Skyler Tate's Homeschooling Site

Welcome to Skyler's place on the web! This site is dedicated to the life and times of Skyler Tate, who is 4 years old. :o) We have established this place so that he can keep his relatives, near and far, updated with his progress! This is the first year that we will be homeschooling and we are really excited. We are using the School of Tomorrow curriculam. Skyler has been in public pre-school up to this point, and we are anxious to try and do better. Skyler has been diagnosed with Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia and possible Central Auditory Processing Disorder. CAPD is usually confirmed after age 7, when the tests are more accurate. We are sending for the curriculam now (late July) and hope to begin in October. It takes a while for the curriculam to arrive, and even more time for Mommy to feel prepared. :o) Please feel free to poke around and learn more about Skyler and sign his book! He would love to write you back! When we begin school, I will be placing some of Skyler's work on his site! Until then, enjoy browsing around his favorite sites, and getting to know him! Thanks for your visit!

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