Skyler loves to watch cartoons, but like most parents, we are worried about the increasing availability of good programming! We decided last year to go by the motto of "if in doubt, throw it out," and have done just that. Most of the Disney movies went, as did Scooby Doo, Annie, and many others. We thought there wouldn't be much left, but were pleasantly surprised to find that there are good things for children to watch out there! Below are 4 links (just click on the graphic representing each show), that are to Skyler's (and ours!) favorite programs. We own them on video as well as watch them on Nick, Jr. (except Veggietales, which is only on video). We don't watch every day, but when we do, it is nice to have great programming like these. I am not very happy with Nickelodeon as a whole, but like most of Nick, Jr. Skyler loves playing Blue's Clues weekly game!
If you haven't discovered Veggietales, run to your nearest Christian bookstore or local Wal-mart and pick up a video! I cannot recommend these enough; they are just wonderful! This little character to the left is Jr Asparagus. Click on him to go to the Veggietales webpage and learn more about the videos. We own them all, (except the sing-alongs), and they are wonderful!
This little guy is Little Bear, click on him to check out his spot on the web at Nick, Jr. He was Skyler's favorite for a very long time, and still holds pretty strong somedays. :o) This month he has been on more of a Veggietales kick, but that changes all the time! I think our favorite character, next to Little Bear of course, is Duck. She is just so sweet!
I think that everyone has heard of Blue's Clues by now! This is a great program for preschoolers. Every week we visit the site and they have a new game to play and fun things to do at home. This show is also on Nick, Jr.
Kipper is a new show to us, and we have really enjoyed it! We just found out that he has a video out that was released in July, so we are on the hunt for it. :o) This is the last show that we watch on Nick Jr. So far, Kipper is not on every day, but shares his timeslot with Maisie. We don't watch Maisie very often, as she encourages poor speech skills. There seems to be an upswing of this kind of cartoon (Teletubbies, etc.) :o(