Our Story
Jo Ann Schneider and Marion Ennis
Best friends for over 30 years!
I have been friends with Marion Ennis Curtis for over 30 years.  As children, we had no idea that as time would pass, that we would continue caring about eachother.  This is a web site dedicated to a very special friendship.  
Over 30 years -- a summary
Related Sites
We met during the summer of 1966 in Squaw Valley, California.  We spent several summers together in Squaw Valley, and became close friends.
Squaw Valley Memories site
Jo Ann and Marion in 1989 at Jo Ann's 10 year wedding renewal
Marion's husband Bruce's web site
Jo Ann remembers Grandma
Marion remembers her mother Margaret Ennis
Marion's in-line skating professional site
Jo Ann and Marion photo memories
We wrote eachother letters throughout our teen years.  
Marion came to southern California to visit me when I was 15 and she was 16, and we went to Disneyland together.
We reunited as college seniors during the Christmas season of 1977.
Marion spent a month in my dorm room in January of 1978, and that began an adult friendship.
A week after I married Dan Farris on April 7, 1979, we flew up to northern California to visit Marion.
Marion moved to Long Beach, where we lived, less than a year after we were married.
Dan and Marion took the Civil Service exam the same day.  Dan began a career with the Veterans Administration, and not much later, Marion began working at the VA in 1980.
Marion rented a room in Long Beach at
Jo Ann's grandmother's house in the 1980s.
Jo Ann and Marion began teaching skating together in 1984.
In 1987, Jo Ann introduced Marion to Meg Lawson.  Meg introduced Marion to Bruce Curtis!
Jo Ann and Dan celebrated 10 years of marriage in 1989.  Marion was Jo Ann's maid of honor in a very special renewal ceremony.
Marion and Bruce were married in September of 1989.  Jo Ann was Marion's matron of honor!
In 1991, Christina Curtis was born, and 2 years later, in 1993, Joel Benjamin Farris entered the world.  The Curtis family visited Colorado Springs to see baby Joel.
Then, Paul Curtis entered the world in September of 1995, and Rebekah Abigail Farris joined the world in April of 1996! Both of us, have a boy and a girl!
The Curtis family again visited Colorado Springs and stayed in the Schneider Family Condo during the summer of 1997.
Jo Ann talked Marion into buying the Pic Frame In-LIne Skate, and we began sharing "how-to" techniques with eachother over
e-mail in 1997.
In 1998, Jo Ann began writing HOW TO JUMP AND SPIN ON IN-LINE SKATES.  Marion and Bruce got involved in the project.  Marion wrote some chapters and Bruce edited the book.
During the Christmas season of 1998, Jo Ann and Marion and their families went to Disneyland together.  Jo Ann and Marion remembered their first visit to Disneyland together during 1971.
In 1999, Marion found a special Barbie skating dress on-line.  Marion knew Jo Ann wanted the dress, and made a bid.  She contacted the owner of the skating dress, and soon, Jo Ann had a duplicate of a red 1960s Barbie skating dress she'd been looking for years!
Web site by
JUMP-SPIN Web Design
Jo Ann and Marion continue to write eachother almost daily through e-mail.  May this friendship continue for many years to come!
Email JO ANN