't even know or be sitting on the internet here
chilinpr101: i do love u
SpongeBoB chik27: b/c you might be just a fat loser looking for some lovin'
chilinpr101: no im not
SpongeBoB chik27: this is sad
chilinpr101: how
chilinpr101: that is me
chilinpr101: gosh
chilinpr101: i hate when no 1 believes me
SpongeBoB chik27: b/c you can't even admit that you cut that out of a magazine
chilinpr101: i didnt
SpongeBoB chik27: then give me anotherm picture of yourself to prove ti
chilinpr101: my mom took that last month
SpongeBoB chik27: then send me another photo and i'll believe you
chilinpr101: i have to get it from my mom and she is sleeping
SpongeBoB chik27: yah w/e
SpongeBoB chik27: you must be about 11 or 12
chilinpr101: no
chilinpr101: im 16
SpongeBoB chik27: ok, then how come you told me you were 15 in the beginning then changed it to today's your bday after you found out i am 16

chilinpr101: because my birthday
SpongeBoB chik27: and that guy in that picture is at least 17
chilinpr101: no its 16
chilinpr101: thats me
chilinpr101: plzs believe me
SpongeBoB chik27: look, i have no romantic intentions w/ you anyway because believe it or not, just because i own a computer, i am not a total dork. so go on and tell me the truth, yo are a fat 12 yr old boy looking for a girl to tell you about her boobie
chilinpr101: no
chilinpr101: im 16
chilinpr101: im in 11th grade

SpongeBoB chik27: and i suppose that where you live its legal for a 15 yr old boy to get a tatto?
chilinpr101: i love u
chilinpr101: no u have to be 16
chilinpr101: and i got 1
chilinpr101: so
chilinpr101: i have feeling for u
chilinpr101: g2g
chilinpr101: ttyl
chilinpr101: peace&love
chilinpr101 direct connection is closed.
chilinpr101 signed off at 7:16:00 PM.

SpongeBoB chik27: well, its impossible that you got a tattoo a month ago, cause thats when your mom took the pic <or so you say> and since its ur bday, you musta been 15 then so no, it wouldn't be legal
Previous message was not received by chilinpr101 because of error: User chilinpr101 is not available.
An Interesting Convo W/ A Complete Stranger